Never Judge

Chapter 822 - 822

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"Ayanna, before you go, I need to talk to you." Cedric said as he asked his sister to stay behind.

"What's up?" Ayanna asked.

"You need to lessen your workload." Cedric told her in a serious tone. "You are pregnant, I won't have you skipping meals or going home past five in the afternoon."

"You can't be serious?" Ayanna asked as she glared at Cedric.

"I am serious Ayanna. This is what you have to do in exchange for my support. Ray doesn't even want you outside the house, let alone working." Cedric said as he slightly raised his voice.

"Fine." Ayanna grumbled as she agreed to her brother's terms.

The rest of the day went on quite peacefully for Cedric as he went about his work, checking up on Ayanna to make sure that she wasn't over exerting herself.

When the clock struck five, Cedric decided to head home with his sister so that she wouldn't have an excuse for working late.

"Ayanna, time to drop work and go home." Cedric said as he leaned against the door frame.

"But there is still a ton of work left to do." Ayanna grumbled as she placed the documents aside.

"They can wait till Monday. Today you are our priority. I need to make sure that you make a habit of leaving early." Cedric said with a laugh. He knew his sister would hate having to leave work unfinished.

Ayanna sighed and got up, surrendering to the conditions she had agreed on earlier that day. 

"Don't worry, we'll still be busy at home." Cedric said with a laugh. "You have to make sure the movers fixed things properly and we still need to plan for dinner tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah." Ayanna said, still unhappy about her brother limiting her work.

The drive home was silent. Ayanna was still mad at Cedric and Ray and she chose not to speak to her older brother. 

She knew they were doing this for her and the baby's sake, but she still didn't like it.

When they finally got home, they were greeted by an extremely excited Yoyo that ran out the door and jumped into his father's arms.

"Daddy is home early!" Yoyo announced. "And Auntie Ayanna is living with us. I'm the luckiest ever!" 

"How was your day at school Yoyo?" Ayanna asked the little boy. 

"I learned a lot, but the other kids weren't too nice." Yoyo said with a frown. "Dominic got into a fight with them because of me, but I told him not to. People aren't supposed to know we are friends."

"I'm sorry Yoyo." Cedric said with a frown as he hugged his son tightly.

As Cedric entered the house his phone began to ring. He handed Yoyo to the maid and let his sister go up and rest while he dealt with what he assumed to be a work call.

When Cedric saw that it was his cousin Ace calling, he quickly picked up. It was probably related to Julia's case and Cedric wanted it closed as soon as possible.

"Yes, Ace?" Cedric asked as he pressed the phone to his ear.

"I have news, but it's nothing definite." Ace said in a worried tone. "You might not like it."

"Just tell me Ace, hesitating won't change what information you have for me." Cedric told his cousin as he sat down. 

As much as Cedric hated to admit it, he too needed to decrease his workload. He knew he was overworking himself and pushing himself to the limit. It wasn't healthy but he wanted to do it for the company.

"The Esteves Group contacted us. It seems they figured out who Julia was calling and who she was asking for help." Ace said in a worried tone.

"Did they threaten any of you? Are you all safe?" Cedric asked as he began to fear for his family and employees in Europe.

"We are fine, they don't want to hurt us. As a matter of fact they want our help." Ace said.

"Something is still bothering you." Cedric pointed out. He could hear the worry in his cousin's tone, he was holding something back.

"Well, we found out why Julia is so precious to this ex-boyfriend of hers." Ace hissed. "I hate the fact that she is lying to Adrianna. How could she lie to her friend like that?"

"Out with it Ace. Complaining will do you no good. It will only increase your blood pressure and you are way too young to have those issues." Cedric teased as he tried to lighten the mood. 

"Julia and her ex weren't just boyfriend and girlfriend, they got married and had a child." Ace said as he broke the news, making Cedric sit up in surprise.

"What? Julia has a child?" Cedirc asked.

"Yes, she gave birth to him, raised him till he was a few months old. I think she even took him home there but soon gave him up." Ace informed Cedric.

"And the father?" Cedric asked his cousin.

"He owes the Esteves family a lot of money and they are hoping that he would come back if he knew that they had his son's mother." Ace explained.

"I don't think that man cares for Julia anymore. From the stories I've heard he left Julia." Cedric said as he recalled what his wife had told him.

"Do you really trust what Juila Tiu has to say?" Ace asked his cousin. "She already lied to Adrianna once. Her lie is the reason the Esteves Group has her."

"What does the Esteves Group want from us?" Cedric asked as he refused to answer his cousin's question.

The answer was obvious, Cedric did not trust Julia, but Adrianna did, so Cedric had to help her.

"They just want us to let her family know that they have her." Ace said casually. "According to them the Tuis should know who the father is and where he is right now."

"How badly do the Esteves Group want this man?" Cedric asked as he massaged his temples.

"Pretty bad based on our conversations. It seemed that he not only took money from them but he caused a lot of damage within the group." Ace explained. "They want blood, Ced. Right now it's about us passing on a message, that's it."

"And what if Julia's ex-husband is the innocent one here?" Cedric asked his cousin.

"Cedric, no one who comes from the Esteves Group is innocent, especially those that have betrayed them." Ace told Cedric.

Cedric took a deep breath and shook his head. Ace was right, it was just a message.

"I'll see what I can do. I need to talk to Adrianna, maybe she can get the name from Julia. Maybe if we knew who the person was then we could decide if he is worth handing over to the Esteves Group." Cedric explained.

"Ced, this is a very dangerous thing you are planning, but as always I will support you." Ace said as he gave in to what Cedric wanted.

"I'll call you when I have an update." Cedric said as he drop the call.

He was too tired to think about the conversation he had with Ace, he just wanted to go talk to his wife and tell her about the dilemma her friend was in.

As soon as Cedric stepped out of his home office Adrianna greeted him with a warm smile and a hug.

"You seem exhausted." She said with a frown.

"I am." Cedric admitted.

"Take a nap, I'll call you when dinner is ready." She told Cedric as she pulled him towards the elevator.

"Where is Yoyo?" He asked. 

"With Ayanna." Adrianna said as they passed the living room.

"Adri, wait, I need to talk to you about something before I forget." Cedric told his wife as he sat down on the couch.

"What is it?" Adrianna asked.

"Adri, did you know Julia was married and had a child? And that she came home with that child and gave him up for adoption?" Cedric asked.

"No." Adrianna said as she shook her head, the shock visible in her eyes.

"Adri, the reason the Esteves group took Julia is because of her husband, or ex-husband, I'm not sure. But the point is, you need to find out who that man is. I need to know if he is worth protecting or if we can just hand him off to them." Cedric told his wife.

"I'll try to get her to talk." Adrianna said with a frown. 

Cedric could see that she was heartbroken at the news that her friend had kept a secret from her. But there was nothing Cedric could do, it was between Adrianna and Julia.

It was not his place to intervene.

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