The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 746 Royal Jeweler

Chapter 746  Royal Jeweler

Karl turned over the bracelet, and the demon broke down into full-fledged tears.

“How did you know it was my birthday tomorrow?” She sobbed.

“Divine Inspiration.” Karl lied smoothly.

Now that she was crying over it, he was not about to admit that he had intended to make it look like a childhood gift for the daughter of a Noble Family.

Karl picked up a dozen rings from the table, all the green and violet Royal Rank Mana Jade, and quickly inscribed [Giant Strength] Runes on them. Nothing else, just Royal Rank Giant strength.

“Do you think that this will be enough for the shop? I heard that magical jewels were difficult to come by, and I didn’t want to go overboard with the first sale.” He asked gently, while Loros washed her face in the sink.

“Yes, that should be enough. With the shop cut, and a small cut for me, that should be eighty-five gold pieces per ring for you, at wholesale price. Don’t accept less than a hundred before deductions, they will sell them for at least a hundred and fifty.” She insisted, becoming determined when it came to money.

“How far is it to the shop?” Karl asked.

“It’s actually just around the corner. On the street that faces the Palace, so the Lord can keep an eye on his wife when she goes out to inspect her shop. He’s quite protective, and even more now that she’s just given birth.” Loros explained.

Karl looked down at the casual grey polo shirt with the spider on the pocket, and the black pants he had chosen for the day. That should do. But Loros was a mess of stone dust and tear streaks.

“Do you have something fancy? Or do they already know you?” He asked.

The Demoness laughed. “Of course they know me, I live next door. They walk by and make fun of me every morning. You see, if my skill was higher, I could make magical items with my crafting as well. But until then, I’m just another poor street vendor.”

“Alright, follow my lead when we get there. I’m told that my aura is somewhat terrifying, and it helps in negotiations.”

Loros stuck out her tongue at him. “You know that almost all Demons can see auras, right? It’s not exactly a secret what your aura looks like.”

Well, that was embarrassing. But she had brought him into her home, knowing that his aura was deep red and black? Perhaps the slender sculptor was braver than she looked.

Or more obsessed with getting recognition for her work.

She led the way, and Karl noticed the disgusted looks when she entered the shop, but Loros quickly bowed her head and apologized. “Jeweller Magos, forgive the intrusion, but I have brought you a business opportunity.” She whispered.

The short, four-armed demon known as Magos was an Overlord, and unnaturally bronze, which he complimented with an all black suit.

Magos turned to Karl. “I suppose that you’re the business opportunity?” Karl nodded, and placed one of the rings on the counter between them without saying a word.

The demon did a double take, then slowly smiled and reached out a lower arm to pat Loros’ head.

“Good work, little street vendor. Now, Sir, how much were you hoping to get for this ring?”

Karl smiled and one by one he placed nine more on the counter, keeping the last two in reserve.

“Given the time and effort involved, I would ask for a hundred fifty gold coins for each.” Karl insisted.

The demon stared at the rings for a moment, then cast a spell to identify them. That told him instantly that they were all identical, with only a few percentage points of difference to the strength buff. “You made these?” He asked.

“Loros made these. I upgraded them.” Karl agreed.

That brought a look of enlightenment to Magos’ face. Now he understood why she was brave enough to come into the shop while he was on duty.

“That is too much. I can offer you a thousand for all ten.”

That was the minimum that Loros had suggested he accept, and he hadn’t even negotiated yet.

Karl put the last two on the counter. “Thirteen hundred for all twelve.”

Magos quickly swept the rings into a velvet lined box, using deft hand movements to drop them on the finger shaped protrusions.

“You have a deal, Sir. Please wait here while the accountant prepares your funds.”

Karl waited for someone to come out, and then a System Notice appeared.

{Trade Offer. Royal Jewellers offers you Thirteen Hundred Gold Coins.}

Karl accepted, then quickly transferred a hundred and eighty to Loros.

Her face lit up with joy, and the Jeweller bowed politely to Karl. “It seems your skills are exceptional. Should your collaboration with this young lady lead to any other successful creations, please think of us first in the future.”

Karl nodded. “Of course, Jeweller Magos. I intend to have a few Monarch Rank items with more diverse abilities for you soon. I do hope that your shop will be able to assist me.”

Magos looked down at the ring on Loros’ finger, and his eyes lit up in excitement. “Thank you, Lord Runesmith.”

They left the shop, and Loros returned to her stall. She unlocked the boards on the side and flipped the sign to open. “Such dedication.” Karl joked, knowing that this was the most money she had likely ever had at one time. “Oh, right. You intended to buy the entire stock, didn’t you?” She realized.

Karl nodded, then stopped her from packing up. “How about this, I will take the Monarch Ranked items you have today, and all ten of those green cloak brooches. Those are large enough for a proper upgrade. That’s payment enough for today, and then you can make me an equivalent number of items later. These all have similar engravings on them, but Magos would be much happier if they were all distinctly different with one identifying mark on them, so he could trace them back to his shop later.”

That worked out well for Loros.

“You’re not worried about me running away with the money?” She asked.

“I could tell Magos that you ran off with the raw stock for the next batch, and it wouldn’t take long for someone to find you.” Karl shrugged.

The pale Demoness shuddered. “Please don’t. That man is a savage. There are rumours that he beat his cook to death for burning his dinner.”

Karl smiled. “See, we have an understanding. But I’m at the Laughing Dragon with my friends. You can bring the items over when you finish. So, even if you want to move apartments now that you have a load of gold coins, it’s not a problem.”

“And give up my spot? I’ll wait for a bit before I move.” She giggled.

So, the rights to the spots out front were part of the rental deal. That made sense, as the shop behind her was a furniture store, and not a competitor. Most likely, the furniture shop owner had the rest of the apartment on the second floor as well, and Loros simply rented the small suite in the corner with the outside entrance. It was a functional solution for a crowded city with so many street vendors who wouldn’t want to live too far from their spot.

After all, they could take the items home, but the stall had to stay to save their sales location. It was peace of mind to be able to see it from your home, so you knew it wasn’t being vandalized.

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