The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 745 Fashionable

Chapter 745  Fashionable

After seeing the excitement of Rae and the dressmaker, Karl stopped at the door. “Why don’t I go take care of the work part of the day, and you ladies can try on dresses in peace?” He suggested.

“Oh, good idea. We can make it a surprise for you later.” Rae agreed.

Tessa waved him off and pulled Ophelia further into the store, which had everything from travelling cloaks to evening gowns on display in multiple colours. All of which were exquisitely made.

As he walked away, he heard the dressmaker gasp as Rae slapped a few gems on the counter and insisted that she close the shop until they were done. She didn’t want her work interrupted.

Karl headed straight for the stall that had the Mana Jade accessories, and found that today the stock was even better. The green and purple jade accessories had been joined by a bunch of white jade rings with red streaks.

If Karl’s guess was right, those should accept Monarch Rank Runes. The purple ones had flooded with power when they reached Royal Rank, and these ones perfectly matched Monarch Rank Runes.

“Sir, welcome back. Did your lady friend like the gift?” The demon girl at the stand asked.

“Indeed she did. But I am back here for business reasons this time. You see, I am a Runesmith.”

Karl was about to continue, but the demon gasped and surged to her feet.

“Sir, please follow me into the house.” She insisted, already starting to fold the sides of her stall down.

Karl shrugged and let her finish the work, then activate a charm to lock the stand, with an “On Lunch, back soon” sign.

Karl followed her up the stairs to a tiny apartment over the shop behind her stall.

Only once they were inside, and she had cast a silence spell over the room, did she speak again.

“Is it true, you’re a Runesmith, a real one?” She demanded.

Karl nodded. “I would show you the results of the other accessories, but the ladies are shopping for dresses.”

The Shopkeeper took out one of the white and red rings from a box on the table, and Karl saw that she was making them herself, with chips of stone and dust everywhere in the one – room space.

Karl extended a claw from his bestial form and looked her over. The shopkeeper was a Warrior Class, so he made a warrior type Rune. Feline Agility and Titanic Strength. Then he slowly upgraded the Runes until they turned red to match the veins in the ring. The same feeling of saturation, where the runes tried to merge with the stone, happened when it hit Monarch Rank. Karl stopped then, and handed the ring over to the artist.

“See, if you put it on, it will bond, and you can use your system interface to examine the stats.” He explained.

She looked panicked at those words.

“Let it bond to me? Are you insane? This thing is worth more than my home!”

Karl was about to point out that her home was likely the spare bedroom of the other unit on this floor at one point before it was given a stairwell to the balcony.

Instead, she cast a spell on the ring, and information appeared over it in Karl’s System Interface.

{Nimble Ring of Titanic Strength} Monarch Rank. Increases Strength by 43% of base, Increases Agility by 14% of base.

“See, fancy. But not too fancy, as it’s a ring. I would like to purchase most of your stock, the parts that are made of both of the white and the green Mana Jade varieties.” Karl reminded her.

The jeweller was silent, crying happy tears as she stared at the ring.

“You really can do it. I will sell you my whole stock. But I want another two. No, another three of these items made for me to sell.” She insisted.

It was literally only four linked characters to do the upgrade, under a minute of work for each ring.

“You have a deal. Pick the items, and the enchantments. I will make you what I can.”

She quickly picked up three more rings, then put one down and took out a green and violet bracelet.

“Please make these two rings identical to the first one, then for the bracelet, can you do more? It’s bigger, so there is more room.” She suggested.

Karl looked at her nameplate with the System. {Name} Loros

{Obsession} sculpting

{Class} Warrior

That was new. He had never seen a line for obsessions or personality traits appear before. Perhaps it was a demon thing? Or maybe she was really obsessed with sculpting jewellery.

“Is the bracelet for you?” He asked, and her ivory white skin flushed a little, not just on her face, but her whole upper body.

Loros nodded happily. “Yes. With the ring and bracelet together, I will be able to get respect from the customers. You see, looking poor makes your work look poor. But with this… I can not only sell a lot of my carvings, but I can refer them to you for the extra work.”

Karl smiled. “I don’t know how long I will be in town. But perhaps we can work out a deal. Being a shopkeeper isn’t in my nature, but if you can refer me to a shop that will sell them on consignment or buy them for resale, I will give you a cut of each sale.”

Her eyes flashed bright red, and she nodded rapidly. “I know just the spot. The Lord’s wife owns a jewellery shop, backed by his money. If you sell to them, nobody will question the authenticity. Plus, they can afford to buy more than one at a time.”

Karl quickly inscribed the runes on the other two rings for Loros, and then smiled as he realized that he could have a little fun with the bracelet, which was designed to have room for a custom name on the outside.

{For the Young Lady Loros / Happy Birthday} Karl wrote on the outside, then added the runes for increased Skill Power and Sharpness to the inside. That would make it effortless for her to carve even the most difficult of materials, increasing her work speed, and thereby her profits in the future.

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