Naruto-The secret sage

Limit collection(2)

Limit collection(2)

Interestingly this kekkai genkai was also one of the reasons I knew that yin and yang energy being fused into an elemental chakra didn’t create kekkai genkai. Specifically because of the infamous black lightning of Kumogakure that was in essence lightning release with a bunch of yang energy mixed in. How Storm release factored into this was that the kekkai genkai could be used in conjunction with the black lightning which was impossible unless the mix of yang energy didn’t result in a kekkai genkai. If it did then it wouldn’t be a kekkai genkai any more but a kekkai tota like the Zero or Dust releases and it wasn’t.-

I of course added the Plasma release information to this volume as well since it did use lightning chakra but otherwise there was no repeats in the volume. Once I figured out storm release I moved on to Swift release. Swift release was a mix of lightning and wind chakras and actually didn’t have any direct offensive capability at all. Yes this was a pure augmentative kekkai genkai that worked quite simply in that it caused the user to be able to cause a massive increase in acceleration in either themselves or something they held or threw.-

The tricky part however was that the users reaction time did NOT increase to match this acceleration which meant they needed serious training to utilize the kekkai genkai effectively. Once they trained their reaction speed to that level however each and every user of the kekkai genkai was considered an elite Jonin threat at minimum due to how difficult to fight they became. It wasn’t even a matter of strength either as they could be as frail as babies but the danger that the speed of the kekkai genkai granted them and their tools was just that extreme.-

Interestingly I needed a week to figure out that the ratio here was an almost perfect split down the middle with a fifty three lightning forty seven wind ratio. In an ironic twist however I discovered that the basic usage of the kekkai genkai was slower than my sensei and Jiraiya by a hair and thus useless for me as I was considerably faster than both already. The sage version of the kekkai genkai however was a whole level faster than my speed which was fair since speed was literally the whole point of the kekkai genkai.-

Terrifyingly enough though I discovered that while enhanced by the kekkai genkai even hair could become a lethal projectile with only a small amount of chakra stiffening. I’m talking about a hair made stiff and then sent forward at speeds close to mach three. Yeah shinobi were superhuman to a ridiculous degree thanks to chakra. Anyway I detailed my findings before moving on to the next kekkai genkai, Explosion release. There was no sugar coating this one it was effectively turning ones chakra into a volatile explosive that didn’t even spare the user.-

I’m not talking about my sheep’s ability to leave chakra landmines that explode but true direct explosions of chakra straight from the tap. This kekkai genkai was made using a mix of lightning and earth chakras and due to the self harmful way it worked most of it’s users had to use other jutsu to withstand the explosions or use something else as a medium for them. The best example I knew of for this was the rogue nin Deidara who stole the kinjutsu of Iwagakure to use special clay as his medium after shaping it with the kinjutsu.-

Kinjutsu were more often than not a type of forbidden jutsu that worked by fundamentally altering the body permanently to achieve some form of goal. In this case the kinjutsu Deidara used altered his hands and heart to have mouths that he could feed his special white clay to infuse it with his chakra and then manipulate it’s shape once it was spat out. He used these clay constructs sort of like puppets that he could control and detonate with the infused Explosion release chakra within them. The kekkai genkai itself though was only about as dangerous as a A-1 grade explosive tag unless the user decided to kill themselves in which case it jumped up to an S rank technique.-

I spent three days figuring out the seventy seven earth twenty three lightning ratio for this kekkai genkai before moving on. Unlike any of the others I had no interest in this kekkai genkai beyond understanding how it worked and thus dropped it at the first opportunity. This also completed this volume of the collection that was summarily labeled the same as the first by the now VERY nervous council members who were now sucking up to my sensei and Karin in hopes of getting on my good side.-

Sure they had their own pride but in front of the sort of overwhelming destructive power I was now known to possess by virtue of all these kekkai genkai it was worth dirt. Unfortunately for them I was also notoriously reclusive so sucking up to me directly wasn’t something they could do. You may be wondering about my mitosis clone in the hospital but my sensei and I had made it abundantly clear that anyone who wasted our time by bothering us while we worked there would get kicked out harshly.-

“Why don’t we go on vacation?” Karin asked one morning after I completed my second volume of the limit collection.

“Oh? And what brought this on?” I asked curiously.

“Well you’ve just been so busy with those experiments of yours that I think you should take some time to just do nothing for a while, no experiment, medical work, just relaxing.” she said honestly.

“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. What do you have in mind?” I said after thinking about it for a moment.

“The land of noodles and then the land of hotsprings.” she said with an excited expression almost immediately.

“Been planning this for some time I see, alright then sounds good.” I said teasing her a little.

My sensei was a bit surprised by the request but didn’t hesitate to approve it and then next day we set off from Konoha. We weren’t wearing our shinobi gear so it came as little surprise that we were ambushed by bandits who saw us as an easy mark for all of about two seconds before I dispatched them with a casual flick of my wrist.

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