Perfect Superstar

Chapter 142

Chapter 42 - Prepared for Chen Fei'er

Zhang Ailinghas said that it is better to be famous early. (TN: Zhang Ailing is a famousactress.)

Wen Zhiyuanhas been in the circle for more than ten years. He has met many young artistswho have become famous, but he has never seen a young man, who is as calm andmodest as Lu Chen. He is neither arrogant nor impetuous nor humble.

Manynewcomers are modest in the face of praise and glory, but they are still proud intheir hearts, and their emotions are exposed through their eyes and subtlemovements.

Anyone withvision and experienced like Wen Zhiyuan can tell.

However, LuChen is not like that. His modesty comes from his heart, and is definitely nota deliberate disguise. He gave Wen Zhiyuan the feeling that he is like anunfathomable pool with no bottom in sight.

In fact, WenZhiyuan didn't know that just a few months ago, Lu Chen wasn't like this atall.

Lu Chen has experiencedthree different lives in his long dream, fused with the memories of the three peoplefrom the dream world, and then, overnight, washed away his former youth and childishness,which naturally made him look different.

And theprecious wealth from the dream world made Lu Chen have strong self-confidence.

But he wasalso well aware of the source of everything that he has now, so he would not lookdown on others.

Thecombination of all these wonderful things has given Lu Chen a different charm.

The youngpeople nowadays are really amazing!

Wen Zhiyuansecretly praised, and he became more and more determined to ask Lu Chen forsongs.

TangQiaoqiao is a good child. Her chance has come.

After some courtesies,Wen Zhiyuan introduced Li Zhigao and Tang Qiaoqiao to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen didn'tknow that before he came, there was a little game in the brokerage departmentof EMI company, which led to a change in the subjects of the voice test, butthis didn't affect his sincerity for this cooperation. (TN: The game here isreferring to the thing that happened between Wen Zhiyaun and Zhang Qiong,)

Since "InSpring" became popular, several entertainment brokerage companies havecome to Lu Chen Studio to ask songs from Lu Chen. But they were scared off byhis offer.

At thismoment, Lu Chen has won the championship title of "Singing China" andreleased many excellent original works, and this made people see his talent andstrength. The original offer is not so unacceptable.

Lu Chen askedLu Xi to raise the price.

Every workin his memory is a masterpiece or even a classic. He would rather have them rotin his hand than sell it at a low price.

Apart from LightRain Media, which has already tasted the benefits, EMI Brokerage Company wasthe first company that really has the sincerity to cooperate with Lu Chen inthis respect, and that was why he will take the initiative to come to them and listen.

Somesongwriters sell whatever they write for money, no matter who will sing it.

There arealso some songwriters who will tailor their work according to the singer'svoice, appearance and even personality, and the latter's position in the circleis often higher than the former.

What Lu Chen wants to do is the latter - There are too many works inhis memory. He can always find the right one who will meet the requirements!

Wen Zhiyuanreally does not know this. If he knew, he would probably be stupefied.

The directorof the brokerage department of EMI company took everyone to the listening room.

EMI CulturalBrokerage Company is a medium-sized company with a large number of contractedartists. However, there is no independent recording studio. The production isoutsourced to other companies. Delong Building has first-class production unitsuch as Tianzhai Workshop.

But the listeningroom is indispensable.

After asinger's album or single has been produced, it is necessary to take it back tothe relevant personnel of the company for evaluation. And then determine themarketing promotion plan.

Therefore,EMI's listening room is professional. It has all kinds of audio equipment, includinglarge screen projector, with accompaniment tape and microphone. It can be usedas a high-grade karaoke hall.

TangQiaoqiao sang two songs to Lu Chen here, one sweet song and one fast-beat song.

Lu Chenlistened very carefully.

If the perfectscore is 10, Tang Qiaoqiao's appearance is at least 7 points. If she dressed upwith an exquisite dress, it can go up to 8 points.

Her voice wasa little nasal. There is a kind of slight sweet girl's languid feeling, whichsounds very comfortable. Belonging to the kind of voice with characteristicsand potential, EMI signed her for a reason.

However, theproblem was that Tang Qiaoqiao's characteristics were not bright and strongenough, and her singing skills were not very outstanding. It is not easy tostand out in Beijing, where talent is abundant.

Unlessthere's a good song to help her!

After listeningto her, Lu Chen fell into deep thought.

Afterlistening to the singer's voice, other songwriters have to think about the theme,melody and arrangement to match the other party's characteristics.

Lu Chen thoughtdifferently. What his thinking was not that complicated.

That is tochoose which song is suitable!

If it wasn'tbecause he didn't want to shock everyone, he would have written a few dozensongs for Tang Qiaoqiao on the spot.

While LuChen was searching in his memories, whether it was Tang Qiaoqiao, Li Zhigao orWen Zhiyuan, they all closed their mouths and looked at him with expectant eyes.Li Zhigao even got nervous and droplets of sweat were welling up on hisforehead.

At the sametime, in an office of EMI, Zhang Shuhui was on the phone with someone else.

"Mm-hmm,I see…"

She was walkingback and forth in the small room, agreeing and frowning from time to time.

Zhang Qiongsat on the sofa and looked at her restless niece, shaking her head helplessly.

This childis always so restless and will be at a loss when something happens.

It was said thatshe was an aunt agent, but she was actually more like a nanny.

