The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 693 Altruism

Chapter 693  Altruism

Now that the details were finished, Tessa handed over the short list of potential staff and their job was done.

The train would be here soon to pick the students up, and then there would be an escorted parade of sorts as it left the city. This was the first stop, and the others would be picked up later in the day, when the cars were transferred between locomotives for the final leg to the Academy.

“What is the plan for the rest of the day?” Tessa asked, as she carefully tucked the folder with the land deed documents into her coat. That little rental property would provide a nice, steady monthly income for her parents, no matter where she happened to be in the future as an Elite. Three commercial units with shopkeeper suites brought in far more than was necessary to be called a comfortable living in her neighbourhood.

Karl smiled. “Well, I should send a little something to my parents. I haven’t heard from them in a while, and I missed them when we went on the mission to the area. I know my dad got promoted, and they’re making good money now, but I’m sure I can do better than that for them.”

Dana smiled. “Planning to bring them to the Capital?”

Ophelia nodded, while Karl shook his head. “Do you think I could convince my dad to leave now that he’s one of the big bosses, setting company policy for his old friends down in the mines?

No, he would rather stay there. But that doesn’t mean I can’t have them living a life of luxury while he works.”

That would only take a few minutes at the station in the Cathedral, or any bank branch. His father made nearly fifty thousand credits a year after his raise, when he made nine thousand a year before it. So, even if Karl sent him a few hundred thousand, he would have more money than he knew what to do with.

Karl knew his father well. He wouldn’t go for all the fancy stuff for himself. Instead, he would buy things that mother liked, and then sneak some generous donations to families in need at the mines.

Not enough to cause a fuss, but enough to solve the problem.

That was just the sort of person he was.

Then Karl gave Dana a curious look. “What about yours? Planning to send them anything? Money, an evening visit from Rae? A puppy?”

Dana snorted in amusement. “Depending on the day, all three of those feel like valid options. My father is allergic to dogs. But I set up a trust for my mother, so she has monthly money sent to her. Beyond that, I am not in any particular hurry to change things.”

“Then I suppose we can retire for the day. We’ve all been busy for a while, either training younglings or keeping the Blue Clerics happy. A day or two of relaxation sounds like a good plan to me.”

The whole group left together for the apartment, just as Karl got a message from Sybil.

{Did you know that they will give you as many cookies as you ask for on the train? This place is wonderful.}

Karl looked at the others to see if they got the message, but only Thor and Rae were laughing. So, the message was likely meant for Rae, but passed through him on the way.

Rae answered first. {As long as you don’t eat so many that you get fat and slow. Don’t forget, I will be doing unannounced readiness tests until you graduate.}

{Got it, Big Sister. I will keep myself ready. As soon as I adjust to these new ears. I swear they’re broken. Even with earplugs in, it’s still loud.}

In her space, Cara was laughing. Sybil’s new ears sounded as if they weren’t desensitizing as fast as the Rogue would have liked, and Cara hadn’t even considered that Lotus’ magic might duplicate her own so well that they wouldn’t grow back in a proper human pattern. An ear was basically an ear, after all. It was the shape of the outer ear that made the most difference if you didn’t have magic aiding your senses.

But that was a concern for later, and Cara had noticed that they were suddenly very popular.

The group had left the job fair, but people were waving at them, or even taking pictures as they walked through the city.

Now, some of that was understandable, as Rae’s Princesses looked perfect in their outfits, and Dana had finally given up on her warm coat and embraced the sheer silk outer layers of her dress.

But now people recognized them from the ceremony, so the ones without magical affinity didn’t have to guess at the power level or importance of the team. The locals had all seen the announcements, either in the auditorium or on the screen outside.

It would calm down in a day or two, but for today, they felt important.

Thor was loving it.

When they reached the doors of the apartment building, Niall was waiting to go training with Rae, who vanished along with the Rogue as soon as she was out of sight of the public. Much to the annoyance of the doorman.

That vanishing act creeped him out every time that they did it.

Lotus smirked as they got out of the elevator. “I will get the bubbles going. Who has the wine and the snacks?”

Ophelia wrapped an arm around her. “I have something better. While I was out, I got cream liqueur to mix with coffee.”

“Not after six in the evening.” Tessa insisted.

“Hear that? We need to drink it early. Then we can switch to wine.”

The Red Dragon cleric sighed while Lotus ran inside to start the bubble bath, so Ophelia gave her a comforting hug. “Relax, between the alcohol and the warm water, the coffee won’t even have time to hit before she’s ready for a nap. Plus, I bought decaf.”

Karl stepped behind Dana and wrapped his hands around her waist to whisper in her ear. “And what does this Princess want to do for the evening?”

Dana leaned back against his chest. “I say we put on a movie and cuddle on the couch.”

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