Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 881 - Quests

Three months later.

Sam spent it in the Central continent conquering a new zone with Arkiv and returned to the city.

He took the first group of the selected candidates with him and returned to the Unconquered realm.

He took out the resources be bought from the shop and distributed them.

The first dose itself is so effective and the environment with a lot of spiritual energy is not something that comes often.

Along with them, Sam brought someone else too, an Astral Plane Raiju just in case.

They camped in a place with the Consummate stage beasts are still acting as bosses to conquer the area while the base is being held by Raiju.

And the training started.

Sam trained them without any form of humanity. They felt like they are being put under torture.

Every one of them has to wear a special belt which is created by Sam. This best increases the gravitational pull of the wearer by three fold and he would be modifying the formation whenever they got used to this.

He put on restrictions that would reduce their energy usage. They have to try and compensate it with efficiency.

They are thrown into dangerous situations one by one and they almost died a hundred times.

After three months of constant training the daily regiment is drilled and ingrained into their every cell and according to Sam's orders they would be training like this. He gave the resources that would be needed for the next year and sent them back to their own places.

Now they are continuing their daily lives along with the training and the first batch are the people with lowest cultivation level.

As the batches went their cultivation level increased and their training time in the unconquered realm decreased and the final batch are the peak transcendent stage cultivators.

All this while the ten consummate cultivators are present with Sam and their training is going on and on.

He has to make sure their breakthrough speed kept up with his own and train them even giving them resources that are more than his own consumption.

Soon, the first year ended in this training and from now on they will be gathering in the Feathered planet for every three months to take their batch of resources and show the results of training.

Everyone who didn't pass the tests, they would be taken back to the unconquered realm for another torturous session.

But these tests are led by the Consummate stage cultivators and it would only take around a week with no sleep and breaks to take care of them.

The only problem is that they would be using a lot more spirit stones for the space gates then they actually do.

But that is alright. Even after all the salaries and all kinds of investments and the prices for the raw materials and everything else, he has billions of spirit stones lying around doing nothing.

He used them from his personal stash and made them train like dogs.

Soon, the year ended and the first quest came. The players were surprised to see it is within the unconquered realm.

They thought that they would be already given the quest in some realm connected to the unconquered realm not the realm itself.

But still they are okay.

The task is simple, they have to find the horns of the Demonic Rhino.

This is one of the beasts that has the bloodline hierarchy within the race even though the superiority of the bloodline itself is not that high.

The bloodline hierarchy is based on number of horns as the more horns a rhino has the superior its bloodline is and the more potential it has and the horns go larger as the rhino grows.

Their task is to collect the horns. As many horns as they can within the next two months and every horn should be from a consummate level rhino.

The initial stage rhinos will give them around thousand points for each horn, the middle stage will give around five thousand points and late stage ones will give around fifteen thousand points.

Even though the points seem high, it is actually not that high. When they bought in the shop the resources for this one year cost most of their points and that is around four to five hundred thousand. These resources are just for breaking through into the Consummate realm and start to lay the foundation for themselves.

They are barely shot of breaking through the second level of Consummate stage, Sam has that many resources because what he bought for transcendent stage cultivators to have minor breakthroughs which cost him more than a million points.

If this goes on, the resources for every stage will be high and they have to work for more points and Sam already has to work ten times more as he would need ten times more resources and now he is feeding the large army which would need him to work hundred times more.

But he has his ways.

After bringing the players from the desolate to the Unconquered realm, they parted ways.

From now on it is a competition.

Sam decided to become shameless this time. He didn't try to think of putting any fair fights.

Within the past year, he already has a decent understanding on the locations of the beasts, so he knew where he could find the rhinos.

At least for the relief of the players that is not the only tribe of Demon horn Rhinos in this realm. Otherwise they would be in trouble.

He took the Astral Plane Raiju and the rest of the Consummate stage cultivators training with him to collect the horns of the Rhinos.

The Rhino tribe's strongest Rhino is only an Initial stage Astral Plane one and the Raiju is clearly stronger. Their bloodlines are miles apart.

While the rest of the players are scouting and waiting for the rhinos to come out of the tribe and go for a hunt to find the Rhino alone, but Sam just walked into their camp with the group and started collecting the horns like they are fruit.

The rhino with weakest bloodline has three horns at least and the rhino with the strongest bloodline which is also the Astral Plane rhino has nine horns.

The clash went on for three weeks and he collected around three thousand horns.

With a thousand and five hundred from the initial stage, an eight hundred or so from the middle stage, the rest of them are late stage while the last nine are from the Astral Plane.

He looked at the wrist screen for the points and he was very satisfied with the numbers he saw.

He earned more than ten million points in total just from the first quest.

Granted that he used his men to do the work and even used an Astral Plane level beast, he didn't care how it looked for others.

He has more than six hundred people who will breaking through into Consummate level soon to feed and develop along with him.

He immediately went to shop to get the resources, he emptied everything and only kept a million with him.

He stored the rest of the resources with him and started rationing them to the troops equally.

After two months the quest was over. The rest of the players got around five hundred thousand each and the one who got the least happened to be Beryl who was always subjected to the Kill steal, but for some reason her growth was not slow. She is growing as fast as the rest of the players.

There was a month of gap after the first quest and the players went to train with the new resources and cultivate.

After that the next quest was given and this time it is in a different realm.

The realm is called the Tetra star realm. There are four stars or four suns in this realm with one of them being in the center and the other three revolving around it with each sun having three planets each.

Nine realms with same race but of different branches ruling each planet.

This is the realm ruled by the Demi-Humans and Sam actually came into contact with them way before he even knew about the race.

The Dragon Hawk tribe.

The humans with characteristics and features of a different race.

Just like how the Dragon Hawk race couldn't cultivate normally and the meridian network of the Dragon Hawks, there are many more races with different meridian networks with just normal human features.

There are no normal humans in this realm.

But this is also the realm where they don't have to maintain any disguise.

They don't have dissimilarities in the appearances.

Sam called for a batch of people that are training under him, this is a special batch with fifty of them being from Dragon Hawk tribe members.

These tribe members are most loyal to Sam and they have held on until now with sheer grit. Out of the first hundred from the battalion, fifty of them not only made a name for themselves they also managed to get selected in the batch of candidates and they are also on the Peak stage of the Transcendent realm. This collective growth is really fascinating for Sam and it is time for him to put it to use.

The next year, they would be spending in the Tetra-star realm where the Demi-humans will be ruling and a  demi-human race establishing the foundation for the organization is more advantageous for them as they could blend in easily.

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