Never Judge

Chapter 821 - 821


Within minutes of Cedric and Ayanna arriving at the Reyes Group, Miguel and Veronica arrived as well. 

It was clear that news of Lucius Ting being around their son's school had caused them a lot of distress. 

"This better not be a prank Cedric!" Veronica threatened as she came charging into Cedric's office in R Tower.

"Do I look like I would play a prank when our children's safety was on the line?" Cedric asked Veronica. He knew that she would understand, all parents would understand the worry Cedric was going through. 

"Does Lucius Ting know about Yoyo going to school there?" Miguel asked as he wrapped his arms around his wife's shoulders.

"No." Cedric said as he shook his head. "Plus I don't think he is after Yoyo. If it were just Yoyo he would send someone, not go there on his own."

"Then why do you think he is at that school? He didn't go there, he studied in London." Miguel said as he thought of the possibilities.

"Do you think his sister could have a connection there?" Ayanna  asked. "We know for a fact that if he loved and cared about anyone it would be his sister."

"What would his sister have to do with a school here?" Veronica asked.

"A lot of people send their illegitimate children here to study. It could be that. Maybe Louise has a child that is studying there?" Miguel said as he tried to guess what was going on. 

"There are no records of Louise being pregnant." Cedric said as he shook his head. "She's had many partners and she's fooled and manipulated many people, but there is no record of her having a child."

"Is it impossible?" Veronica asked. "I'm sure if we check her information there should be a year of her disappearing completely from the fashion scene."

"I can check, but that's not a guarantee Veronica." Cedric said with a sigh. He knew that Veronica wouldn't be giving in so easily.

"It's worth a try." She insisted.

"Veronica, even if she took a year off to herself it doesn't mean she had a child." Ayanna reminded her friend.

"Just check." Veronica said. "We have to know why Lucius was there."

"Do you think he could have been around because of Dominic?" Miguel asked. "If Lucius still thinks that he is Andrew Chan then he might believe that Dominic is his relative, someone abandoned that he could sway to his side."

"He knows that Dominic is being brought up by you and Veronica. The boy won't be easily swayed." Cedric said as he looked at Miguel.

"If I were Lucius and I was looking for a chip in our defenses and plans, I would approach the kid. He is old enough to form his own ideas." Miguel explained. "I love my son, but that doesn't mean he is perfect. We are all only human, our perfection is in our flaws."

"This isn't the first time he's been seen on campus." Cedric said with a frown.

"What do you mean this isn't the first time?" Veronica asked in an angry tone. "Don't tell me you got reports in the past and chose not to tell us."

"No, not reports, I saw him." Cedric said. "When we picked Yoyo up on the first day of classes he was there too, but I thought it was just my imagination."

"You of all people should know that Lucius Ting being around any of our children is a threat." Veronica said angrily. 

"Don't you think I did something about it Veronica?" Cedric asked. "I increased security and had the place sweeped many times. I would never take my son's safety for granted, especially since I can't have people publicly watching over him."

"It seems like your men are not enough." Veronica argued. "If the heightened security was enough then Lucius Ting would not be anywhere near that school."

"There is only so much I can do, Veronica." Cedric argued back. "If I put too many people around the school someone will suspect and if they didn't know yet that Yoyo was there, then the increased security would have alerted them."

"V, I'll have more men watch over Dominic, don't worry." Miguel said in a calm tone. "You know that I would never let anyone harm our son."

As Miguel tried to calm his wife, a knock came from the door.

"Enter." Cedric called out. He knew that it could only be one of his assistants or Leon.

And true enough it was Leon that came in through the door.

"Any news?" Cedric asked as Leon approached him.

"The men sweeped the area and they confirmed it, they did see Lucius Ting." Leon announced.

Despite having heard it from Ayanna and Cedric everyone was still shocked. A part of them had been hoping that the siblings had just imagined what they had seen, but apparently it was not their imagination.

"We couldn't approach him, technically there was nothing wrong with him being in the area. It's a public space." Leon said with a frown. He knew Cedric and the others would not be happy about that. "We watched as he calmly got into his car and drove off."

"Did you notice who he was looking for or why he could have been there?" Cedric asked.

"No sir." Leon said as he shook his head. "But we looked through the CCTV and we've noticed him coming and going to the school during the morning, when students are being dropped off, and during dismissal, when students are being picked up."

"How often is he around?" Cedric asked.

"At least twice a week." Leon explained.

"Does it overlap with the times Yoyo is brought or fetched from school?" Cedric asked.

"Not always, so I don't think it's Yoyo that he is looking for." Leon explained.

"Would it be possible to check who were the students coming and going at the same time as Lucius Ting?" Ayanna asked the bodyguard.

"It will be difficult, but we can try." Leon said with a nod.

"Have our people keep an eye out for him around the school. I don't want to risk exposing that Yoyo goes to school there, so do not approach, just observe." Cedric told Leon.

"Yes sir, anything else?" Leon asked.

"No, that will be all." Cedric said with a nod as he dismissed Leon.

"We need to know who he is visiting. Whoever that kid is could be an advantage to us." Ayanna told Cedric.

"What if he is there for a teacher?" Miguel said as he thought of the situation.

"Do you think he is cheating on Camilla?" Veronica asked, he seemed very much in love with her the last time they were seen in public.

"No, but I think it could also be a lost love." Miguel suggested.

"Unlikely, but I will have people look into it. For now all we can do is wait." Cedric told his friends as he got up and escorted them to the door. "I will keep you updated if we have any news."

With that Veronica and Miguel left, a little less bothered by Lucius Ting being around their son's school.

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