Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 872 - Aerial Massacre

Sam and Dia are currently dealing with the four Bison that are surrounding them.

They are clearly angry just like the first one and they have full intent of killing as they used their earthen elements and their large and dangerous body to their advantage and started attacking both of them.

Dia is faster than them as she dodged and played with gravity so that she could mess with their movements. She didn't even bother to directly attack them. It is almost like she is playing with them as they crashed into the ground and the sudden earthen walls that appear out of nowhere in their path.

Sam is wrestling with one bison after another as Dia kept them busy.

The bison have extremely high resistance for external attacks, even if they are of different elements, their skin is too thick, in fact, Dia constantly made earthen spikes appear on her wall or just in their path in general, but not a single spike managed to leave any scar on their body.

The most they could do is show that it scratched the surface, but even the outermost layer of the skin wasn't damaged a bit.

That's how thick their hide is and that is also the reason why Sam broke the neck of the first one.

The thickness and strength of the hide are not just raw strength rather its elasticity and other properties. But the bones are always the same, they are rigid and they could be broken and he has to do the same for the remaining Bison.

That is why he is letting Dia buy him some time so that he could kill them off one by one.

They didn't take too much time with.

After killing them and storing all the bodies except one, Sam started preparing it for Dia.

She is not a normal horse that only eats grass and hay. She eats meat and in fact, sometimes she is pickier than Yanwu, Sky, and Raiju and after a long time she came across an earth elemental beast that has one of the tastiest meats, so it dove right in after Sam prepared the corpse.

After it finished half of the beast and felt a bit full, the rest went into the storage and both of them started moving.

While they are on their way, Sam and Dia suddenly felt alert, but before they could reach it, they are being coiled by three large snakes.

They looked like pythons with their size and muscle definition and they blended perfectly into the environment.

But unlike regular pythons, they are beasts with vivid strengths and properties.

Dia started struggling because of this. No matter how much she manipulated gravity she couldn't get rid of the snake as it snuggled to it. Sam who is enveloped with two snakes felt it.

But soon both parties are done with keeping a low profile as Dia started metal elemental fusion and her body suddenly protruded metal spikes and Sam is even flashy with the fire elemental fusion. He started burning the pythons on his body alive.

When they were about to release him, he held them by their throats and let them burn. But the time he was done, Dia is already feasting on the blood of the python.

They continued their journey.

As they moved around, they got attacked, by elephants, snakes, rabbits, and some Rhinos.

After a few hours, they are fighting with an elephant that is shooting out a corrosive liquid through its trunk.

Sam and Dia are dodging. The gravity is not much effective as the elephant is not moving and for some reason, it could still hold its gigantic body in place.

Dia managed to get in some good hits with the metal element, but this large beast didn't faze even when bleeding. It stayed in place and just shot the corrosive liquid at them from different angles.

When Sam finally managed to reach the top of the elephant and was about to hit the crown with his fist, he felt something warping him around and before he knew it, he is in another place.

He felt the wind hitting his face and when he realized where he is, he was shocked.

He is falling from the sky and there are hundreds of Bird type beasts surrounding him like crazy.

Sam's first reaction is to find Dia.

Dia has gravity under her control and she can float a bit and even walk in the air a bit, but it is not powerful enough to fall and remain unscathed from this height as there would be not nearby surface which she could take advantage of and use her gravity on and levitate. The momentum she would pick up from the fall wouldn't be negated no matter what she tried when she reached the land.

Sam waved his hand and called Sky out who dove towards Dia and caught her. Sam let Yanwu out too and both of them moved towards Sky.

Sam sent Dia back to the Divine dimension and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

They looked at the sea of bird-type beasts that are surrounding them.

There are hundreds of beasts around.

"Do you guys want to do it by yourself or do you need my help?"

Sam asked the two birds and they decisively shook their heads and started moving.

At first, they went straight towards the encirclement as they forced each and every beast that is in their way and cut a line through it.

Sam is still sitting on Yanwu leisurely as he barely attacked any birds that came at them.

Yanwu and sky went through the encirclement and reached the other ends. The beasts tried to encircle them once again.

But before they could do that, both Sky and Yanwu moved at their full speed.

Both with elemental fusions and at their full power. A circle of light and a circle of the condensed sharp wind both formed at the same time as they moved faster and faster.

The wind and fire mixed forming a tornado in the sky. A flaming tornado dressed with golden flames decorated the blue sky. For a second it is as if the sun has come closer and the bird beasts that are trying their best to attack now wanted to escape this circle. But the closer they get to the circle, the intense the heat is and the more resistance they felt move forward.

The winds are too strong for them to move up are down as the wind blades are striking on both ends. It is like a lid made of wind blades as it sliced the beasts one by one.

They all huddled together and got some peace for a fraction of the second, but soon they noticed that the ring is getting closer and closer.

The feathers started burning and the sky is filled with the groans of the misery of the birds as fell one after another.

Sam was a bit surprised as he looked at it.

Yanwu and Sky are practicing these things in divine dimension daily, but he didn't get to see one up close as he was always focused on something else.

But looking at it from this close, even being a part of he is really surprised by the effect. But he also noticed the drawback. The energy wouldn't be sufficient if they continuously attacked like this. This one attack may destroy a hundred but the hundred and first that will appear after that will have an easy time with both of them.

While Sam is thinking of ways to rectify these drawbacks, the birds are falling down with burn corpses as they hit the land.

Sam is not particularly interested in any of them.

But at this moment, he spotted some figures moving towards their location.

The attack is too flashy, he figured that would attract some attention. But when he looked at the beings that are coming, he is really surprised.

Winged tigers are flying towards them from a direction.

Sam suddenly felt greedy.

These beasts are both good at land and aerial battles and they have good tenacity and from the looks of it, they are all wind-type beasts.

This is the perfect opportunity. He decided to capture them no matter what, even if he has to use soul attacks and subdue them.

As soon as Yanwu and Sky are finished, they are weak, but they can still stay flying.

He gave them some heavenly wine and some food so that they would recover.

He doesn't want them to do any battle. They already did enough and he waved his hand to let out some of the beasts he captured in the unconquered realm.

They are some birds he did capture and they would come in handy now.

He was told that he could use the beasts as he liked, so there is no need to worry at all.

Sam excitedly waited for the winged tigers to come near him. But just before they were about to engage, he felt the warping sensation once again.

But this time he was more alert and Sky and Yanwu are right beside him along with the rest of his beasts. He collected all of them into the divine dimension to be sure.

And it turned out he did the right thing.

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