Naruto-The secret sage

Hunting the hunters

Hunting the hunters

Ren and Akasha intercepted the hunter nin with Akasha forcing them to split up or risk dying to her dagger like claws. While Ren dug under the ground and moved to ambush the hunter nin from below the ground. The girl flinched a bit as my lizard promptly shifted her onto it’s back with it’s head before turning both of them invisible which caught me a bit off guard as I didn’t know that it could do that. I was honestly expecting it to climb her and turn invisible so she was hidden from one direction but this totally worked too.-

If it wasn’t for my senses being so sharp I wouldn’t even know that they were slowly leaving the combat area as they both looked like mist that blended with the rest. Mizuhe was the most terrifying of my beast for this sort of environment since it’s ability let it turn into mist which meant it could literally be anywhere in this area and no one, not even I knew where. 

“Fucking bitch!” I heard one of the hunter nin yell angrily after hearing what sounded like my sensei punching someone.

‘Can’t let her and Shizune do all the work now can I?’ I thought as I dropped to all fours and shot towards the closest unfamiliar chakra signature.

The mist had several spoofed chakra signatures but I was no normal sensor nin and could easily figure out which were the real deal or not with natural energy. Living things always had more natural energy around them then their surroundings so I just ignored the chakra signatures that didn’t fulfill this requirement. My hearing picked up rustling and and a spike in the chakra I was heading for so I dodged to the side as several water bullets rained down where i just was.-

I coated my hands with chakra flow and moved from my landing to leaping at the hunter nin in one fluid motion which caught them off guard. I know that because a kunai swished through the air above me as they tried to hit me but clearly hadn’t realized I was much lower than that. This also told me how the [mist hunting jutsu] worked and I was not impressed. Basically all it did was sharpen ones senses so that they could pick up the movements that disturbed the mist around them.

The speed I was moving made them think that I was running normally but in fact I was on all fours and as a result the hunter nin missed me and died as my chakra claws ripped through them. At the same time I noticed two of the other chakra signatures vanish as Akasha and Mizuhe got them.

‘I believe that just leaves two more.’ i thought right before the sound of another punch landing rung out ‘Or one I guess.’ I added with a chuckle.

“Konoha will regret messing with the hidden mist!” The last hunter nin yelled with a tone filled with venom. 

They then tried to flee but that was simply not going to happen as I flickered at my full speed which was faster than even my sensei to catch them.

“Capture them alive Kenzo!” my sensei called out likely understanding what i was doing already.

Perks of being so familiar with each other is that we can predict the others actions in the field like this pretty easily. Not that I wasn’t fairly straightforward to understand as I didn’t believe in letting prey escape if I could help it. That was all I saw this hunter nin as, prey to be hunted.-

This squad of shinobi weren’t all that strong as they were all at most upper chunin level with the exception of two Jonin that were killed by my sensei and Mizuhe respectively. This last hunter nin was running quite fast but they were only chunin level and as a result had no hope of out pacing me even in the mist. 

“GAH!” eventually I tackled them to the ground like a tiger pouncing on a deer and restrained them by dislocating all of their joints.

“You’ll get nothing from me Konoha scum!” the shinobi spat fiercely as he tried to bite down on a poison tooth.

I ignored that and merely put my hand in his mouth and ripped out all of his molars calmly as he tried to bite me. My skin was akin to stone though so that resistance did nothing but break his other teeth in the process. Once i was satisfied with his inability to try and poison himself to death i ripped apart his tough jacket with my brute strength and stuffed pieces of it into his mouth to keep him from biting his tongue off.-

My sensei and Shizune showed up shortly after that and grimaced at the sight of all the blood on my hand and the bloody teeth on the ground.

I quickly wiped off the blood from my hand since my sensei wasn’t quite there yet and she sighed in relief and relaxed. It took me a moment to realize that she was actually less bothered by the blood and more that I may have been injured.

“No need to worry I am perfectly fine, this guy though well he has a few teeth broken and missing. He may slur when speaking so sorry in advance.” I said reassuringly while apologizing for making the interrogation harder.

“That’s fine since he won’t be our problem anyways.” my sensei said seriously.

“Whose problem is he going to be then?” I asked curiously.

“We will pass him to the Terumi clan through that girl as a good faith gesture from Konoha. Even if he doesn’t have anything worth knowing just the fact that we rescued the younger sister of Mei Terumi who was at the head of the bloodline faction of the mist alone will earn the village a lot of favor with them.” she explained and I nodded.-

Callus as it sounds we probably wouldn’t have gotten involved if it was just some random nobody being chased. It simply wouldn’t have been worth the trouble at that point but with the girls identity revealed that changed the name of the game. It suddenly became imperative that we keep her alive and deliver her safely back to her people.

“Wouldn’t this count as an A rank mission?” I asked with a smile.

“Hahaha! Sure thing brat I’m sure I can talk the old man into adding it to your record as an A rank mission.” she said with a wide smile.

“Well then lets go have a chat with little miss Terumi shall we?” she added and I slung the hunter nin who was screaming into his makeshift gag, no doubt all sorts of obscenities, over my shoulder.

A few moments later we reached the battle ground and I had to help my sensei get past the puddles of blood that was all that remained after my beast ate the bodies. Yes I know letting them eat people is normally wrong but these were enemies so it didn’t count.

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