Offer To The CEO

Chapter 725 - Another Baby And A New Career Direction - Part 2

Six weeks later, continued …

Anna simply shook her head.  Looking directly at Alecia she said "Alecia, you idiot he would never be too busy for you and Rose. You know you are the centre of his world."


"But I hate to ask him."

"No, you need to talk.  Not talking will only cause problems."

Anna saw a look passing over Alecia's face and realised that the rumours that she had been hearing about Alecia and James having issues were true.  "Alecia, I would be right in saying things are difficult for the two of you?"


"How did I know.  I know my brother, I listen to things, and I can read people.  The latter is simply part of my job.  What is it?"

"I love him, but I sometimes wonder…"

"If marrying and having Rose at such a young age was the right decision for you?  Do you love James?" seeing Alecia nodding, Anna continued "You love Rose, that is obvious.  But do the two of you talk?  Have you told him how you feel about the situation?"

"No.  It is too hard."

Shaking her head, Anna decided to be proactive and picked up her phone calling James.  As he answered she said "Baby brother, get over to my villa now, without argument," before hanging up the phone as she did not want an argument.

As she ended the call Alecia angrily retorted "That was not necessary Anna."

"Alecia it was.  The last couple of weeks when James has visited he had worried about your marriage, you are also worried.  I am not a marriage counsellor, just a stressed out heavily pregnant woman who wants her brother and sister-in-law to talk about what is bothering them, not dragging her into it.  Plus, if I know your father and Amanda, any complaints you have made to them has drawn the statement talk.  I am just making sure that it happens."

"That is just mean Anna."

"Not mean, practicable.  You two love each other, that is so obvious, and issues can be worked through if you talk about them.  Rose can stay in the nursery with her cousin Jang until you have had the discussions you need.  It does not matter how long it takes, as otherwise the two of you will remain miserable."

Alecia looked at Anna and said, "How did you about my parents?"

"Amanda told me.  They are stressed presently given…"

"Sophie's health.  I know.  The doctors have worked out what the issues are with her heart and are consulting internationally for treatment options.  Apparently, the best option, is to have surgery…"

"That Amanda told me just yesterday.  They have a few options for the surgery, in the US, Europe and Australia.  She asked me for my suggestion…"

"James too.  He told her go to Australia as they could do the surgery at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne.  As he said, his family can be there to support them, but…"

"They could take a break at the farm if needed.  I told Amanda if that was the option chosen, that our apartment in Melbourne was available for them, along with the farm if then needed a break.  How are the boys taking it?"

"Ton and Junior are taking it in their stride.  Paul, and goodness knows why we all call him by his Western name, but it seems to fit him, does not understand what is wrong with his sister, and reacts to Sophie's cries and the lack of attention that he gets.  Ton, Junior James and I try to make up for that where we can, but there are times he only wants Mum and Dad, and that is challenging.  Hopefully the surgery will resolve Sophie's health issues and things can get back to normal for them."

"I jus wish we could help more…"

"Anna you are pregnant again…"

"Being pregnant does not prevent me helping."

"But a risky pregnancy does darling sister, and you know this pregnancy is risky, just as your pregnancy with Jang and Aaron was.  Now why did you want me here," came the voice from behind her.  While she knew the voice, as she turned Anna could see James standing behind her.

Quickly Anna responded, "For you and Alecia to talk.  I am sick of the two of you using me to complain about your problems, and not talking to each other." Realising that James had arrived too quickly Anna then added "How come you are here so quickly."

"As to the latter, I was on my way.  We will talk, but Amanda said to me the other day, that for some reason she feels that you are losing your passion for practicing the law.  What is that about?"

"James, I have lived and breathed the law since I got admitted to university when I was sixteen. My maternity leave with Jang, made me start to question what I wanted, and returning to work afterwards, along with my involvement in the trial made me realise that practicing the law is not everything I want.  I want to make a difference here.  Yi and I have spoken about it, and I have resigned from ANX.  They, of course are rejecting it presently as they want me to re-evaluate the situation when I finish maternity leave this time around and determine if my priorities remain changed."

"I am, and Yi if fine with this, not going to return to Hour Enterprises.  But I am not leaving the law.  The local university has offered me a teaching position in their law school, and I am wanting to take that."

"When were you going to tell everyone about it?"

"Stop getting short with me James.  At the present it is only in the planning stages, but with two children, I really do not feel that I can be effective in the law now." Signalling to the waiting staff, tea and coffee were brought out, and Anna Said "The two of you need to talk.  Start talking here, before going.  As I told Alecia, Rose can stay here."

Anna stood up, and as she started to move, she felt the pain she felt when she went into Labour with Aaron and Jang.  Turning back, she quietly said "Sorry to ruin your chance for a discussion, but I need you to call Yi and tell him to meet me at the hospital and arrange with the staff for me to be taken there. "

"You have gone into Labour." James shook his head and looked at Anna.  From what he observed Anna was right, she had gone int labour, and this was throwing the obstetrician's plans for her admission and her inducement later.  This little one was determined to spoil those plans.  Alecia, understanding what was happening, quickly picked up her phone and called Hou Yi, while James started making the arrangement for Anna to be transported to the hospital.  As she was being taken away by the ambulance, James and Alecia called out they would stay here, until they knew what was happening.

Just as the ambulance doors were shutting Anan yelled "You better talk, or I will kill you when I …" Before she could finish the paramedics shut the ambulance doors, leaving James and Alecia standing there.

As they headed in, Alecia turned and said "We better have a discussion, or Anna will…"

"Kill us later.  Let me check on the children, while you call Yi's parents and then my father to let them know what is happening."

James leant down and gave Alecia a kiss on the cheek before heading in the direction of the villa nursery, leaving Alecia to make two phone calls, letting both her father-in-law and Uncle Yi's parents know that Anna had gone into labour and was on her way to the hospital.  She headed back outside and told the staff when James returned to tell him where she was.

Waiting for James, Alecia knew Anna was right.  They had to determine what they wanted for their marriage.  The holding pattern that had dictated their lives for the last few months could not go on, as it was hurting them, and more importantly Rose.

As he walked out to find Alecia sitting in the gardens and said, "My love, what is it?"

"I know James, but I have been worried about it for weeks."

"Nothing is an issue if we talk about it. Even most of your friends thought we would split before we reached two years of marriage and look at us."


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