Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1297: Rupurn

Sam really did make it easy for the other party to track him down.

He arrived at the next organization and when destroying it, made the merchants in that city slip and even made sure that they would agree to let him be popularized all over the place.

He made sure that the word would spread enough. He even went as far as letting some of the subordinates in the organization go and inform their supervising organization in the chain of command.

He knew that the people would be coming after him from all the different fronts because of this, but he didn't care. He just waited in the city as he slowly destroyed the organization and killed one person after another at random. The people in the city are horrified by this.

Sam expected that a person from the supervising organization would have been sent immediately when they knew of his presence, but to his surprise none of them came. They completely ignored his message.

He was puzzled by this. He knew about the Half-yearly meeting. Even though he doesn't know exactly content of what was discussed in the recent meeting, he knew it happened. That is part of Sivan's routine, even if the world order is collapsing he would still hold that meeting.

Sam destroyed so many of his organizations and branches and left the messages so that he would know that Sam didn't die. It is a blatant provocation.

He is even expecting him to send someone from his clan to these two organizations to get a chance to deal with him. But there was no action whatsoever even when he sent the message directly.

But he soon understood why.

Three days after he sent the message, Rupurn, the fifty year old man arrived at the city.

He directly came to the estate of the organization where Sam is staying with his sword.

He didn't hide his aura and he didn't even care about stealth. When Sam is playing a game of cat and mouse with some disgusting young masters of the organization, he felt the aura of Rupurn and turned towards the gate.

"Finally, some action."

He leisurely walked to the front yard and saw the old man walking forward. When he saw Sam, walking towards him, he immediately guessed who he is.

"*hmph* I didn't know you have balls to come in front of me. Why don't you try to runaway? I would like to see if you are capable or not."

"Runaway? Why would I do that? Are you going to fart or something?"

"Be sarcastic all you want. I will kill you in the most gruesome way and I would ask you to tell me the same jokes you are spewing right now. We will see, if you would have the balls to open your mouth then."

Sam didn't speak immediately and felt the killing intent of Rupurn, he then noticed the sword in his hand. The sword is very similar to someone else's sword he recently saw.

He searched through Sivan's memories to look for this guy and when he connected the dots, something clicked.

"You are related to that Amateur swordswoman?"

The killing intent increased and the Rupurn's grip on the sword tightened as he almost made a move. But he controlled his urge. He didn't want to make a move immediately. He needs to know somethings before he attacked Sam.

"You are indeed related. Are you her father?"


"So, you are the one that taught her swordsmanship?"


"No wonder, she is so shitty."


"Trust me, I am understating it. She would have died the moment she made her first move, but I spared her life. I wanted her to escape. I even told her to, but as if she is obsessed with me, she just stayed there and swung that sword like a little girl she was and…"

"And What?"

"What else? I got sick of her and killed her on the spot."

Rupurn finally lost it and lunged forward with the sword to stab at Sam.

Sam felt the aura of Rupurn who is clearly stronger than him in terms of cultivation, but he is a bit confident in himself to deal with him.

As the sword came at him, Sam didn't take his stsff out, instead, he just used both of his hands to create an invisible energy barrier, that stopped the sword.

The sword stopped, but Rupurn, couldn't even see what stopped him, he felt like he is hitting a big thick plate of metal, he was about to pull his sword back, but Sam already made his own movie, the energy barrier turned into coiled energy snakes and held the sword there.

Rupurn was caught off guard and as he tried to pull back the sword harder and Sam condensed the energy on his foot and landed a low kick to the side of his knee with void style.


A small explosion occurred on the stop and a few layers of skin was torn open as well as his leg slipped, Rupurn became angry and surprised at the same time.

Sam didn't stand there and let go of that sword before hopping back.

He looked at Rupurn vigilantly. He carefully observed the other party's every move. He didn't even want to get hit by any accidental move or it would be extremely detrimental.

Rupurn also looked at Sam vigilantly, the hit to his leg might not be too damaging, but it is because of his cultivation level, if they are on the same level, he knew for a far that his leg would have been ripped off and the fight would have already been over.

He lunged forward and the sword-swinging, he diagonally slashed downwards and when Sam extended his two hands to create a shield, rupurn turned the sword a little bit and it slid over the invisible shield, rupurn immediately changed his stance and attacked Sam from the side.

Sam barely managed to dodge, but there is still a long slash on his abdomen. If he was even a minute late, he would have been sliced into two. But it was not for nothing, in the process of dodging it while stepping to the side, he threw another kick to the back of the knee, with the void style once again.


Blood was sprayed as Rupurn slipped and fell on his knee and almost fell forward which he stopped with his sword, but Sam took advantage of this and hit the same spot again and this time he combined it with ripple and void style.

*pop* *pop* *pop*

The energy rippled in the knee area and every ripple exploded after half a second creating the popping sound as the flesh and muscle fibers were cut open.

"You little shit, fight me directly if you dare," Rupurn yelled as he stood back up and swung his sword, the sword ray came at Sam, but he dodged it easily.

"Now, I know where your daughter's stupidity came from. Do you really think that this is some saintly battle for honor and pride? You came here to kill me and I am trying to defend myself. Get over your high horse and fight back you idiot."

Sam provoked him even more and the battle went on.

Rupurn wanted to stab Sam, but he barely missed and an energy barrier pushed the sword to the side before Sam threw another low kick on the knee.

A diagonal slash from the top and Sam used his left hand to block it, but this time the force is too much that he was barely able to take it and he fell to his knees.

The energy barrier was about to explode, but Sam used his right hand, to aim at the knee and shot an energy bullet.


Rupurn fell onto his knee once again and Sam shot two more energy bullets.

Rupurn blocked one with a sword ray and rolled to the side to dodge another one. He came back to his feet and wanted to go after Sam, but suddenly he realized that his movement has lapsed. He looked at his left leg which was constantly attacked and felt shocked. He couldn't move his leg.

Sam who just got back to his feet far away looked at him with a smile.

"You are way too orthodox my friend. It seems like your lack of experience in both battle and skill was passed on to your daughter which led her to her death.

Now, you are going to die as well."

Sam said as he extended his mechanical hand.

It gave out some noise of mechanical motion inside and five small holes opened up at the tip of his fingers.

The holes are glowing brightly with energy condensation and soon energy bullets came out as they were rapidly fired.

Rupurn looked at it in horror as he rolled to the side, but all Sam had to do is incline his hand a little bit and the energy bullets are coming at him once again.

All this while, Rupurn was in the offensive, but he fell for the most basic of the foul plays and was too clouded with rage to even fight back. Now, Sam took over the offensive and he doesn't even have to go near him to deal the damage.

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