Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 213: Clearing the Targets

Chapter 213: Clearing the Targets

After finishing their first target, the team of four are prepared to leave the place, but as soon as Sam hovered a bit, he could see the beasts flying from towards them and he saw three of his targets in the lead.

They are other members of the first and second imperial teams. Patrick must have sent them a message. There are more than two hundred people following the three candidates on their beasts.

The citizens are all running into their homes, this competition shouldn't have been this chaotic if they didn't treat Sam as their universal target.

The only team which isn't against Sam is the southern star team. The rest which means a total of ninety candidates are against him and these rich scions could hire hundreds of people to make Sam more trouble.

But now, Sam's move against them was completely uncalled for.

"Three of you, move towards them discreetly, don't worry about their long-range attacks. I will take care of that."

He relayed his instructions to the three of them and let the shadow mice slip past to their new locations of search.

The next target's home.

He hovered in the air as he watched the three of his companions move towards the approaching group.

After some time, he whistled and two birds came out of the darkness.

One of them is a crow and another one is a Falcon. They both looked like ordinary birds, but when they entered the sky from the darkness and the beasts coming with the group sensed their auras the latter felt tensed.

They slowed down involuntarily.

But the people riding on it made them move forward.

At this moment, Sam snapped his fingers and Sky and Yanwu took their true forms and roared at the beasts.

The beasts immediately flew into chaos, their natural instincts told them to prostrate on the ground in sign of respect.

The tower heads who are watching the scene frowned. Two beasts scaring the whole hoard of two hundred beasts, this is not something they could see every day.

They are thinking about what type of beasts they are, but they couldn't guess.

What they could see though, is that the approaching people are now in chaos. The beasts stopped moving forward.

Sam took out the sniper rifle again and aimed at the group.

He stood ram rod straight on harbinger and started shooting the candidates.

He doesn't have to load as the magazine was replaced by a space jade with numerous rounds.

As the sound of the gun shots rang in the night sky with blue coloured flame spark at the end of the barrel, one could see the people falling down one by one.

The candidates in the lead are becoming anxious and they realized that their beasts wouldn't listen to their orders.

So, they jumped down from that height and protected themselves with the help of the spiritual energy.

But the damage is still not completely negated that easily.

They still suffered the brunt of the fall a bit, but the worst part is as soon as they landed, they saw three figures coming towards them.

Philip, Watt and Jack already arrived at the place in time the group was in chaos.

Sam is still doing his thing. For him, it is no difference if they are standing on the beasts or jumping down or even running on the ground. They are all easy targets and a head shot is all it takes.

Since, these guys doesn't even know from where to expect the attacks, they are having even more trouble.

The three lead candidates are already suppressed by the trio. They swiftly moved and searched for the cards and after that was done, there was no need to wait. They cut the arms of the three. The opponent of Jack is relatively lucky as it was just a clean cut, but Philip and Watt just tore the arms off their bodies.

After the scene here was ended, the four of them continued their hunt.

The whole imperial capital was turned upside down.

When they arrived near the city guard quarters. Where the son of a City guard General is, they were halted by the guards and they are even threatened that if they barge in, they would be unlawfully entering the place.

Sam smirked at the idea of the General. He looked at the General who walked out with a Black face.

He knew that a situation like this would rise.

But this is not enough to stop him.

He hovered in the air and waited for the shadow mice to tell him about the position of the target and after receiving that, he looked at the house that heavily reinforced with formations and laughed to himself.

The general really went through great effort to save his son.

Sam raised his sniper and shot the person from far. Far enough that the general has no reason to argue about this, but that is only partially. The other reason is there is a man who is similar in age and attire to the first sword of the Sword Marshall who stood there with his arms crossed.

The General has right to stop their entry but nothing else other than the entry.

As Sam Shot, the formations are successful in blocking the bullets.

Sam should say that he was impressed. Those formations are top notch.

He can only partially recognise some of them from a far as there are too many of them.

Sam looked at the formation and the general with a smile. It is about time that he should test his new attack method.

A formation has one big flaw and that is if there was no extensive and highly detailed construction and preparation it wouldn't be able to block the light and shadows. They only use the spiritual energy to create different temporary environment in a confined space.

But light doesn't have restrictions unless the formation creator made sure to isolate it, but the people in this world are foolish enough to underestimate the light element and only used for healing.

Actually, healing isn't even the direct effect of the light element, it is more like the light is a transfer medium for the vitality, same goes for the dark element, it is a medium of curses, necromancy and arts related to death.

Anyway, now he has a way to effectively use the light energy to attack. The laser.

The gamma rays inherently are not visible to the n.a.k.e.d eye and the wavelength is very low. He wasn't able to reach that wavelength with his current level; he was still able to achieve a laser.

But it was completely different from a normal laser. He is eliminating all kinds of gas, crystal or chemical which acts as the basis for the laser beam and just modifying the light energy into that.

So, even if he wasn't able to reach the gamma level, he was able to find another way while experimenting.

He can just replicate the wavelengths and frequencies of the other lasers which he worked on in his previous world and if he can do that, he can attack just like that.

He kept the sniper rifle away and extended his hand after he moved a bit forward. He is right now hovering at a certain height at the border.

As be let the golden light acc.u.mulate at the tip of his index finger, he looked at the general who is also looking at Sam's actions vigilantly.

Sam gave an evil smile and just them the end of the golden light turned into green coloured light. And before everyone's surprised looks, the light beam shot out from the finger and as the long beam penetrated through the formations, it landed on the arm of the target who didn't know what was happening.

General was stunned and started moving towards the house. But Sam waving his arm a little bit and the laser cut the hand off in a clean stroke. Even the flesh at the cut was charred.

The General, barged into the house destroying the formations and all he could see was his son who was passed out and groaning unconsciously.

He looked at the cut and then looked around in search for arm, but that was nowhere to be seen. It disappeared magically. Sam looked at the General who came out in anger and miraculously took out the arm that was just cut off.

As he said before the shadows are not separated.

And they acted faster than the generally.

Sam just waved his hand at the dark expression of the General and went away with a smile.

Now almost all the targets are done. They didn't target the small fries, because they have something else in the store for her.

They would be in for a greatest surprise. And after an hour almost all of the targets are finished only two people are left.

"Let us go back to the house. We have to host the Princess and the Prince."

The four of them left along with the shadow mice, Yanwu and Sky.

As they moved six other members followed. They are the six swords of the Sword Marshall.

The first sword said.

"Do we all have to go there? You guys could handle this right."

"Don't whine. That guy already reduced all the work load for us for the remaining month. So, just stay for tonight and you can relax."

"What do you mean, he reduced the work?"

This time the third sword answered.

"Marshall said that he stole the whole container of the cards earlier this evening. So, we don't have to go through the meetings and take our time to visit the hiding spots."

"He did that? Man, I have to thank him for that. By the way, the rest of the candidates are idiots if you ask me. The hidden cards are a bomb if they can find them. They just focussed on the missions and other than that went after this kid. They left all about the hidden cards to chance.

Now, this kid stole the biggest treasure along with his friends and now he is making them pay for their actions."

"Do you know who he targeting now?"


"All the candidates who went after him are done except for the Prince and Princess. Now both of them are at his home, I wonder if he will deal with them the same way he did with the others."

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