Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 880 - New Plans II

Sam is currently inside his room along with the Void hopper.

Although it is an insect, most of its characteristics are like a beast. Even though the beast itself is not powerful, it is almost impossible to kill in the same level of cultivation.

Sam is currently examining it closely as it displayed the skills it already has. One of them is to create a fixed space within a radius of twenty meters making everything else stop moving, another one is blinking one place to another within the twenty meters, and the space tearing attacks that could cause extra damage to the opponents.

All of these attacks may sound minute and not too flashy and grand, but that is one of the drawbacks of getting the spatial element and also the capacity of the Void hopper at the current stage.

A void hopper always has limited abilities below the Astral plane, in fact, the current abilities are limited to its transcendent stage cultivation.

If it reaches the Consummate level, the range will increase by at least three times the normal, and also the attacks of a beast are mostly determined by the genetic memory it inherits from its parent.

But these are not the things that are bothering Sam at all, he is currently looking at the one long silver-grey stripe on the dark grey body of the Void bug.

According to the description in the bestiary, the stripe shouldn't exist.

So, he is currently using the bloodline refinement techniques to see if there is anything he could find and he did find something.

The Void bug has an extra bloodline inside its body, but Sam couldn't identify it. Its nature doesn't match with any beast in the bestiary. That or, it is unrecognizable after merging with the bloodline of the Void hopper.

He was a little hesitant to finish the contract, but he still decided to do it anyway.

He is sure that Gambler needs him for now and any problem that could come will be dealt later.

So, he went out of the room and stood on top of the building as he started the process.

When the whole process was done, he took a look at the spiritual core and a new orb is floating within it along with all the old ones.

This one is a ball of two shades of grey. The dark and the silver-grey.

Sam tried to use it and he managed to channel the spatial energy all over his body, but the orb turned dark grey, the silver-grey part of the bloodline is completely unaccessible.

And there is not much he could do and he couldn't even ask the Void hopper anything, because the beast is not capable of communication yet. It can listen and understand and that too, the beast tongue and barely any normal language, but it cannot speak back. It can give out some hints which the beasts could understand, but Sam is still having a hard time.

That is because the age of the Void hopper which might be around ten to twenty years is actually considered a child.

Only after it reached a certain cultivation level after a few years could it be considered an adult and until then, it wouldn't get any form of direct communication.

He just has to wait for the Void hopper to grow or just let it show the abilities of the Silver Grey bloodline.

While Sam is contemplating all of this, he took his attention back to the spiritual core because he felt something.

And he was shocked by what he saw.

His spiritual core which looked like a transparent glass ball with different types of marbles inside started crystalizing.

A faint crystalized line appeared on the core and stopped. The line which circled around the core divided the whole core into two halves.

He noticed that the energy seemed to have increased and it is more than it should even for the Consummate level standards. His energy reserves are higher to begin with and it seems like the crystallization brought one more fold of energy to raise.

After making sure that his body doesn't have any adverse effects, he went out to train for a bit to get used to the new strength.

Two days of training later, he went to meet the executives who completed the list.

The eligible candidates are actually higher in number than Sam thought.

There are around six hundred people in the transcendent stage middle-stage and higher and the consummate level cultivators are not many. Everyone that broke through is already at the end of their potential and there are barely any that could qualify for his requirements. Except for the Ark, Adrian, and some recently broken through people, not many are selected. They are around ten.

This is devastating, to be honest. But that is alright.

When he saw more than a hundred people who are at the Peak of the transcendent stage, he is hopeful once again.

He gave out orders to send divide them into groups and he decided to visit each group separately.

After that, he went to check how the administration is going on and what the profits are, and how much he could use.

The next decade will lead to another fast expansion plan. But this time it will be within the realms that Sam is going to enter. He wouldn't spread too thin and the ones who will be in the lead of the expansion plan are the people in the earlier list.

Because previously they took their sweet time with expansion even though it is considered rapid, they didn't hammer their presence directly and boldly.

But this time, he is going to do exactly that.

He would almost create an invasion in that realm and the main thing that he would be selling the people and the rulers there is going to be fear.

He would establish himself there with brute force and open up his businesses rapidly without even giving the people any chance to retaliate.

Even though he wanted to do that before, he couldn't because of the lack of resources which led to the slow growth of the individual strength of people under him.

Even though many people in the world would beg to disagree, he is sure that as long as he could increase the growth and created a strong force with him, he would have no problems fearlessly expanding the business.

As long as he is strong enough he doesn't have to cozy up to the local bigshots and share too big of a pie with them.

But for that, he needs another plan. Because the faster the expansion the faster his manpower who runs things from bottom to the administrator level would thin down.

His new academies are already established in all the realms and by the end of the decade he is sure that just the number of orphan students would be enough to maintain this manpower, but that is not enough. He needs more.

So, he thought of something different and he went to the Feathered realm to talk to all kinds of administrators from various areas so that they would follow his instructions.

The plan was put to action.

The whole organization once again got the busiest.

People are always running around and doing multiple tasks, while Sam went to the Central continent to flex his muscles a bit.

Most of their expansion was within outer regions of the central continent, but they still got a lot of resources, and Arkiv's exploration company was also launched.

Now it is time they went deeper and see what this place has to offer.

While Sam is hunting the central continent, their plans of his are being implemented in various areas.

The higher executives of every realm sent the lower-level executives to various corners of their respective realm, from the villages to the city with a bunch of patents and ideas and along with a small research team.

It is about time the graduates that are specialized in research took a proper practical experience head-on.

The executives and the teams met with the local big shots, the village heads, town heads, the city heads and examined their respective locations and researchers before they proposed some kind of development plans which would not only increase the local economy but also some profits to the organization.

The profit margin for the organization is very small, but the profit is not what they are after.

Sam wanted to gain two things from this. One is that the research freshers would get practical experience and two is that he is taking the smaller portion of the profit in exchange for the death row inmates or people with long prison sentences.

No matter which place it is or what government is ruling, the death row inmates are common. In fact, they are placed on death row without an instant execution because of one main reason, the big shot whoever imprisoned them will execute them in the bunch to create some show of strength which he didn't possess and create fear in people.

And in chaotic times like this, the death row inmates are more. Sam decided to take them and use them as manpower.

A desperate man who is counting his days to death, what would he be not willing to do to get a second chance.

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