Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 421 Frostfire Rush

“Now THAT…is a real Nuke Drop.”

Evan remarked as he looked at the explosion that signified the destruction of the City of Paglad, turning to Duke Charles who was deactivating his brilliant lightning rush and shaking his head before saying.

“You might want to scrap your plans of reviving the city…there’s nothing left to revive.

I bet even ‘Castle Bravo’ can’t match that level of destruction.”

The boy added another statement that was incomprehensible to the people of Aidos after his words that made Duke Charles’ brow twitch, comparing the explosion that resulted from the collision of the full-powered Dragon Breath and Luke’s Brachium spell to that of one of the most powerful nuclear weapons from Evan’s home world.

The sudden explosion left a great majority of the battlefield gobsmacked, further increasing the chaos as shockwaves swept through the area merely seconds later, showing how powerful the explosion was despite the fact that Paglad was kilometres away from the battlefield.


Aura Slash.’

Evan appeared behind the airborne Eighth Finger and sent out a silent aura slash, but the grandmaster-level being’s senses alerted him of the soul-destroying danger of the attack, allowing him to dodge the slash that went right over his face and cut off a few strands of hair.

‘Vile Touch.’

The boy switched his sword grip and swung the weapon downwards, but his Danger sense skill rang alarm bells in his head, making him give up that notion and teleport right away.

That proved to be a wise decision as the Eighth Finger’s outstretched arm grabbed the empty air where he was a few seconds ago, and the strange dark aura around his palm showed it would not have been a pretty sight if he was touched by it.

“Energy Blast. Energy Blast.”


Evan activated two more skills simultaneously, only calling out the name of one, and twice at that, intending on confusing the Eighth Finger who sensed two skill activations.

The man weaved out of the way and dodge the first energy blast, raising his hand to generate a barrier to reflect the second, only for a wall of lightning blocks to appear behind him.

[Necrotic Traversal.]

Dozens of undead were summoned and a random one was used as a conduit for his teleportation; however, he was met with a face full of energy-constructed swords upon his reappearance beside the chosen undead mage.

“Elemental Projected Weapons: Fire.”

The swords shot through the air at break-neck speeds, piercing through all the newly summoned undead and ending the existences of nearly half of them, with the stronger ones screaming and writhing about in pain.

As for the Eighth Finger, he grabbed the undead mage and used it as a shield to block the swords coated in destruction essence, before flicking his fingers and activating a hollow magic spell.

Immediately the translucent magic circle appeared behind Evan, the boy disabled the void step that he was standing on and let Gravity bring him to the ground, but that was exactly what the Eighth Finger wanted as waiting for him on the ground was a particularly powerful darkness magic spell, accompanied by two other spell circles formed with demonic energy.

Unfortunately for the man, a thin slash of blue light courtesy of a certain Duke, cut through the three spell circles and destroyed them, before going further to slice through the defensive demonic energy barriers he put up.


Witch Flight.]

Clicking his tongue in annoyance, the Eighth Finger activated a darkness-based flight spell and generated howling winds of black magic power to carry him out of the way, stretching out his left hand to fire barrier bullets towards the incoming Ralphie.

However, said bullets were shot down by Evan’s energy blasts, un-interrupting Ralphie’s charge towards him.

“Cryo Explosion.”


Flying out of the clouds of dry ice with a bloodstained cheek, the Eighth Finger roused magic power and demonic energy to activate another set of spells, but was interrupted once again when our resident hero decided to drop the severed head of an undead hydra atop him.

[Where did you even keep that?!]

His actions kept the man’s attention on himself long enough for Ralphie to jump into air and activate his Ice Fire skill.

The air around the Eighth Finger was cooled by the Ice Knight’s power of the titular element, with the temperature dropping to a level where the former’s body began was covered in a thin layer of ice.

Then his ice fire skill was activated once more, rapidly heating and expanding the air around him, before condensing all that power into his sword and releasing a superheated sword blast towards the Eight Finger.


The resultant explosion and its accompanying shockwaves, devastated everything within a radius of a few hundred metres, also tossing the Eighth Finger’s body in the direction of Duke Charles who had his hand on his sheathed sword.

“Zero Sword: Fourth Form.”


The thin blue slash of aura that was released from the man’s sword cut the Eighth Finger’s body and gave him a brand-new slash wound that ran diagonally from his shoulder to his waist.

Evan kicked off a void step and dashed to his side, releasing multiple slashes of his golden aura tinged with the essence of destruction’s red.

However, the Eighth Finger used the death essence of his Child of Death Skill to block the slashes while reactivating witch’s flight to get out of the area as his block attempt was futile and only served to slow them down a bit.

Sadly, Ralphie was waiting for him at his destination of escape, increasing the temperature of his flames to the maximum and compressing them into a white-hot coat around his sword to maximize their power.


