Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1271 - Golden Silk Moth

The Elders attacked Sam from all sides. But most of them are coming from their left side. With his right leg being a peg leg and the left hand not even present, it is indeed a very good spot for them to attack him from.

While the elders from this side are focusing on him, the rest of the elders are focusing on taking his staff down. They wholeheartedly believed that his bizarre attacks are coming from the staff itself.

But most of Sam's focus is on the long-ranged attacks.

He dodged a dagger strike from the left barely and waved his staff a bit. An inclined energy barrier appeared in front of him and a large fireball coming from an elder far away hit the barrier and moved upwards as if it is a ramp.

While the fireball went away, Sam blocked a sword strike from the right and tripped the swordsman with a small energy wave aimed at his legs. The sword moved sidewards and went at the attacker coming at Sam from behind who was forced to abandon attacking Sam and had to block it.

Sam tapped the staff and a large horizontal rectangular barrier appeared in front of him and with another tap, right at the moment a large lightning snake hit the barrier, the barrier repelled the snake completely which attacked a spear user coming from the left.

While it is happening, Sam ducked and used the staff's tail end to poke at the foot of a nearby attacker with a small ball of energy gathered at the tip of that tail end.

*boom* A small explosion happened, but not only did the foot completely explode, there happened to be a secondary explosion because of the usage of the void style on something so close to an energy bullet which made the guy who fell after the foot was exploded to lose a large chunk of flesh and bones in the torso as well, immediately killing him.

As Sam focused on this, a large earth golem came at him from the top and he failed to use the barrier at the right time. The golem didn't even bother to attack Sam and just went after the staff. 

Sam used his left leg which is still intact to kick upwards on the large body of the golem.


The kick landed squarely and the energy explosion was shot from the rear end of the golem to the front end making the golem collapse into a pile of rubble.

Sam didn't wait long and kicked his leg on the ground using repel style to slide over and dodge three spears that landed in the place he was in.

He stood up hurriedly and spun his staff before swinging it to the rear.

The energy condensed into a large snake and went after the attackers coming from that direction while Sam moved away to dodge another fireball.

The snake didn't last long. It started exploding at different sections and some of the attackers were severely injured and blown away with some of them being dead.

He suddenly turned to the side and the energy gathered in the staff as he used it to swing towards his rear. A large ice lance that crept upon him through the ground, was hit squarely and half of the lance flew away hitting another fireball coming at him.

He tapped the staff on the ground creating a small ripple of energy once again and all of a sudden, some vines creeping up on him through the ground froze on the spot and they exploded.

The whole fight came to a stalemate for a second as nobody wanted to go headfirst at him.

In this short span of a minute, a lot of things happened and all the elders started panting.

Sam couldn't help but grin under his mask. These elders really did have great battle experience and they are using it to the fullest. He now figured that when he is looking for opponents in the future, he should be looking for multiple opponents to fight, not some famed single opponent no matter how good it is.

He felt like his multiple elements will come in handy with a fight like this. Otherwise, he just needs to stick to two to three elements and even then it wouldn't last long.

But now, even with those elements, he is having fun. All he needs to do is, pick some decently capable opponents and fight them all together.

While Sam is thinking of these absurd things in the middle of the battle, the opponents are scared out of their wits.

They didn't expect Sam would be too good even in the close quarters. None of their attacks landed. It is as if he had eyes all over his body and could see every attack coming at him from all sides and all angles.

They knew they, had to give it their all to even have a chance to defeat him. The two Middle-Stage Transcendent leaders also decided to stop holding back. They decided to use their full strength or what is left off of the full strength to deal with Sam.

But Sam didn't care, he was looking forward to it.

He held the staff and swung it like a club all of a sudden and a large fireball that came at him was hit by it.

The fireball didn't vanish or disperse, instead, like a ball, it was shot at another opponent who was caught off guard.

Sam smiled and moved to the side while swinging his staff sideways, the energy condensed into a large horizontal board on which the ice lances and spears coming from a side got stuck. He kept on modifying the board so that not a single ranged attack with attack him while dodging the attacks from the rear.

When there are more than fifteen spears and lances on the board, he tapped it with his staff and all of them were shot at the opponents.

The people that threw the spears didn't expect this from Sam.

They even had a thought that Sam might be having some hard time with so many attacks from one spot, but it turned out that he is just trying to counter it.

He didn't even have time to look at what those lances and spears did, before moving to the side and sweeping the staff on the floor in a large arc.

The energy condensed into that large arc and expanded as it moved away like a blade. It swept through everything in its path while destroying the ground, causing tremors.

Three cultivators who couldn't dodge in time, lost their legs and two who were already on the ground were cut in half.

"Playtime is over, guys. Time to get serious."

Sam said and a large ball of energy was condensed on top of the staff while a barrier appeared around him.

The energy started glowing brightly like a star blinding the opponents' eyes as it grew bigger and bigger.

The opponents knew that some bad is about to happen just from the size of it and they immediately threw all their attacks on Sam.

But they were unable to destroy the barrier no matter what they did and Sam tapped the tail end of the staff on the ground.

The energy that was gathered on top of the staff is in size of a large Hot air balloon, and it was compressed into the size of a marble in an instant before it went through the staff and hit the ground through the tail end.

Large energy waves rippled from that tip of the staff as they moved away bit by bit and whenever a ripple neared an opponent it started exploding bit by bit with the void styles.

Some opponents wanted to dodge it, but the ripples are not stopping.

They are coming one after another and this went on until all the opponents are either dead or severely injured to the point they cannot fight again and then these ripples went on to destroy the surroundings and half of the main building in the estate before they finally dispersed.

All the grass and plants within this range were completely uprooted and with a gentle breeze, they flew away.

Sam walked through these flying blades of grass as he reached deeper into the estate.

He is feeling a large amount of energy gathered in the middle with a sense of threat cautioning him to be careful which intrigued him a lot.

He slowly made his way towards the center and what was presented in front of him blew his mind away.

A large Golden Silk Moth is in the middle of all the cultivators as the golden silk condensed into armors around their body as well as weapons in their hands. This included the Leader of the Sect who is also the last remaining Middle-Stage Transcendent cultivator.

Sam could guess what is happening. This is the bloodline art of this Silk Moth, but it takes a lot of energy. The energy that the Silk Moth cannot contain and needs external assistance.

It seems like the Golden Silk Sect managed to keep their place by using this.

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