After awhile, Zhang Shuhui ended the call.

She squeezedher cell phone hard and said very annoyed: "Aunt, that Lu Chen came, and LittleChen told me that Director Wen had taken him, Li Zhigao, and Tang Qiaoqiao intothe audition room!"


Hearing thenews, Zhang Qiong was also taken aback and her complexion changed a little.

But she quicklyunderstood and she could not help sneering and said: "Li Zhigao, thatcoward, is a bit clever. He must have taken advantage of loopholes to persuadeWen Zhiyuan to ask that Lu Chen to write songs for Tang Qiaoqiao. He is comingfor me!"

Previously,Zhang Qiong deliberately disappeared in the company. She wanted to embarrassWen Zhiyuan. (TN: Not sure if I got this right. 先前张琼故意在公司里面散出消失,就是想要给温智远难堪.)

Unexpectedly,Li Zhigao seized the opportunity.

Zhang Shuhuihesitated for a moment and asked, "Auntie, you said that if Tang Qiaoqiao,she…"

Although shewas also a signed artist under Director Wen Zhiyuan, Zhang Shuhui has neverpaid attention to Tang Qiaoqiao, who made her debut before her, and whose rankingin the company was one or two levels inferior to hers. There was no threat atall.

However,this time Tang Qiaoqiao unexpectedly got in touch with Lu Chen, which made herinstinctively alert.

Zhang Shuhuiwas no stranger to Lu Chen, because she has seen most of "SingingChina" competitions.

There is nodoubt about Lu Chen's talent. Zhang Shuhui's favorite song, "The BrightestStar In The Night Sky", which he sang in the final, simply touched herheart.

Therefore, whenshe previously knew that Wen Zhiyuan applied to the company for funds, andasked Lu Chen to write a song for her, Zhang Shuhui was very happy.

But ZhangQiong strongly opposed it.

The reasonwhy Zhang Qiong strongly opposed to it was that Lu Chen's song style is not suitablefor her, and the price was too high.

According toZhang Qiong, only those new talents who don't know the complexity of thingsdare to ask such a high price. Wen Zhiyuan was being unreasonable and wants tomake a joke. Zhang Shuhui can't follow him and become a laughingstock.

Zhang Qiongrecommended Xiyu to Zhang Shuhui. 250,000 yuan enough to buy three good works.

How can WenZhiyuan squander the funds Zhang Qiong took effort to apply for?

Zhang Shuhuilistened to Zhang Qiong's advice, because she knew that her aunt loved her themost and would not harm her.

Now,however, hearing the news, her heart was in turmoil again.

What if LuChen wrote a very good song for Tang Qiaoqiao and made Tang Qiaoqiao famous?

This was herchance!

Zhang Qiongknew very well what Zhang Shuhui was thinking. She interrupted her words withouthesitation and said confidently, "Tang Qiaoqiao has no chance. How can sheapply for the money to buy songs?"

"WenZhiyuan did it on purpose for us to see. That Lu Chen has come here, can't hemake the other party go back directly? So even if it is to put on a show, youcan't offend others."

"MaybeLi Zhigao and Tang Qiaoqiao looked for him to request for his support temporarily!"

The moreZhang Qiong thought about it, the more she felt that she had guessed correctlyand she fiercely slapped her hands: "This old fox!"

It was as ifthe slap was on Wen Zhiyuan's face.

As soon asZhang Shuhui heard this, she realized that what her aunt said was so reasonableand her face immediately showed a relieved smile.

Zhang Qiongstood up and took her small hand and comforted, "Shuhui, don't think toomuch. I'll contact Xiyu right away and ask him to write you some really goodsongs, and then we'll release an album!"


Zhang Shuhuiimmediately burst with joy, and immediately hugged Zhang Qiong and kissed her."Auntie, you are too good to me!"


Zhang Qiong heaveda sigh of relief. (TN: 张琼没好气地瞪了她一眼。)

She wassecretly complacent in her heart - Wen Zhiyuan, you want to fight with me, drinkmy mother's foot washing water!

Wen Zhiyuandidn't know that someone wanted him to drink foot washing water. He was staringat Lu Chen.

In the listeningroom, Lu Chen finally thought about it. He said to Wen Zhiyuan, "DirectorWen, I already have an idea for Miss Tang Qiaoqiao's song. The day aftertomorrow, I will bring my work to sign a contract to transfer thecopyright."


Wen Zhiyuan doubtedwhether if there was something wrong with his ears: "Teacher Lu Chen, youmean you can write a song for Tang Qiaoqiao the day after tomorrow?"

Your mother,isn't that a little too fast!

It should beknown that Lu Chen's offered price was 250,000, which was the price of a realfamous person in the industry. Although it was not comparable to the top bigshots, it's very astonishing in EMI Company.

Lu Chenunexpectedly said that it could be done in two days.

Li Zhigaoand Tang Qiaoqiao also showed an incredulous look.

Lu Chensmiled faintly and said, "I originally prepared this song for Chen Fei'er.I feel it is more suitable for Tang Qiaoqiao."

Sweet SongQueen Chen Fei'er!

Everyone wasspeechless. Then they remembered that Chen Fei'er very much appreciates Lu Chen.

She eveninvited Lu Chen as a guest at her concert.

So what Lu Chen said was most likely true.

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