Perfect Superstar

Chapter 143

Chapter 143 - Is Not Very Good

"Ioriginally prepared this song for Chen Fei'er…"

If it wereanother newcomer, perhaps it will only make people laugh their teeth off.

But Lu Chenis really different.

Chen Fei'er'sappreciation of Lu Chen has been fully reflected in the "SingingChina" competition. She alone has given Lu Chen a full score five times,surpassing Tan Hong, who likes to promote newcomers.

In someonline entertainment channels, there are even small news such as "ChenFei'er's favorite small fresh meat". (TN: Reminder: Small fresh meat - youngand handsome men.)

Lu Chen didnot see these gossip, otherwise it is estimated that he would spit blood - I ama pure gentleman, okay?

Wen Zhiyuan,Li Zhigao and Tang Qiaoqiao were stunned on the spot, but the three didn't havemuch doubt.

Lu Chen'screative talent is obvious to all. He didn't depend on anyone to bring it outand blow it up! (TN: He didn't spread and exaggerated it.)

It's notinconceivable for Chen Fei'er to ask a song from him.

Wen Zhiyuanreacted, and he was very excited: "It turned out to be a song written by TeacherLu Chen for Heavenly Queen Chen Fei'er…"

"Don'teven think about it."

Before he couldfinish his words, Lu Chen interrupted him: "I will not admit it."

Lu Chenunderstood what Wen Zhiyuan was thinking. For a new singer, this is undoubtedlya very good publicity.

But first, LuChen has to cooperate. if Lu Chen does not admit it, then even if EMI company createa hype, the effect is not good, and perhaps it will offend him together withChen Fei'er. It's not worth the loss.

Wen Zhiyuannever thought that Lu Chen was so perceptive. He saw through his thoughts at aglance.

His smilecouldn't help but turn into an embarrass one.

Lu Chen saidwith a smile, "it doesn't matter if you use my name to create a hype. Justdon't involve Teacher Chen Fei'er."

Even if hedidn't mention it just now, he was still a little worried about involving ChenFei'er. He should know that many entertainment brokerage companies are forcedto cooperate in order to create hype.

Therefore,Lu Chen struck Wen Zhiyuan discreetly, lest the other party have unrealisticideas.

He iswilling to sell his works to EMI, and doesn't mind the other party using hisown name for publicity, but it can't involve a third party, otherwise everyonewill just split up!

If it wereother newcomers, they wouldn't be qualified to speak like this. But to Lu Chen,Wen Zhiyuan was really convinced.

He was evengrateful.

The workthat Lu Chen took out was originally prepared for a Heavenly Queen.


Wen Zhiyuanhastily said, "Teacher Lu Chen, you can rest assured, we have our owndiscretion. Then I'll prepare the contract first and wait for you in thecompany the day after tomorrow! "

Lu Chen tookthe initiative to extend his hand: "Then we have a happycooperation!"

Wen Zhiyuansmiled: "Happy cooperation!"

He firmly heldLu Chen's hand and he was very happy in his heart.

The directorof the brokerage department of EMI has secretly made up his mind to apply forthe funds to buy a song.

Two days wasnot enough. The company's process is not that fast at all, but if he uses specialmethods to handle this special case, Wen Zhiyuan still has considerableconfidence. After all, the money is not that much.

If it'sreally not going to work, he'll pay for it out of his own pocket!

In order tosuppress Zhang Qiong's arrogance, Wen Zhiyuan was also ready to risk everything.


After he politelyturned down the warm invitation of Wen Zhiyuan and others to have lunch, LuChen returned to his studio.

At 2: 00p.m., he will be interviewed by a special correspondent from QQ Music here.

During thecourse of participating in the "Singing China" competition, and afterthe final, Lu Chen has been interviewed several times, including groupinterviews and individual interviews.

But it wasthe first time that such an official interview had been scheduled.

Although theother party is not a well-known newspaper or magazine, or a TV reporter, QQMusic is the largest and most powerful of all music websites, and to be able toget their special interview is something to celebrate for any newcomer.

It evencosts money to conduct public relations.

The mainreason why Lu Chen got this opportunity was that several of his works are verypopular in QQ music.

In BeijingSatellite TV's "Singing China", QQ music was an important partner. Allof the live version of all contestants' songs will be put on it for freedownload.

Lu Chen'soriginal works were no exception.

And hisworks have repeatedly made it to the hit list on the homepage of QQ music.

Up to now,the live version of his three original works, "Chasing Dream With A ChildlikeHeart", "The Brightest Star In The Night Sky" and "You Who SatNext To Me" has already broken through over a hundred million hits, ofwhich "Chasing Dream With A Childlike Heart" has occupied the topposition for seven consecutive days. Until it was squeezed down by "The BrightestStar In The Night Sky".

As for hisother works such as "Fly Higher", "The Bright Times Of EarlyYouth", "Those flowers" and so on, all of them have performedwell.

