Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 214: Special Treatment

Chapter 214: Special Treatment

Sam is floating on the harbinger, over his house which was illuminated with the formations.

He saw there are more than hundred people trapped inside the formations, acting like they are crazy.

Some are attacking others randomly, some of them are talking nonsense with sweat on their foreheads. Some of them are cowering in fear. They are all in an illusion. Sam made a diluted poison gas from the illusion venom of Mia and some from his own body through the poison element and placed it in the first layer of the formation.

Almost half of them are behaving like that and unfortunately the prince and the princess are not part of that category as they are still sane.

But the sanity is what made the matters worse. Since, they are sane they moved forward and they were now facing a huge threat from the next layer of the formation.

The second layer was full of leaves, but the leaves are made of the scrap metal Sam acc.u.mulated over time, a huge wind is circulating in the second layer and the leaves are cutting the people left and right.

They weren't able to do much. The Prince and the Princess who are the lightning element mages are trying their best to do something about the leaves, but failed, because whenever they tried to concentrate their energy after calculating the timing of the attacks, the formation somehow changed and the wind speed, direction and the attack pattern all of these factors changed as if the formation has a mind of its own.

Sam looked at the struggling people as if he is watching a game show.

He even called Yanwu over and sat on his back in a comfortable position and took out some fried meat snacks as he watched the show.

As he enjoyed the scene while sharing the food with Yanwu and Sky, the remaining three arrived followed by the six swords and of Sword Marshall.

When they saw Sam's leisure behaviour, they were stunned.

The first sword even said. "Those snacks look delicious; I will ask him for some." But just as he stepped forward the next person stopped him.

Sam saw Philip and the rest and called them over. He let their beasts which he stored in the dimension out and asked them to enjoy the show.

He passed each of them a snack pack and they behaved as if they are watching a movie.

When Sam saw the six swords and particularly the hungry expression of first sword, he took out a space jade ring and threw it over to him.

There are some portions of fried spring fowl and the fruit wine in that. The first sword was completely delighted from the taste and started gorging on the food. In few seconds the remaining five all joined,

But the situation inside the formations is completely opposite to the leisure atmosphere outside.

The Prince and Princess in particular are having the hardest time, since they are just about to enter the third layer of formation which is also the last layer. Inside the formation they have to face the real threat of the house.

The ape and Mia.

But the two of them don't know this. They painfully crossed the second layer leaving behind almost all of those lackeys behind and entered the third layer.

But as soon as they entered, they saw a huge Ape with golden fur standing in front of a huge nine headed creature and lecturing the latter on something in that beast language they absolutely didn't understand.

Sam moved a bit and threw a stone at a point on the formation making it visible for the other members.

They saw the two people looking at the two beasts in confusion.

Sam didn't stop the munching the food.

The next minute the beasts and the people looked at each other. The Prince and the Princess are already exhausted they didn't have any confidence in beating the beasts judging from their aura, but the two beasts didn't think so, they are already waiting for so long.

Mia, even wanted to go through the formation and beat the crap out of them, but Ape stopped it before it did anything rash.

But now that the two targets are right in front of them, they don't need to hold back and now the greatest beating of the lifetime for the two imperial scions begun.

The ape chose the prince, and it performed moves that are similar to Muhammad Ali.

Sam was a big fan of the old-time boxer and his no guard style, so when he was bored, he taught the ape who is also a natural born boxer some of the moves of his previous life's boxing legend and it also felt those moves are fun.

It started giving punch after punch to the face of the prince before even giving him a chance to conjure a spell.

This is the big drawback of the mages, they think they are better since they get to use the elemental energies but the warriors, if they mastered speed, they can toy with a typical mage, of course that is not same for all the mages.

Anyway, the exhausted prince seemed to be from a similar case.

Ape was in a serious boxing pose throwing punch after punch. The Prince has become a punching bag.

Meanwhile, the princess is not having a good time, because Mia caught her in a bit on her shoulder and put her to sleep immediately.

She is looking at Sam's direction proudly as if asking him to praise her.

Sam smiled at the antics and got down along with Yanwu from a formation loop hole which he left deliberately.

He deactivated the three formations and the rest also entered, as for the six swords, with their level they saw everything from the start to end including the hydra and the ape's performance, they are a little stunned by Mia's appearance but they didn't think much about it.

There are all kinds of beasts in this world, they are interested in the ape's boxing and watched as the Prince got pummelled.

Sam stopped the Ape after the prince was down and went towards Mia for a hug, he then asked her to suck the poison out of the princess so that he could talk.

Meanwhile, Jack dragged Reena out.

Sam first walked towards her and said.

"I hope you are pleased by our hospitality."

Reena didn't know what to say, she was clearly afraid of Sam, but next she screamed till the four directions shook because, Sam took the reaper out and cut off her left hand.

Natalie who came to herself watched the scene and was visibly shaken.

She looked at Sam with furious eyes and was about to yell at him, but was stopped by him.

"I will talk to you later. Your brother first."

Then he walked towards the Prince and said.

"Your highness, how do you like the hospitality of this humble commoner. Is it for your satisfaction?"

His cold but sarcastic words stung more than the punches of the ape.

He felt the humiliation he never felt before.

"How dare yo.." The Prince was about to speak but Sam slapped him squarely on the face.

"The host is talking. Where are your manners? Didn't they teach you manners in the imperial palace?"

His words and actions are beyond everyone's imagination. Sam usually isn't this cheeky.

But he continued.

"Now, what is wrong with you? What is your problem? You are already born with a golden spoon right up your ass and you still want my wealth? If you had done all this for points, I could have overlooked it.

But for my wealth and ideas? That is the whole different story.

The worst part is you have involved your precious sister along with all these people. Now because of that, there are more than six hundred deaths in a single night right in the middle of the city and if not for the competition rules, there should have been ninety more deaths.

That might have included a princess too."

"Like you can do that, you don't have balls to do so, that is the reason you are talking all the crap."

The Prince spoke in a low voice.

Sam didn't say anything, and just snapped his fingers, Watt moved and took the blade from Sam's hand and cut off the princess' left hand in a swift motion.

The whole scene was silent. The princess is looking at the arm in a bewildered fashion.


She cried with agonizing scream. Watt handed the arm which Sam put away in the storage and handed the reaper back to Sam.

Sam then placed the blade on Nathan's left hand and said.

"For me, a person's status, whether he is a commoner or emperor will only matter until they mind their own f.u.c.k.i.n.g business, once they mess with me, it is all the same for me."

Sam cut the left arm directly without even waiting for the prince's reply. He turned around and started walking back.

The prince held the wound on the left shoulder and said through the gritted teeth.

"How dare you treat the people from the imperial family like this? How dare you? You are going to pay sooner or later. I will make sure you would pay for this with your life."

Sam halted and walked back to the prince and said with a thoughtful expression.

"You are right, I shouldn't treat an imperial scion like you like this, I should have thought of this earlier."

Just as the spectators thought that Sam is going to regret his actions, he raised the reaper and cut off the prince's right hand and put it away.

"Special treatment for the special prince, I hope you like it."

As soon as he said that he turned around ignoring the prince's painful scream, at the same time, the Zoi termites sprung into action and ate the whole group of lackeys directly leaving a pile of bones.

This is a night to remember for the entire imperial capital.

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