Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 420 Hero Status Revealed

The Eighth Finger’s body disappeared right before the combined attack hit, reappearing right beside a nameless undead Knight who was a dozen metres away.


Evan’s blade cannon and Vindiction’s strike collided with each other and exploded, sending out shockwaves that tossed the undead knight into the air, however, the Eighth Finger was unaffected by them, his gaze locked onto the young hero as his wings healed completely.

“Energy Blast.”

The boy launched a beam of aura that blasted the undead knight to bits before turning his gaze towards the Demonic-fused Eighth Finger and locking eyes with him.


Evan had just used three skills he had mimicked, and for him to do that, his mystic eyes had to be fully active, which meant that the Eighth Finger was now seeing the crest that glowed in his grey eyes.



Since Lensa was capable of recognizing Evan’s mystic eyes, it stood to reason that the Eighth Finger obviously possessed a bit of knowledge on them too.

At the very least, he knew that the person who possessed those eyes, was definitely a member of the ‘Seven Heroes’ of legend.

His enraged voice boomed out as he roused his magic power and activated multiple spells all at once; his targets being the reincarnated hero in front of him, and the two Grandmasters who were about to attack him from behind.

[Vile Miasma.

Well of Suffering.

Summoning: Death Scythe!]

He unleashed two hex spells that bypassed durability and sucked out the very ‘life’ of everything within a certain range, with the second one having the added effect of inflicting a random negative status condition.

Death attributed demonic energy condensed in his hands and formed a large pitch-black scythe of concentrated energy, which he gripped tightly before spinning his body around while swinging it wildly.



A wall of lightning blocks manifested behind the Eighth Finger and folded in a ‘clapping’ motion immediately after, sadly, its intended target instantly summoned a random undead a few metres away and used Necrotic Traversal to teleport to its side, escaping the area of effect lightning damage that came right after.

Death Scythe was a third-tier spell, but it had a second-tier variation which could be summoned with just a few command words; however, it had the drawback of vanishing after a single use, requiring it to be resummoned again after a cooldown.

The third-tier version was more ‘permanent’ but the Eighth Finger’s opponents were not going to give him the opportunity to use it.

The scythe of condensed demonic energy in his arms dispersed right after, while the two Grandmasters sent out condensed aura slashes that blocked the curved slashes of death attributed demonic energy the Eighth Finger had thrown at them earlier.

“Dude! Not cool!

That’s CLEARLY NOT the way I planned to reveal things to the world!”

Evan spoke after teleporting to avoid the slashes that went on to carve the ground behind him, clicking his tongue as he looked around to see if there were any other combatants in the area.

“Who knows how many randos heard his words just now, supressing the information is gonna be nigh impossible.”

The boy glared at the Eighth Finger as he spoke, eliciting a sigh of exasperation from Duke Charles who wondered just how Evan had time to care about that, instead of focusing on the fact that their opponent still had quite a of power left.

“I know what you’re thinking but do not worry about it. Didn’t I say it earlier? He’s not leaving here alive.

Even the First Finger would not be able to revive him anymore”

[…do not try to fool me, boy.

Your powers as a hero are not to the level where you can permanently kill me.]

The Eighth Finger replied to Evan’s words as he got to his feet and cracked his neck, slowly flapping his wings and ascending to the skies while keeping his gaze locked on his three opponents and silently constructing spell formations.

Hearing the man’s reply, Evan laughed lightly, before activating his limit break skill that tripled his maximum power level.

His sword was encased in his signature golden aura, with the energy slowly beginning to spiral around his blade in preparation for his unique skill activation.

He flipped his sword in his hand and caught it again, raising an eyebrow at the shocked Eighth Finger before asking.

“You think?”𝑂𝚟𝓵xt.𝗇𝓔t

Evan kicked off the ground and dashed towards the Eighth Finger, at the same time Ralphie and Duke Charles did; the three of them executing a simultaneous attack that forced the man to cancel his third spell construction.

[Death Magic: Conjuration of Felstorms

Demon-Darkness Magic: Demonic Torrent]

Waves of Death magic and demonic energy burst out from his body, with the two peak tier 2 spells heading straight for Ralphie and Duke Charles.

A complex rush of pitch-black sand particles carried by a strange gust of wind-dispersed throughout the surroundings.

The temperature dipped all of a sudden as dark clouds obscured the sun, churning grimly before releasing a rain of pitch-black water droplets.

Lightning bolts dropped down onto the ground, accompanied by the rumbling sound of thunder, while the strange black wind instantly turned violent.

The lightning bolts were powerful enough to shatter the earth, causing rock chunks to be lifted up from the ground, and then swirled around by the strong winds that billowed.

Within seconds, ravaging through the area was a huge storm with black rain and lightning, along with earthen chunks and debris flying around and violent wind with enough force to tear master-level existences with ease.

The storm quickly spread out, sweeping across a large area spanning multiple kilometres, and Duke Cheverton was caught right in the centre of it.

