The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 694 Movie Night Interrupted

Chapter 694  Movie Night Interrupted

As Karl had suspected, their night of relaxation was doomed from the very start. They had just finished the first movie when a knock at the door pulled Tessa away from her reading to let in their guest.

“General, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?” Tessa asked as she looked up at the unfamiliar man.

“High Priestess. I have come looking for Monarch Karl. There is an urgent matter that we require his assistance with.” The General replied.

Karl sighed, realizing that his night was definitely not going to involve enough cuddling on the couch. But he stood up anyhow and headed for the door.

“General. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Is this a confidential matter, or can you speak in front of the other Elites and High Priestesses here?” Karl asked.

The General shrugged. “It’s not secret enough to keep it from the other Elites, as long as you don’t mind them knowing your personal business.”

Karl laughed and gestured to the table. “Come have a seat. The people here will all know in the next few minutes anyhow.”

The General took a seat across from Karl, then cast a strange look towards the bath, where Karl could hear Lotus laughing at one of Ophelia’s jokes and splashing in the tub.

“I will get right to it, as I can tell that everyone has better things to do. The Royal Family has requested your presence at Wenmouth Castle. They have received the news from the Blue Dragon Clerics about the new advancements in Runecrafting that you have made, and as such you have been officially reassigned to Wenmouth University.”

The Royal Family had technical leadership of all things secular in the Golden Dragon Nation, but their actual power was extremely limited these days. The President was chosen from among the Royal Princes, but that was about as far as their actual power went.

Karl strongly suspected that they hadn’t had control of the military in generations, and most of the nation turned to the church to get things done before the Elites existed.

“Do you know how long they expect me to be there? As I recall, it’s only a little over a hundred kilometres down the shore to Wenmouth.” Karl asked.

“Indefinite deployment. I believe that they want you to work with the weapons teams after you speak with the King. Your ability to use Runecrafting has been deemed essential to the Overlord Rank Special Forces teams.” The General explained.

“Oh, if that’s the case, they could have just brought me stuff.”

The General shook his head. “The University is trying to develop better equipment for them. They have also called in foreign experts with skill books that we are hoping you can use. I didn’t get all the details, but apparently it relates to one of your skills, even if the skill isn’t relevant to you personally.”

Karl nodded. “I think I see where this is going. Well, that’s a bit of a commute, but it’s manageable if I travel with Hawk.”

The General stared at Karl for a few seconds, hoping for an explanation. Then he realized that Karl was planning to come home to the Capital at the end of the workdays, and his pet was faster than a bus or car.

“There are accommodations arranged for you at the Royal Palace. If that is unsatisfactory, we can arrange some at the University, but security policy requests that you remain in the city.” The General replied carefully.

He was not an Elite, but a political officer, and a man in his position had long since learned to be cautious in situations where a casual outburst could lead to his death.

Karl smiled at the nervous General. “If that’s how it is, that’s how it is. I’m not trying to make things hard for you, I simply didn’t know about the security rules. A room at the palace should be fine. But there is one minor issue. You see, the group here has sworn a holy oath not to leave each other behind, and to please the Red Dragon God at a minimum once every three months.

So, going alone to the Palace could pose some issues. If we can all go, or if an apartment can be procured in the city for us, that would solve many issues.”

Tessa smirked as the General tried to think of a way to make this work. With his current speed and strength, Karl could run back in under three hours. Or, if he rode Hawk, he could likely make it in thirty minutes. Unless he was going to be doing something to please the Red Dragon, that should be more than close enough to keep his oath. It wasn’t as if they got punished if someone stopped for a shower before leaving for a mission.

But being out of the Capital for a while sounded interesting. None of them had never seen the Royal Palace before, other than in pictures. The only issue was that at some point a situation would inevitably arise where Cara and Lotus were left unattended in a palace full of ancient treasures and rare plants.

Karl was wealthy, but probably not wealthy enough to buy his way out of that disaster.

“I think that we can make it work. I will bring you all to the Palace, and we can explain the situation, then arrange a longer-term room in the city or the University compound. Unfortunately, there is no major Cathedral in Wenmouth, as it is the secular seat of the nation. But the Palace will gladly host the High Priestesses in suitable accommodations.”

He was clearly mentally calculating the number of apartments that they would need, so Karl decided to cut him off before he got too far.

“We are accustomed to travelling together, so there is no need to arrange different units for everyone. One large suite with multiple bedrooms is fine.” Tessa and Dana nodded in agreement, and the General sighed in relief. “That makes it a bit easier. I can arrange one of the foreign dignitary suites for you. They’re set up for ten guests, and that should be enough for your group to be comfortable.”

That was when Karl noticed that Thor and Rae were both in human form, and with the two voices that could be heard from the bath, the General was assuming they needed rooms for at least seven.

The fact that he hadn’t asked about the obviously not human group members was startling, but perhaps it was just part of his job to not ask the awkward questions.

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