Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1298: Disciple

Rupurn is frustrated and rightfully so, he is being harassed by someone of lower cultivation than him, and that someone happened to be a person he wants to kill with all he got.

The injury on the leg is way too much. He was too stupid and too angry to realize that Sam had the strength to deal the leg this much damage and only focused on attacking him. Now he is running with all his might to dodge the massive barrage of small energy bullets.

These bullets are only as big as marbles and they are coming at a rapid pace that made him feel like he was standing in the hail storm of energy bullets.

It took some time for him to adjust to that and he once again started going after Sam.

By now, Sam who didn't have to move around for a while took three potions to recover from the injuries and the exhaustion.

Even though everything was planned out well, he really took some invisible damage from this guy. Even from the first attack, everything Sam blocked at close range came with a recoil and the few slashes he took to his body are absolutely no joke.

He ignored all the damage and just focused on the leg just to create this situation.

After he recovered he stopped the energy bullet swarm and went after Rupurn directly.

He was met with a slash to his head and Sam created an energy barrier and this time, it is not even invisible. But it is a bit different from before. The energy barrier was created with three styles combined.

Sam created the flat barrier and used the repel style to push the barrier towards the sword and when it took the slash, the energy rippled and each ripple exploded with the void style.

This made the sword and in turn, Rupurn who wielded the sword takes the recoil and be blown away a bit throwing them out of balance. Sam took this chance and moved to the side, before once again aiming at the knee with the mechanical arm. He shot with the small bullet from the tip of the index finger.


It didn't create a lot of explosive sounds, but the blood spray is enough to understand what is happening.

If Sam had gone with this method from the start, he is sure that he would have lost the advantage of being underestimated, and also the other party wouldn't have been this careless in the battle. Now that he managed to injure the leg beforehand, Rupurn is not as fast as Sam leveled the playing field.

Now all, he has to do is wear him down bit by bit and destroy the opponent.

"You slimy little bastard," Rupurn yelled and came at Sam once again.

Sam looked at him coldly and took a deep breath to calm himself down. This rage is what brought his opponent down to his one knee, so Sam tried to channel it properly.

He stepped forward and used the three-style barrier once again to evade the attack, before aiming at Rupurn's body, but this time, the bullet didn't come from the finger rather the palm of his mechanical arm opened up and a large energy beam condensed there.


Rupurn was stunned by the energy in it and hurriedly swung his sword to block it but to no avail. The sword ray was decimated and the energy beam stuck Rupurn on the side of his abdomen removing a chunk of flesh from that spot.

Sam gritted his teeth and took out a potion to recover his energy and moved forward once again. He created two barriers to evade the sword rays and once again shot the man. But this time, the energy beam missed and only the after-effect of the explosion affected Rupurn.

This went on for five minutes and Sam who took in three more potions looked at the exhausted rupurn and aimed his arm.

"Dodge this if you can."

The arm gave out the mechanical sound and the five fingertips also opened up,. The energy condensed to the maximum capacity as it gathered into one larger energy beam and five small energy beams.

All six beams were shot and Sam slid three feet to withstand the recoil.

The six dense energy beams went straight to Rupurn who used all of his strength to run. He could feel the energy inside the beams and knew that he would not survive this.

He used all of his energy to send his biggest sword strike at the beams and jumped to the side as he ran away.

But when he turned back, what he saw shocked him. The energy beams didn't collide with the sword ray, instead, the six of them maneuvered around it and took a curve to go after him.

Rupurn felt horrified as he looked at Sam and then only he realized.

These six are not just energy beams they are snakes of energy and their tails are still connected to Sam's mechanical arm who currently had his eyes closed and was focused on controlling the energy snakes to attack him.

Rupurn tried his best to run away and turned many times, but the snakes followed him and with his injured leg and the abdomen that was profusely bleeding, he didn't have much in him. So, before he knew it, he fell.

He didn't have any more energy and succumbed to his fate. The six energy snakes crashed into him at the same it and the largest one even went through his body.


The body exploded on the spot and when the dust settled all that was left is a large crater and some pieces of flesh and bone are all that was left inside.

Sam walked to that spot and spoke up loudly.

"Are you going to come out or should I drag you out?"

He is standing beside that crater as he looked at the remains, to see if the soul extraction is possible, but his words were directed at someone else completely.

"I know where you are, there is no point in feigning it."

Sam took a deep breath and aimed his mechanical arm at one spot, he didn't wait and just shot a bunch of small energy bullets.


Amidst a series of explosions, a young man in a grey robe came out unscathed as he looked at Sam calmly.

His whole body is covered in a grey cloak and his cultivation level is similar to that of Rupurn who just died.

Sam looked at him vigilantly. There is a reason why he drank so many recovery potions non-stop. He sensed this person a while ago and he knew for sure that he didn't have any good intentions. And when he looked at how useless Rupurn is and how stupid he is in terms of battle, he understood that Rupurn is just bait.

That is also the reason why he tried so hard to not use his mechanical arm's full strength from the get-go. He cannot have someone with bad intentions see all of his cards, he needs to hold them carefully.

But he almost lost it when Rupurn pissed him off and blew the whole cover off. But luckily he managed to hold it in and didn't reveal everything he had. Although, he wished that he didn't use the last attack.

It consumes a lot of energy and that is why he started drinking the potions beforehand so that this hidden party wouldn't take advantage of him after the fight was done.

But now, he is confident, even though he is not exactly at his hundred percent, he is sure that he would be able to get away even if he cannot win the fight.

"How did you find me?"

The other party spoke up in a calm tone. Even though Sam just killed a person who essentially is considered his peer in terms of cultivation, he didn't feel threatened. He is more interested in how Sam found him.

"I am way too familiar with the space element to be fooled by such a lousy hiding spot."

The other party looked at him with slight surprise.

"Not bad. It seems like the master has his reasons to be worried about you,"

While the other party is speaking, Sam is currently looking through Sivan's memories and found out who this guy is, he is the disciple of Butler Si.

"You are the disciple of that Butler. I really admire your master and now I am honored that he is even worried about me. But I think the real worry is for Young master of your Butler."

"His worries are my master's worries and I am surprised you knew who we are. It seems like we need to act faster than I thought."

With that, spatial energy surrounded him.

"We will meet soon and I would like to see what else you have got."

He was about to use blink and disappear, but at this moment, Sam aimed his metal arm and shot a large energy bullet through the palm.

The disciple frowned and used his spatial energy to create a barrier with utmost difficulty as he was in the middle of blinking away.


The energy bullet exploded and the disciple was gone when the dust settled.

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