Naruto-The secret sage

Strange seals and history lesson

Strange seals and history lesson

While we were stopped in a small village in the land of rivers I had asked about that egg i had given to my sensei.

“Whoever created this seal was either mad or a genius and I am having trouble deciding which it was.” she said as she opened a scroll to show me what she was talking about.

The face of the scroll was covered in dense intersecting symbols placed in seemingly no real order and some even were written on top of others.

“I have not studied sealing myself so I may not be the best informed about it but this looks like a chaotic mess.” I said honestly.

“No you are right, it does look like a chaotic mess and that’s because it wasn’t supposed to be written like this. That is what makes me think this person was either mad or a genius. Most seals are designed to be two dimensional in nature and thus tend to be structured in a way that has patterns and geometrical shapes to them. Hexagons, trigrams, squares, that sort of thing but whoever wrote this seal went in a whole other direction that I frankly have never seen before, three dimensional.” she said seriously.

“That sounds like a logical step forward though?” I said confused.

“Once again you’d be right to think that but the problem is that no one has ever figured out how to do it. It may as well be an entirely different field as all the currently known seals are written in two dimensional symbols but those symbols don’t work in a three dimensional way. At this point it is widely considered madness to try and research three dimensional seals which is why I am conflicted as to whether the person who sealed this egg was mad or a genius.” she said frustrated.

“Hmmm, well from the symbol here we know that it was an Uzumaki who had this egg previously so what are the chances that they were the one to do it?” I asked and she sighed.

“The chances are pretty high but after Uzushiogakure was destroyed and looted by all five major villages the chances that we can find anything there about this is unlikely. The place has been abandoned for so long and been ran through so thoroughly that besides rubble we’d be lucky to find even garbage at this point.” she said depressed.

“The history books are all vague on that but why was that village destroyed anyways?” I asked since clearly the matter of the seal would take quite a bit longer than I had anticipated.

“The reason it’s vague is that in truth there isn’t one definitive reason why it happened but many. To start off with you need to understand that the founding and only real clan of the village was the Uzumaki clan. Even if there were technically other clans there almost all of them had Uzumaki blood in them. Anyway the Uzumaki clan were the premier and in truth only real sealing experts in the entire world and admittedly didn’t share their secrets on the topic enough.”-

“Add on that they all each and every one had extraordinary chakras and physiques you can imagine how powerful the entire clan was. The working idea was that this power earned the jealousy of the four villages that banded together to destroy the Uzumaki clan and steal the secrets of sealing for themselves. As much as I hate to admit it they succeeded too. After slaughtering most of the clan they ransacked the village and each as a result raised their own level of sealing by a massive amount.” She explained with a melancholic air about her.-

“So it was greed that led to the destruction of the village?” I asked for confirmation and she nodded.

I fell into my thoughts at that point while she was more than willing to also drop the topic. I couldn’t help but compare my situation to the Uzumaki clans at that time and find an uncomfortable level of similarity. Perhaps at the moment I only had a few secrets that could incite jealousy of that sort but as I collected more and more beasts and developed my own techniques that would start ballooning to a concerning amount.-

Funny enough my permanent state as a sage wasn’t one of those secrets as I honestly wasn’t sure how it worked. It was a bit like trying to explain how to breath without knowing it yourself, it was simply just something I did automatically. I was pretty sure it wasn’t something genetic either or the village likely would have figured it out with all those “medical tests” they ran on me when I was still in the academy.-

I had a theory that it may have something to do with my soul due to how I got it but souls weren’t exactly a common or easy thing to research so I couldn’t verify that. Whatever it was that had taken my memories of this world in exchange for this gift had likely done so by manipulating my soul in some way since you know I had died and all. Honestly I wasn’t all that eager to try and unravel why I was like this at the moment either as even if I knew I doubt it would matter.-

Anyways after having that conversation I just left the egg with her to see if she could figure it out. We traveled the land gambling and treating people as we went and both she and I grew during this time. Me in knowledge, experience and physically while she grew as a person as she started to get closer and closer to breaking the hold her phobia had on her. It was peaceful living and I was fine with it until we came across something problematic. It was a young girl with red hair being chased by hunter nin from Kirigakure.

“Tsunade Senju, this matter does not concern you. Leave the girl and walk away.” one of the hunter nin said fiercely.

“Six hunter nin chasing a girl no more than eleven across the land, who is she that would warrant such a manhunt?” Tsunade asked and the hunter nin tensed up.

“Terumi Momo, my big sister is Terumi Mei!” The girl yelled and i could see the information click in my sensei’s mind.

“Protect the girl Kenzo.” she said and I didn’t need to hear anything more as I immediately started weaving my hand signs for the summoning jutsu.

Biting my thumb i slammed my hand into the ground ‘Summoning jutsu!’ I thought and a large puff of smoke appeared as the hunter nin shot towards us with full intention of killing all of us.

From the smoke the forms of Akasha, my hawk, my lizard, Mizuhe and Ren appeared.

“Akasha, Mizuhe, Ren no survivors, the others conceal and protect this girl.” I commanded and my beasts snapped into action.

The hunter nin each weaved their own handsigns and a thick mist began to appear in the surrounding obscuring our vision. This was the [hidden mist jutsu] that the village was famous for and why they were so good as assassins.

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