The Eighth finger had just barely finished chanting his resistance spell when Ralphie activated his unique skill and swung his blade.

“Aura Storm.”


The Fourth Sword jumped off Evan’s void step and shot down towards the ground, through the cloud of smoke and dust and into the gigantic kilometre deep crater in the ground where the Eighth Finger had fallen

The white-hot coat of flames around his sword glowed brightly as he activated his unique skill and aimed for the being at the very bottom.

[Putrid Explosion

Necrotic Traversal]


Leaving Ralphie at the bottom of the crater with the death attribute explosion spell, the Eighth Finger teleported towards the nearest undead he could sense outside the crater, only to feel a presence blitz in right behind him in the next second.

“Right where I want you.




Duke Charles’ water attribute slashing skill smacked the man’s body with a wave of water that sent him tumbling onto the ground, where Evan’s destruction aura coated foot descended from above and stomped down on him.




The pain the Eighth Finger felt made the man feel like the two souls that constituted his fused state were being simultaneously stomped down, his scream of pain being drowned out by the loud noise of the explosion the shook the ground under his body.

As he fell into the depression in the ground courtesy of the Collapse skill, dozens of energy-constructed spears, all tinged with the aura of destruction’s power, shot towards his body from all angles, with the intent of giving him a ‘healthy’ dose of soul-rending pain.

[Death Rain!!!]

Beams of dark light filled with death essence rained down from above, crashing into each and every one of the energy-constructed weapons and shattering them to pieces.

“Esoteric Ice Fang.”𝑂𝚟𝓵xt.𝗇𝓔t

Since Evan’s attack failed, Ralphie decided to try out his own piercing attack, just not with the soul damage effect.

A large icicle emerged from inside collapse’s range of effect, striking the Eighth Finger’s torso and sending him flying into the air.

“Brilliant Lightning Rush.”

Duke Charles did not even give Ralphie time to complete the second phase of his magic, activating his skill and tuning into a streak of blue lightning that reached the Eighth Finger faster than he could rouse his magic power.

“Zero Sword.”

There were two flashes of light in the sky, followed by a scream of pain as the Eighth Finger’s wings were sliced off.

Duke Charles then proceeded to deliver a ‘few’ more strikes to the Eighth finger’s body, before kicking his body to the ground and following it down.

“Enervating Charge.”

Bright blue lightning flashed in the sky, followed by an explosion that sent the Eighth Finger’s body crashing onto the ground with enough force to form a small crater around it.

His clothes were shredded to the point where they were basically rags, and beneath them, was his body that had been cut deeply all over, with each wound seeping an amount of blood that would have made a normal human anaemic by now.

Dozens of tentacles emerged from his shadow and wrapped around his body, restraining him onto the ground and keeping him there long enough for Evan’s Vindiction’s strike to crash into his body.

The young hero naturally did not forget to infuse the essence of destruction into it, causing soul-rending damage to the Eighth Finger, however, that was just the prologue to his attack combo.

Evan jumped down from the void step he was standing on in the air, kicking off another foothold to the ground as he sent multiple blade cannons towards the man on the floor, tearing apart his flesh and riddling his body with holes.


He landed with his feet on the man’s torso, crashing down with enough force to displace some of his organs and make him vomit blood and bone fragments.

The boy then stabbed him in the right shoulder with his destruction essence-engulfed blade, coating his hand in the same aura and grabbing his neck before looking into his half-open eyes and saying.

“You were saying something along the lines of ‘I’m not strong enough to kill you permanently’, were you not?”

|Body Transformation Removed|

|Hollow Magic Acquired|

|Rare Skills require one skill slot. |

|Two Skill slots remaining. |

The moment those set of notifications appeared in front of his eyes, Evan immediately pulled out his blade and was about to blink out of the area, but the Eighth Finger’s hand grabbed his other arm as the man used his unique skill to suck out a portion of Evan’s life force.

‘Corrupted Recovery.

Dark Medic.’

He activated multiple two magic spells at the same time, rousing his demonic energy and generating three spears of darkness that shot towards the incoming Duke Charles.

“Get your fucking hands off me!!”

Evan bellowed in rage as he coated his fist in destruction essence and punched the Eighth Finger’s head, forcing the man to let go of Evan’s hand and roll away to dodge the punch.


The ground shattered from the force of the punch, with the earth crumbling to dust due to the essence of destruction, but the young hero had no plans to stop after one punch attempt.

However, he sensed magic concentrating in the sky above him and instead used his energy to generate dozens of shadowy tentacles that burst out from the Eighth Finger’s shadow and wrapped around him, pinning him to the ground and keeping him in place.

He then blinked away and reappeared a few metres away gazing up into the sky and at the giant three-ringed magic circle floating in the air.

“It’s about time, Ralphie.”

“Esoteric Ice Magic: Frostfire Rush.”

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