Offer To The CEO

Chapter 724 - Another Birth And A New Career Direction - Part 1

Six weeks later.

Anna was sitting down chatting to Alecia who had come for a visit with her and James' little angel who they all nicknamed Rose.  Both of them were well aware that she had her daddy and her uncle Yi twisted around her finger, let alone her maternal grandfather and unless Ton and Junior.


Anna stopped and thought about the last few weeks, having been off on Maternity leave again. Unlike last year with their celebrations for their wedding anniversary with coincided with the birth of Amanda and Yao Tan's twins, this year was quiet. Her obstetrician after the announcement had given her two options. She stayed at home and rested, or she would be put into hospital, as they wanted her to go as long as possible with this pregnancy.

Alecia, had taken to being the one spending time with her, simply to reduce the boredom, given Amanda had returned back to work when she went off on Maternity Leave. Thank god though for the nannies, and Yi's family as she would have been driven totally crazy.  They all tried to make things as easy as possible for her to allow her to remain at home as long as possible before being admitted to hospital.  Anna knew that this was likely coming in the next few days.

"Anna, what are you thinking about" came Alecia walking. "Rose is in the nursery with Jang and the nannies, but I thought something was bothering you the other day when I was here."

Pausing before responding "Alecia, I was thinking how much things have changed in just over 2 years. Here I am happy, with Yi and Jang, and our new addition to come any day. James and you met, married and have Rose, but I really do not know what I want to do?"

"Anna, remember what you told me when I started having the problems at University when my pregnancy became obvious. I faced harassment and discrimination but as you told me I must forge my own path for what I want. That challenges James and myself, to the point there are days I question why we married. But all it takes is a look from him, or a cuddle with Rose and my doubts go away. We were meant to come into each other's lives when we did. The challenges will always be there, but we both have what we want. The funny thing is that James is having to push me at the moment to return to university. I want to spend the time that I can with Rose…"

"Alecia, you sacrificed for James to finish his studies, now he wants you to have your dream."

"I know Anna, but the I do not know if that is what I want now. My family is the most important thing."

Pausing Anna thought about that. Alecia was right family was the most important thing. "Alecia, The choice is yours but remember that your dad, Amanda, the boys and the twins are your family as well. Can you see yourself not wanting to be involved in XF International?"

"Actually no, despite all my feelings about the situation, I want to be involved in the company, I want to make my way through and while not expecting it want the opportunity to take over the company if I am competent enough in the distant future."

"Alecia, is it the timing of things? Is that the problem?"

"Possibly. Dad was able to work, study full time and care for us, and I feel a failure that I cannot."

"Alecia, remember when your dad returned to study, he had worked a couple of years to support you and when he went to university you, Ton and Junior were five years old. That makes a difference. Can you talk to your university about possibly only taking a couple of classes this semester, lessen the load particularly as Rose is so young?"

"I tried but they refused. They said I either had to study full time or leave. The only reason they did not enforce this last semester was I had just given birth, and my impression is that they would have been portrayed as heartless to insist that a new mother had to quit university as soon as she gave birth."

"Are there other options? Can you study on line?"

"I contacted other universities, and they all are the same. I either must study full time or cannot be there. Only one offers a few on-line courses but that is not until my last year."

"Had you looked at Australian options? Universities there have on-line courses that maybe you could take.  Due to your and James' marriage, and the fact that you have resided in Australia for about six months over the last two year, it should make it easier for you to get in to one there.  Australia Universities have no problem with people studying part time as they understand some people must work and others have family commitments."

"It is possible they will give you credit for what you have already studied here. Then, when you are ready in the future, you can re-apply here and they possibly will give you credit for those studies, or alternatively the Australia University may be able to arrange for you to study some courses on campus here.  All you have to do is ask, and you know James and I can help you make some of the inquiries."

"I had not thought about it. It has just been so overwhelming, and James has been so busy given he has become head nurse …"


From the Author.

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