Stealing Spree

Chapter 2389: Sickly Manipulator

Chapter 2389: Sickly Manipulator

Returning to the infirmary, I found Minami Shouko had fallen into a deep sleep. Her breathing was rough and uneven.

It looked like her fever was still taking its toll on her. I took out a wet towel and gently placed it over her forehead, hoping to ease her discomfort.

However, the sensation of the wet towel on her skin stirred Minami Shouko awake. Her eyes fluttered open to reveal a confused gaze as she found me hovering over her.

“Y-you. Why are you here?” She spoke despite the difficulty it caused her, her voice raspy and weak.

“Why, huh? I’ve found a sick senior in the infirmary. I thought I should look after her before the lunch break ends. Alas, she woke up and found me wiping her forehead.”

I intentionally used a playful tone with Minami Shouko, hoping it would help ease her discomfort.

“In any case, don’t mind me, senpai. You’re not supposed to be up yet, you know? Rest, or I’ll have to scold you like I do with the others.”

Minami Shouko blinked a few times then nodded weakly before closing her eyes again. But a few seconds later, perhaps realizing that I had just ordered her, she opened them again and protested, “You cheeky guy. Y-you’re not supposed to tell me what to do… I’m your senior.” I couldn’t help but smile at her stubbornness. “Haven’t we established our relationship already, senpai? Even though you’re my senior, I’m the guy who’s providing you with a genuine connection. Let me do this, okay?”

Minami Shouko pouted but she didn’t protest further. Instead, she let out a small sigh and closed her eyes again, pulling the blanket up to her face.

I sat down on the chair beside her, holding the towel to keep it cold, occasionally dabbing her forehead.

“If your girls find you here, they won’t like it, will they?” Minami Shouko mumbled from beneath the blanket, opening her eyes slightly to meet my gaze.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got it covered,” I assured her with a wink, keeping my voice low. “It’s not like I’m eloping with you. I’m just taking care of a sickly senior.”

Minami Shouko’s eyes twinkled for a brief moment before they grew serious again. “What do you mean, ‘sickly’?” she murmured, her voice filled with a hint of vulnerability.

“Exactly what I mean, look at you,” I said with a gentle smile, placing the cold towel back on her forehead. “But you know, it’s quite a discovery finding you here. Where’s the usual manipulator that pushed me to do all her bidding before revealing herself?”

Minami Shouko’s cheeks reddened even more, the heat of her fever seemingly competing with her embarrassment. “S-shut up. You’re not supposed to know about this.”

“Yet, I already know. I heard from Hayashi-sensei. You’re a regular here. Is everything alright at home, senpai?” I asked, masking my genuine concern with a playful nudge as I placed the towel aside to hold her hand instead.

The girl immediately turned her head to the other side, avoiding my gaze. Her hand, however, remained in mine, her fingers interlocking with mine slightly. Whether that was her conscious action or not, it showed that her body knew where to get its comfort.

“It’s nothing you need to worry about, Onoda-kun,” She replied in a voice barely above a whisper.

I guess she didn’t want to talk about her more personal circumstances yet. That’s fine… there’s no need to force her.

“I understand. But senpai, if this happens again, find me. I’ll take care of you.”

“Oh, shut up, Onoda-kun. Y-you… You’re not my boyfriend.” Minami Shouko’s protest was weak, her voice muffled by the blanket.

I chuckled lightly, “No, but I am the one who’s here with you now, caring for you. Of course, you don’t have to thank me. I’m here on my own accord. But if my presence is making you uncomfortable then… I’ll leave”

Her grip on my hand tightened ever so slightly and then, as if pleading to not be left alone, she turned her face back to me before saying, “D-don’t go.”

“Mhm. I heard you loud and clear, senpai.” I squeezed her hand gently, giving her a comforting smile. “I’ll be here until the bell rings. You can go back to sleep.”

Minami Shouko’s eyes searched mine for a moment before she nodded, closing them once again. Her hand remained in mine. It was cold as the heat inside her body had yet to fully disperse. I placed my other hand on top, enclosing her hand fully to warm it up.

A few minutes later, Minami Shouko murmured silently, “This is the first time someone has sat beside me while I’m sick.”

Her words were barely audible, but they resonated with me deeply. Whatever trouble she was facing at home, it was to the point that she was alone even when faced with a sickness.

Is her body naturally sickly or is it the result of something else? Only Minami Shouko knew the


I remained sitting beside her, listening to the steady rhythm of her breathing. Clearly, she had a lot on her mind, but she wasn’t ready to unload it all. That was alright with me. Sometimes, people just needed a silent presence to feel less alone.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch and the start of the next class, Minami Shouko’s eyes fluttered open again. “You should go back… I’ll be fine,”

Her voice was still weak but with a hint of resilience.

“Alright. You don’t have to go to the Student Council today, senpai. I’ll tell Shizu. Rest up,” I said, giving her hand one last gentle squeeze before standing up.

As I turned around to leave, Minami Shouko called out to me one last time, “Thank you, Onoda-kun.”

Her voice was frail, but the sincerity in it was unmistakable.

“Don’t mention it, senpai. Just remember, you can always find me. I promised to take care of you when I asked you to stop all your pranks,” I responded before slipping out of the infirmary and returning to the School Building.

The fifth period passed by in a blur and soon the festive atmosphere for the incoming workshop settled in.

We, the five representatives of our class, soon stood up to get to the venue. On the way there, we ran into the representatives of the other class.

As usual, I saw the familiar faces of Watanabe, Komoe, Maaya, Misaki, Rae and Sachi. They’re also chosen as representatives of their respective classes.

But since there’s a prize at stake in this workshop, their fellow representatives forbid them from approaching me, treating this walk to the venue as the start of the competition.

How laughable.

As if they could stop Misaki from droning on me. Boldly squeezing herself between Nami and me, the innocent forehead girl gave them a cheeky grin as she hugged my arm, “Hehe. I’m sorry, Sister Nanami. I won’t be next to Ruki later. Let me have this moment.”

The other girls rolled their eyes in unison, but they didn’t argue. They knew it was pointless. Instead, they passed the blame on me for not preventing my girl from doing what she wanted. Nami, in particular, wordlessly mouthed, “Ruu, you’re with me for the entirety of this


I scratched my cheek as I shamelessly smiled, nodding at her before pulling Misaki closer to me which prompted Chii who was hugging my other arm to do the same.

And because of this sight, the competitive atmosphere turned into something else as many eyes fell on me, hostile and not.

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