At onepoint, Lu Chen's songs even dominated the list.

Such asituation was so rare that the officials of QQ music had to use "technicalmeans" to readjust the list and make several of his songs fall off thelist.

Because LuChen's songs have appeared on the list one after another, it has seriouslyaffected the works that many website partners are advertising, publicizing andselling. Those who spend money have a problem - our money can't be thrown intothe water!

Such unwrittenrules have long been not a secret in the industry, especially in theentertainment channel portal website. If one wants to show one's face to occupythe headlines, one shouldn't even think about it without paying for it, unless oneis really a big figure.

The same istrue for QQ Music. As the largest music website in China, with hundreds ofmillions of registered users, its most important way of making money, inaddition to its sales share, is advertising and ranking revenue.

Therefore,having touched the interests of the financiers, Lu Chen's song being suppresseddown was very normal.

However, LuChen himself didn't care. After all, the publicity purpose of the work has beenachieved, and later he will cooperate with QQ Music to sell his debut albumonline.

At thattime, as long as the results are excellent, QQ music will naturally make a fussabout it, and holding the sky will not be a problem!

And thistime, the special interview, also seems to make up for it. (TN: Make up fortaking out several of his songs from the list.)

Most of theabove were analyzed by Lu Xi to Lu Chen. She has been paying attention to thetrends on the internet.

Like LuChen's blog, it's personally managed by her sister.

In additionto the special interview with QQ music, Lu Xi also has a work report for LuChen that needed his decision.

"Ialready talked to the clothing company that asked for your endorsementrecently."

"You have to decide whether to cooperate or not!"

This is theadvantage of being famous. He's just sitting at home, and people are eager tosend the money to his doorstep.

Lu Chen's eyeslit up. He hurriedly asked: "What kind of clothing is the endorsement, howmuch money?"

He was alittle excited when he thought about his first commercial.

Lu Xi smiledand said, "it's clothing, men's underwear. The annual endorsement fee is100,000!"


Lu Chen wassuddenly stunned. He originally thought it was a suit or trousers. The resultwas too unexpected.

Underwear iscertainly something everyone needs to wear, but when he thought about wearingonly a pair of underwear and being photographed for an advertising brochure ormagazine inserts, Lu Chen felt that he can't bear the sight of that.

He couldn'thelp but shudder. The hair on his whole body all stood up: "Forget it,help me refuse."

It is notthat Lu Chen doesn't want to make money, but that he can't accept it.

The key wasthat the money was too little, it's not worth "selling his body". 100,000was less than half the price of a song.

Regarding LuChen's answer, Lu Xi wasn't surprised: "Good."

Lu Chenasked, "Is there anything else?"

Lu Xiflipped through her notepad and continued, "There are still a few notice invitations,and I have answered them for you."

Notice inthe entertainment industry refer to artists' participation in various programsand public events such as sign ups, talk shows, promotional events,endorsements, press conferences, etc., according to the intentions ofentertainment companies or brokerage companies, to increase their own exposure ina certain period of time.

Most of the noticeshave a notice fee, and the price depends on one's status within the circle. Froma few thousand to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. There arealso a few free notices that are purely for publicity, which are generally theonly way for a new artist.

There areeven notice artists who specialize in running notices.

Noticeartists have a very low status in the entertainment circle. They belong to singers,idols or non-first tier stars who are not popular enough, who have no specificcompanies to sign contracts, or that there are no programs to do.

This kind ofpeople no longer work in a fixed studio or recording studio as usual. Instead,they rush about between various variety shows every day to talk about gossip orpopular news and the secrets of other artists, or play some hard games in someentertainment programs to entertain everyone.

All in all!

Lu Chen, asan independent artist, has no contracted company pressure, so he has a freechoice in this respect.

Some brokercompanies will force artists to participate in notice activities.

Of course, hedoesn't have any company's personal connection resources. Many notice activitieswill not take the initiative to find him.

But Lu Chenhimself is not interested in this.

Because hedoesn't have much time to participate in any notice that are time-consuming anddon't make much money.

Lu Xi understoodLu Chen's thoughts, so she directly answered them.

At the sametime, she reminded him: "If it's an invitation from Beijing Satellite TV,then you have to go in any event."

Lu Chennodded. He had to maintain his relationship with Beijing Satellite TV. Even ifhe didn't have money to earn, he had to give face.

Otherwise, ifhe's too independent, he will not last long in the entertainment industry.

"Finally,there are two performance business offers…"

Lu Xi said:"They will cover the cost for foods, round-trip air ticket or high-speedrail ticket. 30,000 for a song, if you agree, you can sign a one-year contractfirst."

Performance jobsis also a key point for artists to make money, but the other party's offer madeLu Chen a little disappointed.

Who made hima newcomer without the support from a contracted company!

He scratchedhis head and asked his sister, "Sister, do you think it's bad that I didn'tdiscuss about not signing?"

Lu Xi smiled gently: "As long as you know."

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