Stealing Spree

Chapter 2390: The Workshop Starts

Chapter 2390: The Workshop Starts

The workshop venue ended up being the conference room where the Student Council used to gather for committee meetings. It’s large enough that it takes the space of the four classrooms, making it a fitting venue to gather the representatives of each class from 1st to 3rd years.

As we walked into the conference room, the venue was already abuzz with activity.

Quite a lively atmosphere engulfed the room as representatives from various classes filtered in, staking claims on tables and chatting in hushed tones about their plans.

Looking around, there wasn’t anyone who hated being chosen as a representative as they all actively participated and even developed subtle rivalries with the other classes that accompanied any school event with a prize at stake.

Misaki reluctantly let go of my arm as we entered. Her playful pout was a silent complaint as Maaya brought her with their group. Watanabe, Komoe, Rae and Sachi also separated from us as they all took their designated places with their classmates.

As we also moved to our place, Nami immediately reclaimed her place beside me, her subtle smirk daring anyone to challenge her claim.

Well, no one’s really going to fight for that considering Shimura wouldn’t contest for that and Ogawa would not sit next to me.

In the end, the position of our group of five turned out like this. Nami, me, Chii, Shimura and Ogawa.

Yeah. Instead of putting me in the middle, Nami pulled us to the left side of the table which resulted in this sitting arrangement.

No one’s complaining though, especially when Chii and Nami were already taking their opportunity to be intimate with me even at this venue.

Anyway, looking at the side of seniors, there are only a few among my girls who became one of the representatives of their class.

Arisa and Izumi were together again to represent their class. I waved at them which earned me a different reaction from the two.

As always, the playful senior, Arisa, grinned in delight upon seeing me. On the other hand, Izumi grumpily pouted, acting like she was uninterested in me. Nevertheless, she couldn’t help but stare at me longer than necessary, provoking a reaction from Nami who tightened her embrace on my arm.

There’s also Marika among the third years. I don’t know if I’ll be pleased about that but considering the winds of change already happening within their class, I’ll let it pass as long as she’s having fun with it. Hopefully, the other representatives weren’t Ichihara Jun’s goons. When Marika saw me, she gave me a thumbs up as though she instantly understood what was running in my head. She even pointed to the second year side where Tanaka-senpai was also among the representatives of her class.

The girl smiled and nodded at me before gesturing that I didn’t have to worry. She probably had a hand in helping Marika pick out those who would become representatives with her. I don’t know about her influence but… if that’s the case, she deserves to be praised.

That makes me wonder. What are that vengeful dude’s thoughts about Ichihara Jun’s ‘punishment’?

Uh… Forget it. I’m not interested in his puny plan to take revenge. In the end, aren’t I the only one who produced a tangible result? While that vengeful dude remained hidden from wherever he was hiding. If I see him in the future, I’ll throw a punch at him just for the fact that he tried to use Marika for his unrealized revenge.

As soon as the last of the representatives filed into the room, the chosen workshop facilitator, a middle-aged female teacher with an infectious enthusiasm, clapped her hands to gather everyone’s attention. She’s teaching a senior class so I had no idea what her name is.

The workshop facilitator’s voice cut through the low hum of chatter, her tone bright and engaging as she began, “Welcome, everyone! It’s so exciting to see this much energy in one room. I’m Tachibana-sensei, and I’ll be guiding this workshop today.”

Tachibana-sensei’s charisma was evident from the way she held the room’s attention. With her neat attire and kind smile, she exuded an approachable air. She’s a veteran of engaging students.

“As you all know, this workshop is about planning and brainstorming ideas for the cultural festival. To ensure that every class and club will be making their booths viable and not disastrous like last year. While it isn’t a competition, there will be a small prize for one class in each year level whose ideas are deemed the most creative and practical by the panel of teachers. Remember, creativity is the key but be mindful of different circumstances. Don’t bite more than you can chew and remember, safety is our priority!” Tachibana-sensei announced.

Her eyes swept across the room, landing on a few individuals, including me. For a moment, I thought she lingered, but her gaze quickly moved on. At this point, I had already gotten the title of most well-known student, second only to Shizu despite being a first year.

“Now, let’s get started. Each table will brainstorm ideas for their class. You’ll have forty-five minutes for the first round where you only need the idea and a rough outline. Afterward, you’ll be given a chance to present your concepts and we’ll discuss them together as a group. Questions before we begin?”

A few hands went up from the room, mostly from second- and third-year students. Their questions ranged from logistical concerns about materials to how the evaluation process would work. Tachibana-sensei answered each question with practiced ease, her enthusiasm never faltering.

Everyone was really the cream of the crop. No one put up nonsense in their questions like how the loudmouth Yamada tended to do in our class.

Meanwhile, at our table, Nami had already pulled out a notepad and pen where she listed the ideas we’d gathered during our discussion earlier along with the rest of the class.

Chii, the fake gyaru, leaned forward, twirling her pen between her fingers as she glanced between us. Her playful smirk suggested she already had something up her sleeve. Shimura timidly looked over at us, perhaps she only suited herself to just be someone who would supplement their ideas rather than become the source of it. As for Ogawa, the guy looked like he was too afraid to speak up. He’s still conscious about Nami or us, in particular.

Well, he’s a teammate this time so I signaled for him to speak his mind. Nami and Chii also didn’t have any problem with that as long as it’s about the current activity and without bringing up past grievances then it’s fine.

Once the Q&A session ended, Tachibana-sensei clapped her hands again. “Alright, everyone! You have forty-five minutes. Get those creative juices flowing!”

The room erupted into the sound of voices as each group dove into their brainstorming


Nami was the first to speak at our table, “Alright, let’s keep this simple and impactful. No need for overly elaborate plans that’ll stretch us thin. Any ideas or do I start by picking one

from here?”

Chii leaned her chin on her hand before chuckling. “I’ll start. A haunted house. However, instead of turning our classroom into a labyrinth where we’ll station our ‘ghosts’, let’s have them solve a mystery inside instead.”

“Haunted house is a typical choice but if you put that twist in… it’s viable. What kind of mystery then?” I answered in place of Nami as Chii was squeezing my hand as though signaling for me to back her up.

“Make it like an escape room. We’ll leave riddles and clues inside. Then at the exit, we’ll ask them a question. If they fail to answer or they answer wrong, they’ll have to pay us double the fee. Hehe,” Chii suggested with a mischievous sparkle in her eye.

If we were in an anime, her pupils would’ve turned into money signs as the sound of a cash register chimed in the background.

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