Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 493 Yggdrasil (Part 1)

With steady steps and hearts full of anticipation, Kaizen and his party stepped through the portal, ready to face the unknown. However, instead of being transported directly to Niflheim as they had expected, they found themselves in a completely different environment.

The landscape around them was lush and full of life, with a variety of majestic trees and an aura of tranquility surrounding them, but even the ground was wooden and of a strange color. The atmosphere of this dimension seemed to vibrate with a mystical energy. The air was perfumed with the sweet scent of flowers, and the gentle breeze made the leaves of the trees whisper unknown melodies. Golden light filtered through the canopy, creating a magical play of shadows and reflections all around them, and when they looked up, they saw branches so gigantic that they looked more like avenues than the branches they were used to.

As they marveled at the beauty of the place, a sudden presence broke the silence. A subtle rustle of breaking branches to their left and a rustling of leaves caught their attention. The group members turned in unison and were surprised to see a large squirrel emerge from one of the trees.

Kaizen was not a fan of mythology or anything like that, but ever since he started playing Rise Online, he had noticed the connection to Norse mythology, so he immediately knew who this squirrel was.

Ratatosk?” he wondered, opening his mouth with a smile of disbelief.

Ratatosk was the legendary squirrel who lived and tended Yggdrasil, the sacred tree that connected the nine realms of Norse mythology.

His eyes shone before all Descragons and Kaizen with a keen intelligence and an aura of power. The squirrel had bright golden fur and a long, bushy tail that seemed to move like a stream of energy.

The group was momentarily stunned by Ratatosk’s appearance, as he hopped from branch to branch with surprising agility. He looked intently at each member of the group, his eyes conveying ancient wisdom.

The Descragons almost drew their weapons, but Kaizen signaled with his right hand that it was all right.

“Welcome to Yggdrasil, the heart of the realms,” Ratatosk suddenly said in a whispering, melodious voice. “You have shown determination in crossing the Gates between the worlds. That hasn’t happened in thousands of years, at least not by mortals.”

Kaizen spoke up, feeling a deep reverence for the presence of the legendary squirrel. “Ratatosk, we are a group of adventurers in search of new adventures and answers. We are ready to face any challenge that comes our way.”

The squirrel smiled with satisfaction, his eyes shining with an enigmatic light. “Yggdrasil is a place of trials and tests. Those who are worthy will be rewarded with wisdom and power. Those who fail will be consumed and cast into oblivion.”

The group remained silent, captured by the meaning of Ratatosk’s words, but not quite sure what they meant.

“You may already know this, but mortal beings such as yourselves must attain a certain level of power in order to cross other worlds.” Ratatosk gestured with his small hands. “And if you are not ready, the only way to do that is this way, through the gates that lead you here, to Yggdrasil, so that you can climb up or down its branches and visit other worlds.”

So, as I suspected, becoming an Evolved is not the only way to travel between worlds!” Kaizen concluded excitedly.

Looking around at the majestic tree that stood before them, Kaizen felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that Yggdrasil was a unique opportunity to reach a new level of power and wisdom.

“Ratatosk, we are honored to be here and to accept the challenge set before us, if that is what it takes to travel to Niflheim,” Kaizen said, his voice filled with determination. “We are ready to prove our worth and move forward.”

The legendary squirrel nodded, his wise gaze fixed on each member of the group. “If you are truly ready to face the trials of Yggdrasil, follow me.” With a gesture of his mighty tail, Ratatosk pointed the way ahead.

Without hesitation, Kaizen and the party followed Ratatosk through the tangle of giant trees. With every step they took, they could feel the mystical atmosphere of Yggdrasil around them, and a pulsing energy coursed through their veins, fortifying them for what lay ahead. As they walked, a feeling of serenity and harmony enveloped them, as if they were connected to something greater than themselves. The trees whispered indecipherable words, and rays of golden light illuminated the path that followed Ratatosk.

After walking for a while, they came to a wide and shining clearing, where the trunk of an imposing tree, larger than all the others, stood majestically. Its branches reached to the sky, and its crown seemed to touch the stars.

Ratatosk stopped and turned to the group. “This is the trunk of Yggdrasil. If you touch it, your minds will succumb to the power and you will die, so please stay away if you want to live.”

The group exchanged glances and then looked up to see the massive branches intertwined above them. Everything about this place seemed terrifying, deadly, and beautiful all at once. With Ratatosk’s warning ringing in their ears, the group felt a chill run down their spines. The grandeur of Yggdrasil and the warning of the legendary squirrel made it clear that the journey ahead would not be easy.

Kaizen looked at his companions with determination in his eyes, and it filled them with courage. He knew that each of them was willing to risk everything to become stronger.

With cautious steps the group began to walk around the trunk of Yggdrasil, looking for a safe way to climb the place and follow Ratatosk as he began to climb.𝒪𝒱𝗅xt.𝗇𝓔t

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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