Offer To The CEO

Chapter 698 - The Karma Bus - Part 2

Thursday, continued…

Hou Yi, quickly continued "You will be there Anna. Taking care of yourself, is just as important for Jang as being there all the time for him.  You cannot do everything all the time."

"But you are going back to work, and you are not worrying about your relationship with him."

"I am.  While we have the money, I also have an obligation to every staff member.  I need to be there for them, and the company as well.  Jang will not suffer for me returning to work, nor when you do so in the future.  It is about options, and…"

"That is what you are asking me to consider." Seeing Hou Yi nodding, Anna continued "I will consider it, but I need to feel that the person is the right person, not just someone we choose because we have interviews."

"Absolutely.  You need to be happy with whoever is selected, as they will be in Jang's life, and potentially with us for years to come."

Anna quickly leant over and gave Hou Yi a kiss before snuggling into him as they sat quietly on the couch.

After around fifteen minutes of peace Hou Yi's mobile rang, disturbing not only them, but startling Jang, who started to cry.  As Anna picked him up, she was Hou Yi answer his phone and placed in on speaker, before saying "Hello Alister.  I have you on speaker.  What can Anna and I do for you?"

Anna realised the sudden waking caused Jang to dirty his nappy, so she moved over to change him again.  On the phone Alister said "Apologise for disturbing you CEO and Madam Hou, but I wanted you to hear this from me before you are confronted by the press, given what has happened in the last month."

Hou Yi, worriedly said "You have me worried.  I though all the criminal matters had been finalised.  What is it?"

"The national prosecutors called me around 8pm last night, but I did not want to disturb you.  My associates are calling CEO and Madam Yao, Miss Alecia and your brother Madam Hou, as well as the others we represented."

"What has Lu Jingho done?"

"Apparently when he arrived in prison, he tried to use his money to control what was happening, but since the last time Miss Gang was in and seen him, and the news came out about her taking millions from him, he has gotten worse, but the criminals in prison…"

Anna with her background could guess where this was going, and interrupted "The normal prisoners, or as many of my colleagues in Australia called them the Ordinary Decent Criminals, did not take that too well to someone who had committed sexual offences against children, teenagers, but still they are legally children.  They reacted to him badly."

"Correct Madam Hou.  The authorities tried to hide his offences from those within the prison, but it was impossible.  While they tried to shield him to keep him safe his own actions made sure he was front and centre of everything."

"Well Alister he has the pathological need to control everything, so why would his behaviour be any different inside prison?"

"That was always the worry for the prison authorities, and to be realistic there were little options as to where he would be sent to serve his sentence.  But, cutting a long story short yesterday, in trying to throw his weight around he upset the wrong person…"

"And those in the hierarchy of prisoners did not take his actions too well, if I am understanding what you are trying to say Alister.  That is nothing unusual.  I always reminded my clients when they went to prison to be careful, as they had to take care of their own safety.  Just because you may have a status on the outside does not mean that you have a status inside prison."

"You are correct Madam Hou.  But and details are still not clear at this time, the other prisoners did not take what he did this time well at all, and a shiv was pulled and he was stabbed multiple times.  And before you say anything, Madam Hou he was taken to the prison hospital and given the seriousness of the injuries he was immediately transferred to a nearby hospital for surgery."

"So, he is there recovering.  Lt us just hope he does not use this to argue that his safety cannot be guaranteed in prison therefore his sentence should be served by home detention.  That will have everyone manipulating the situation to get that, rather than the prison sentence they deserve," came the harsh quick response from Anna.  There was no way that she wanted that b*stard to get out is serving most of his time in prison.

"That is not going to be a problem.  The injuries were so severe that he died in hospital from the injuries suffered.  The national prosecutors last night informed all legal representatives of what had happened, and the prison authorities informed the Lu family.  They will hold a press conference at midday to announce his death."


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