Offer To The CEO

Chapter 699 - The Karma Bus - Part 3

Thursday, continued…

Anna and Hou Yi simply sat there stunned.  How in the world did this happen?  Yes, he agreed to a sentence, but in the end his victims would be left with little justice.  He served so little time for his actions.

Alister continued, "And while it does not impact you in any way, the compensation orders made against him are not enforceable against his estate, unless action had been taken before his death to enforce them.  The problem for the victims is that while the applications were lodged, they rank behind other creditors of the estate as there is not judgements to compel the payment."

"So, I am guessing they will likely receive little?"

"If anything."

Hou Yi could see this was worrying Anna "Alister, let the lawyers for the other victims know if there is anything, we can do to help them we will try.  But our son needs out attention." With that Hou Yi ended the call and sat the phone down.

They paused and looked at each other, Anna cuddling Jang in her arms.  Hou Yi said "Well I guess that is a spectacular way to avoid having to pay for your crimes."

"It is, but we need to work with those of us who have the money and arrange something for the victims with nothing.  They stood up and said that he was not going to get away to what he did to so many girls.  Some took the money and folded but others decided he needed punishment, and they should not lose out for doing what ultimately was right." Anna paused and continued, "I do not know why, but I feel sorry for Lu Jinhu losing his father like that."


"Yi, regardless of what he did do me what he did resulted in us marrying and neither of us want for that not to have happen."

"True, but I will not forget how much he hurt you Anna.  He does not deserve to be forgiven for that." Hou Yi learn over and gave Anna a brief kiss before saying, "Now we need to hurry up and start getting ready as the nanny interviews will start soon.  Phillipa even suggested we consider a Norland College trained Nanny and through her contacts was able to find three that were willing to consider the position.  Two of them agreed to come over for an interview today, given I have paid all expenses."

"You want the best?"

"Absolutely.  Jang deserves it, but only if they fit.  There is no pressure Anna, as they have to fit our family."

Seeing Jang had fallen asleep in Anna's arms, he carefully lifted him out and said, "Now go and shower."

Just as Anna finished getting ready, her phone rang, and she quickly picked it up, noticing it was James.  "What do you want baby brother.  You almost disturbed your nephew."

"You know the news?"

"Yes, Alister called us this morning.  How is Alecia about it?"

"Like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders.  No matter what I had said, she was still worried but now she seems relaxed."

"And you?"

"Glad.  It made me think about what Ben would have said…"

"He was hit by the karma bus?"

"You have it in one.  He had no conscious, did not care who he hurt in his pursuit of his own selfish desires and he ran into something than meant he had no control, and paid the ultimate price."

"So how are you going with Alecia working and now having started University?"

"It is somewhat strange.  Her work hours have dropped, but there are times believes she is drowning in coursework.  All I can do is be there for her.  But it appears she has made a couple of close friends already in the course …"

"You feel shut out from what they are doing at times?"

"A mind-reader.  What do you think I should do?"

"James, you have it right.  She needs support from those who love her.  Being younger than everyone you are studying with already makes you and outsider, and she will do everything else that she can to fit in.  Get to know those close friends and make sure you have a support network around her, but just be there and help her out as much as you can.  In a worst case, talk to the university.  I was lucky with my scholarship that I had course counsellors who make sure that I had those networks around me as I was only sixteen when I started university, Alecia despite being a year older will need them."

"When did you get so smart?"


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