Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 873 - Savageness

Sam felt suffocated all of a sudden.

Because he is in the middle of the sea. From the pressure he is feeling, he is at least three to four hundred meters deep under the water.

If he didn't pull Yanwu and the rest back in time, they would be having a real hard time here. In fact, even he is having a real hard time already. He didn't prepare for this sudden warping and breathing devices are not exactly allowed to be used.

He started swimming upwards. But he realized that it wouldn't be that easy.

He saw a familiar beast, coming towards him at the moment. Great Black Shark.

This thing is not exactly a normal beast. It doesn't have any fears and it wouldn't back down with just a hit. It would be a nasty fight as for escaping it that would be even more of a hassle.

Sam activated full water elemental fusion as he swam upwards crazily. The shark also followed him and soon, it is already near him.

The fight was inevitable.

The Great Black Shark at Nascent stage can already do some damage to the Pre-transcendent stage creatures, but now it is at Transcendent stage, its speed is faster than Sam who has full water elemental fusion, if not for the fact its cultivation level is a bit lower than Sam, the escaping wouldn't even be an option.

Even now, Sam is not focused on fighting. He waved his hand to let Mia out and continued swimming upwards.

Mia who came out didn't even wait for a second before clashing with the shark.

She didn't even use poison and just used three of her nine heads to bite into the shark that was swimming upwards and within a few seconds, the shark is dead.

Sam finally managed to swing upwards and take a deep breath.

Luckily he can use his beasts, if not things would be much more difficult.

Mia also swam upwards to check on Sam and after confirming that he is safe, they started swimming around.

This time, there is no large encirclement like the previous times.

The largest group they encountered only has four beasts and they fought with them easily.

Mia is having a time of her life.

It is not everyday that she would get to do whatever she wanted in an open sea.

Desolate is the only place that she could do whatever she wanted and in every journey, Sam had to be cautious to let his beasts out and Mia couldn't even disguise like Yawnu, Sky and Raiju which is a problem.

The most she could do is change her size and even then there is a chance that people might recognize her.

There would be a time where even if people recognized her, they would still not bother too much, until then he had to be careful on letting her out.

So, this time in this Palace of inheritance is extremely valuable to her.

After an hour of so, once again there is a warping effect.

Sam hurriedly pulled Mia into the divine dimension and soon he felt a heat wave hit him.

He is standing on the edge of a lava pool.

One step and he would be inside. The lava's heat is almost as hot as his golden flames. He would be taking severe damage if he didn't take precautions.

He let yanwu out and started flying. The lava streams and pools are dense. There is barely any land left and the heat is too much. Sky wouldn't be able to endure it for long.

This time, the beasts are both on the land and in the sky.

They are just hunting them down.

After an hour or so, they changed to another location.

This time, Sam reappeared on the mountain top with lightning striking down continuously.

It is time for Raiju to Shine.

Then the desert, once again Dia.

Then the forest, where the forest bear came and attacked him.

As time passed, Sam didn't even remember how many hours or even days he has been in.

He finally understood what the true test is, it is not hunting the beasts, nor is it plainly surviving.

It is to overcome the desperation.

The constant change in environments is creating a sort of mental annoyance and the lack of sense of time is creating and illusion that they are here for far too long.

And worst of all, they are barely getting any time to recover.

If not for the fact Sam had wine with him, he is sure that he wouldn't last too long.

Gloom is slowly clouding their judgment.

At first he thought the test is not that difficult. After all, even though the bison, bird type beasts, the sharks and all kinds of other beasts are dangerous they are not dangerous enough for him.

Ling Tian definitely knew the beasts he had with him and what he can do with them.

But as the time passed he understood the stress and the true goal of the test.

And even though he understood the logic, he still couldn't escape from the effects.

He lost interest in hunting the beasts for the points, he completely focused on finding other players.

He wanted to find them and eliminate them as soon as possible, so that he could finish the task and get this over with.

It almost felt like he stayed here for a month or so. But in reality it has only been a week.

But no matter how much he travelled he couldn't find another player.

He almost went crazy.

He became ruthless whenever beasts attacked him. He crazily attacked without thinking about his own safety.

He fought like a savage.

At this moment, Sam is inside a forest along with Forest Bear as they stood in the middle of Purple Orangutans.

The very same annoying Orangutans.

Sam and the Forest bear who has its bloodline refined before the breakthrough are looking at them crazily.

One for being their natural enemy and the other for being irritated.

Sam wore his claws and he jumped at the Orangutan nearest to him.

He controlled the vines near the feet of the Orangutan and bound it closely and jumped on its shoulder to not let it move.

He impaled the claws on the back of its neck and took removed the flesh off of its back like he was digging loose soil with his hands and when the claws reached the spine and cut it off, the Orangutan fell down.

He then moved to the next one. But this time, the Orangutans already made their move and he was being held by vines in mid-air. He tried his best to overthrow their control over the vines so that he could free himself, but the control of over ten Orangutans is too hard to overcome.

He could have called other beasts out, but he didn't. He understood that his state of mind is not exactly clear, so he didn't want to let out too many beasts lest he would do something he regrets.

He used fire element to burn the wine down and when the Orangutans moved a bit away, he caught hold of one of them by its neck with the claw and the golden flames entered its body through the nose and mouth. He didn't even burn it from outside, he forcefully burned it from inside.

One part of his mind is telling him to calm down, but he couldn't control himself.

The constant warping and no results of any player is extremely irritating. Even the torturous training he went through in two lives and all the trials and tribulations are not useful at this moment.

His mindset wavered to this point.

Even Forest Bear is a bit concerned about him while fighting the Orangutans.

Sam moved to another Orangutans, but by now they are so afraid and started running into the forest. Sam relentlessly followed them and he didn't even bother to be careful and fell into their ambush.

An orangutan managed to catch him from behind and another from the front.

The vines coiled around them as the rest of the Orangutans attacked.

Sam's vampire fangs came out and he bit into the Orangutan that is hugging him and activated fire elemental fusion as he let the golden flames come out of his body like crazy.

It is expending a lot of his energy, but he completely threw the caution out of his window.

The Orangutans felt like they saw the devil, they were caught one by one and hunted in a savage way. The Forest bear ran close to him.

After all of them are dead, Sam finally calmed down, and the bear came near him as it licked his face and snuggled with him so that Sam would calm his mind.

Sam looked at his claws and sighed.

This is completely unlike him. He wouldn't lose his cool that easily after all, but this trial is making him this mad.

He must find a way to stay calm.

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