Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 492 A New Door Of Possibilities Opens Up

While the world marveled at Kaizen’s new accomplishment, Kaizen was happily contemplating all of his gains for the battle.

Ow! I got a Legendary Item, and I finally got a lot of class points from the Order of Dalamyr mission. Well, in the end it was worth it to become their partner. He talks to himself, almost laughing with encouragement.

Kaizen was exhausted, and even though his fatigue and mana had recovered after leveling up, his legs were still shaky, but not from fatigue, but from adrenaline.

Everyone was as tired as Kaizen, some more than him, some less. But the only reality was that everyone who had fought Lord Varkin was in tatters. The excellent armor that Kaizen had produced was broken, cracked, and shattered, but despite the panting sound coming from all sides of the room, from the Descragons and from Xisrith, everyone was extremely proud of their chests.

Therefore, a few moments after the floating warning of victory appeared, as Lord Varkin began to slowly disappear, everyone shouted in unison in bravery:


The Descragons of the Xisrith Clan, even though they were tired and some of them were so badly wounded that the living flesh could be seen, raised their arms straight up and roared as if this had been the battle of their lives. And without a doubt, for most of them, it was indeed the battle of their lives, for if killing a dragon was an extraordinary feat, killing a legendary creature was a source of pride for the next hundred generations.

However, the surprises were not over for the group after they defeated the Guardian of the Gates of Niflheim.


As the body of the legendary creature disappeared, a blinding glow appeared at the back of the room behind the empty throne, attracting the attention of everyone present, but also momentarily dazzling them as they hastily looked at the glow, their eyes still accustomed to the darkness. After a few moments, they all managed to see clearly and saw that the white glow formed the silhouette of a gigantic double door.

Everyone looked at each other, not understanding, and when they looked at Kaizen, they saw a sincere smile on his face, a genuine expression of satisfaction.

Kaizen knew that the journey was not over. He looked at his comrades and saw the determination reflected in their gazes amidst the fatigue and pain. Though they had met that day, they were all ready to face the next challenge that awaited them behind those imposing doors.

“Friends, this is only a door into the unknown. But I am certain that what awaits us inside is even greater. You need not accompany me. Our agreement ended the moment Lord Varkin was killed.” Kaizen said.

Everyone looked at him and immediately reacted against his words.

“Are you joking? You saved our Pathfinder brothers and then helped us with Xisrith!” One of them shouted.

“And now that we share the battlefield, we trust each other completely, right?”

“We’re in this together!”

Kaizen looked at his companions, surprised at the answer. His smile widened, overflowing with gratitude and renewed energy. He realized that even in the midst of the exhaustion and challenges they had faced, they had formed a powerful bond.

“You’re right,” Kaizen said. “We are more than just battle buddies. We are a team. And now, no matter what lies beyond these doors, I am honored to continue fighting alongside each and every one of you.”

Their gazes were filled with determination and resolve, and when Kaizen looked at Xisrith, she smiled and nodded, agreeing that she was ready to move forward as well. They shared a common goal and knew that together they could overcome any challenge.

As they prepared to pass through the giant gates, a new determination ignited in their hearts. They were ready to face the unknown, to explore new horizons, and to achieve even greater glory.

Within seconds, the room was silent again, the echo of Kaizen’s words still ringing in everyone’s minds.

The blinding light from the doors illuminated the room, bringing a sense of anticipation and mystery.

The group mentally prepared for another leg of their journey, ready to face whatever lay beyond those doors and once again prove their bravery and skill. With a determined look in his eyes, Kaizen stepped forward and opened his inventory with a mixture of fear and excitement.

Among more than a hundred different items, Kaizen soon located one specific item: the Key to the Gates of Niflheim.

Kaizen held the key, feeling its power pulsate in his hands. He knew that this key was the answer to opening the imposing gates before them. With a determined gesture, Kaizen approached the doors and inserted the key into the lock.

The key fit perfectly, and before turning it, Kaizen glanced at everyone behind him, who nodded without a second thought. So Kaizen turned the key, and after a small crack, a tremor ran through the floor and the doors began to slowly open, revealing an even more dazzling glow.

An icy wind blew through the hall, carrying with it the scent of the unknown.

Kaizen’s eyes sparkled with anticipation and courage as he looked at his companions. They shared a brief moment of silence, feeling the palpable energy in the air.

“The time has come,” Kaizen said with determination. “We are about to face the unknown and write a new chapter in our history. But remember, we are stronger together. Don’t let each other down.”

With that reminder, the group moved toward the open doors. The blinding light seemed to call to them, inviting them to explore what lay beyond.

Step by step, they crossed the threshold and entered a new world.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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