Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1270 - Golden Silk Sect

In the next month, the realms have seen chaos that they never even knew before. A black-cloaked man wearing a black mask roaming across the realms destroying one organization after another has become a topic that the kids in the slums to the leaders in mansions discuss every now and then.

They didn't know what his agenda is, they didn't know what his criterion was for destroying these organizations, but everyone is on the edge of their seats.

Some are wishing they are not going to be the target, some are wishing that their opponents become the target. Some tried to get in touch with him with some resources as gifts so that they could ask him to do something for them.

Some are trying to see if they could join him.

Everyone has different thoughts, but he is the only common thing in those thoughts for everyone.

There is one organization among all of them that knew answers to some of these questions thought.

Many people don't know that every organization that has been attacked in the past few days is the subordinate organization of the Golden Silk Sect and even if the whole world didn't notice the connection, it is inevitable for them to notice it.

They immediately made the connection to Sam to the one who destroyed that disgusting organization and also the one that killed their three elders in the process a month ago.

They wanted to try their hand at him when he is going on this spree, but they couldn't get a hold of him no matter how much they tried.

Sam is not revealing any pattern, order, or systematic approach he might have taken. Every organization he is destroying is being chosen randomly.

It is almost like he is pulling names out of a hat and going there to destroy them. But the Golden Silk has too many organizations under their control for their own good and now they cannot spread their elders and core disciples to such a long-range. It would only make it easier for Sam to kill them.

They could only grit their teeth and calculate Sam's appearance and attack with a sure-fire method. Or they could sit and wait for him to arrive at the gate of the Golden Silk Sect.

In the past month, they chose the first option many times, but by the end of it, they realized that the second option is the only option they actually have.

So, they prepared all their defenses and got ready to face him.

From the information they bought here and there, they concluded Sam's cultivation level.

They have three people of Middle-stage transcendence of the Astral Plane. They felt like they still had some upper hand and waited to prey on Sam.

And Sam didn't disappoint them.

But at the end of the month, he arrived at the gates of the Golden Silk Sect.

He looked at the massive gates made with some golden metal. There is an emblem of a golden silk moth on the arch of the gate.

There are no guards whatsoever at the game and Sam aimed his energy bullet at the arch and shot it.


But the energy bullet didn't destroy the arch as he wanted it to, instead, it bounced off of an invisible barrier and created a large crater.

Sam looked unimpressed. He expected as much. There are even some low-level organizations that managed to do this.

He tapped the staff on the ground and the surrounding energy gathered, the first section of the staff opened up revealing the large energy rectangular protrusion aimed at the formation.

An energy beam formed and was aimed straight at the moth on the arch once again.


This time, the beam wasn't shot back, rather the barrier shook as the energy forcefully penetrated through that and made the arch crash.

The elders and the core disciples that got notified by this immediately got ready to counterattack.

In the middle of the sect. At the core area. One of the three Middle stage Astral Plane transcendent cultivators is sitting along with some elders and core disciples as they created a formation.

They are all making hand signs in sync. They are seated in a large circle facing inwards and in the middle of them all there is a large Golden Silk Moth coordinating with them.

It is reeling out the golden silk threads and the silk threads started weaving themselves into various objects at a rapid rate as all of them made hand signs.

Meanwhile, the other elders who are at the Initial stage and the remaining two Middle stages transcendent cultivators came out to face Sam, or more like stall him.

They prepared for the best of their attacks as they waited for Sam to break the barrier and be caught off guard.

Sam kept on attacking the barrier at the same point with the energy beams as he moved forward and after some shots, the beam turned continuous. It didn't stop anymore. It is one large continuous beam that was aimed at one spot on the barrier.

Soon, the barrier couldn't hold up and it was destroyed.

Sam calmly walked towards the gate and blasted it open with an energy bullet.

As soon as he stepped past that broken gate, he sensed three large attacks aimed at him.

One is a large meteoritic dragon made of full fire and rocks, the other is a swarm of ice moths made of pure ice elemental energy and finally, the last one is an earth attack that would trap him in the ground with a large quicksand and the wooden vines are added to the mix to keep him more trapped.

Sam felt himself going down as the two attacks came from the front.

The elders hoped that Sam's face showed some expression of fear or at least anxiousness. But it was covered with the mask, so they assumed they showed those exact expressions.

But if they could see, all they would see is an expression of disdain.

The only thing that barely impressed him is the earth trap with the wood elements added into the mix. That would catch anyone off guard as long as it is perfectly timed, but the remaining two attacks are all showy.

They are good for destroying a large number. If it is for dealing with one person, they are utter waste. They are taking a long time to come at him which would give him a chance to escape.

But the problem is they are confident that their earthen trap would fail at all.

Sam pressed a small button in the middle of the first and second sections of staff and the bottom of the staff opened up. It spread open like a small metal flow with only four petals. It is very small.

Energy gathered under it. Sam took a deep breath and tapped the staff once again.

A large barrier appeared around him and it rippled outside.

Not only did the quicksand become completely useless in an instant. The ice moths and the large meteoritic dragon hit the repeated barriers that are appearing because of the ripple effects.

Each barrier is expanding rapidly and is making it hard for the ice moths and the dragon to reach Sam.

When they are finally near him, all the barriers wear them down and they are simple attacks that Sam overcame with a swing of his walking staff.

Everything happened in three seconds. The Elders were shocked.

They couldn't help but feel the cold sweat running down their spines.

This is the first time they felt so terrified in their lives.

This is not the first time they used this combination attack. This is one of their signature moves and they have used this against stronger opponents and caught them off guard.

They didn't expect that Sam to be this prepared.

One of the two Middle stage cultivators looked at the staff, he managed to notice that the rippling barriers came from that staff.

This type of defensive maneuver is something he hasn't seen and in his opinion, a normal cultivator of the same level as him shouldn't be able to do it.

So, he attributed everything to that staff just like any normal person. But the problem is he issued command.

"Make him lose the staff. That is what makes him use the technique. He is a cripple, there is no way, he is this powerful without that staff."

Sam also heard the order and he couldn't help but shake his head in disapproval. All the elders came out of the hiding with their weapons and charged at him while the few mages started attacking from long range.

But all Sam could see are a bunch of shooting targets moving towards him.

He clicked the same button as before and the staff returned to normal. He started using the basic energy bullets as he attacked every person that came at him.

The few weaker elders who dove headfirst were taken down easily. But it turned out that the other elders seemed to have some decent battle experience and they managed to do dodge the few attacks.

"It seems like, this wouldn't be as boring as I thought."

Sam muttered to himself as he stepped forward. 

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