Mixed up in this storm, were pressurized torrents of demonic energy each one possessing enough force to mutilate its targets just by charging towards them, all surrounding a gigantic tornado of demonic energy-infused black spiritual flames.

The tornado pulled in surrounding debris, including the corpses and undead creatures, along with a few living beings who got caught within its range.

As for the target of this tornado, it was obviously the blond-haired and blue-eyed swordsman, Ralphie.

Ralphie and Duke Charles were caught up in the Eighth Finger’s AOE spells, with only Evan’s attack managing to reach the Demonic Hand Executive’s body as the latter did not have time to complexly prepare a third spell.

The boy thrust his sword forward, his destructive energy circuit going wild as his aura manipulation speed skyrocketed.

Evan’s golden aura swirled around his blade so fast that it looked like a blur, crashing into the Eighth Finger’s defensive wall of death essence, courtesy of his child of death.

The Eighth Finger instantly realised that his defensive wall was not going to be enough, hurriedly infusing more energy into it to repair the cracks that were spreading out by the second.

‘It’s not enough!’

Arriving at that conclusion, he created a black patch with his domain and summoned a small undead wolf behind Evan, before using necrotic travel to teleport right beside it.


Evan’s Vortex shattered his abandoned defensive wall, with the dispersed death essence trying to permeate into the boy’s body, only to be rebuffed by the coat of Artemisia’s divinity around him.

The Eighth Finger didn’t just sit around, activating child of death once more and coating his palm in the dark essence of death, before channelling it into the spell he cast as he thrust his palm towards Evan’s defenceless back.

[Dark Magic: Jinx of Divine Disruption]

It was a spell specially designed to work against beings with holy energy or divinity-based defences, but sadly its exact effect could not be seen as due to Evan’s next actions.

A film of ice appeared in front of the boy, reflecting both his and the Eighth Finger’s figures, as well as the area behind him, followed by him activating his blink skill to teleport right behind the Eighth Finger.


“Chain lightning.”

The undead wolf tried to protect its master but the orb of golden lightning that escaped Evan’s palm pulverized it instantly, before jumping over to the Eighth Finger and latching onto him.


He grunted in light pain, rousing his energy to resist the lightning’s paralysis effect but the time he took to do that was enough for Evan to release another vortex of aura.

The wildly spinning spiral-shaped mass of aura slammed into the body of the Eighth Finger with the full force of Evan’s limit break enhanced B+ strength stat and all his stat boosts behind it.

Added onto that, was the effect of his increased damage against ‘Enemies of Aidos’, a title that the Eighth Finger definitely possessed.


The ground trembled as a terrifying explosion shook the area, and the earth underneath their feet collapsed from the explosion’s initial shockwaves.

The Eighth Finger’s wings were instantly shredded into pieces, with the vortex of aura going on to lacerate the man’s back for a short while before his body was covered in death essence as a means of protection.

However, Evan only grinned and activated another skill, switching out his Limit Break, for Blessing of Destruction.

The three-fold boost in power remained, and now it was accompanied by the blood-red essence of destruction.


The Eighth Finger felt the momentary chill all grandmasters did whenever Evan used the skill, but could do nothing to block as the boy’s sword came through from the middle of the swirling aura, stabbing into his left shoulder bone and bursting out from the other side.


Despite screaming out in pain at having his soul damaged, the man was still able to activate a hollow magic spell, causing a rain of miniature hollow cannons to descend onto the ground from above.

Evan clicked his tongue and pulled back his sword, before jumping back out of the area to avoid getting hit by the attack.

**BAM! BAM!!! BAMMM!!!

The earth split into pieces, with large cracks spreading out everywhere as the rain of hollow magic decimated everything in its range.


Two explosions rang out simultaneously, followed by a bright flash of light as a bolt of bright blue lightning descended into the middle of the felstorm.

It was followed by a sudden drop in temperature as an enormous glacier of ice erupted from the ground and froze all the torrents of demonic energy, atop which the figure of the Fourth Sword could be seen.

Despite the fact that his other two opponents had broken free from his spells, the Eighth Finger ignored them and turned in Evan’s direction, placing a hand on his shoulder as he grit his teeth and spoke.

[…this…. Doctrine of Destruction?! You’re the one who took out Methik’s puppets!]

“Bravo, you got it right.”

Evan clapped lightly as he spoke with a hint of mockery, infuriating the Eighth Finger who was about to retort when he and all the grandmaster-level beings around sensed a sudden powerful concentration of energy build up in the distance.

And then…


An earth-shaking explosion rang out in the distance.

Looking to the side, the faces of many combatants turned white as they saw the huge cloud of smoke and fire rising into the clouds, quickly taking on the shape of a giant mushroom surrounded by fires and lightning.

“Holy shit!”

“Just what on Aidos is happening over there?!”

“That’s where the Sword Saint is!”

“As expected of a battle between ‘monsters’.”

A few exhausted A rankers made side comments as they looked at the explosion, coating their bodies with energy as they prepared for the shockwaves that spread out omnidirectionally, sweeping through everything in its path with ease.

“Now THAT…is a real Nuke Drop.”

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