Naruto-The secret sage

Limit collection

Limit collection

I wasn’t lying either as that was precisely what I did too. I wrote down how to achieve each kekkai genkai in a step by step manner by listing my understanding of the basic amount of chakra one should have, the mastery over the individual elements that made up the stuff and even the strength I thought it best to have before attempting the fusion. The level of detail I used for this when documenting it covered several pages so I knew that this was going to be a collection of works rather than a single manual.-

Keeping with the theme of fire chakra kekkai genkai I moved on to Boil release which was a mix of fire and water chakras. This kekkai genkai in particular left an impact on me after having seen it used on various levels by the Terumi clan members that had it such as Mei. Despite it’s name boil release worked more like an acid than steam as it held a powerful dissolving ability that gave it it’s lethality. After four days of constant ratio adjustment I recreated the kekkai genkai with a ratio of eighty five water fifteen fire chakras.-

I then moved on to Lava release which was a mix of fire and earth chakras. Lava release was a bit unique in that it actually had multiple forms that it could come in. The first and most commonly used was naturally it’s namesake, lava. The second was quicklime, the third was vulcanized rubber and the forth was acidic mud though not to be confused with Mud release. The final form was volcanic ash. The reason for these multiple forms according to Mei who used it at the highest level in her family was that the kekkai genkai drew from the idea of anything volcanic rather than purely magma.-

It took me only two days to achieve the most commonly used form of lava release with a sixty seven earth thirty three fire ratio. Fascinatingly however I needed an additional three days to figure out the other forms of the kekkai genkai that each had slightly different ratios than the others. Naturally all of this was included in my documentation of the kekkai genkai. Next on my kekkai genkai list was the admittedly rather unknown plasma release. This kekkai genkai had only a single mention of existing in the records dating back over the waring clans era decades before the first Hokage was even born so I took the information with a grain of salt.-

Supposedly it was a mix of fire and lightning chakras that created extremely bright, fast and hot attacks that held the penetration power of lightning and the heat of fire releases turned up to like twelve. Like I said though the information was spotty at best. While it wasn’t outright stated I assume that the users had been killed off without any heirs and nobody had bothered recreating it until now.-

It was unclear whether fire or lightning was the dominant chakra element here but from the vague description I assumed it was lightning and started at a sixty forty lightning fire ratio to see where the truth lied. As I found out after a whole week of trial and error the correct ratio was ninety three lightning seven fire. This was massively skewed in favor of lightning chakra with fire being a mere augmentation that made the resulting kekkai genkai better than it’s base parts but not dramatically so. Honestly speaking I found the kekkai genkai perfect for Kakashi since it aligned with his chakra affinity splendidly.-

Naturally I told him about it while simultaneously finishing up the first volume of my (Limit) collection, Fire. I could have technically included both yin and yang fusions with with volume but I and anyone familiar with the two energies could say with certainty that that wouldn’t be a kekkai genkai in either case. When my sensei shared the contents of my first volume with council of Konoha it create a massive uproar. This was unprecedented as for the first time ever there was an incredibly solid manual on how one might gain a kekkai genkai for themselves, at least of the elemental variety that is.-

It came as little surprise then that the manual was immediately classified as a S rank semi forbidden tome unilaterally. The only reason it wasn’t flat out labeled forbidden was that nothing in it was actually all that self dangerous to learn or attempt if followed to the letter. One thing was for certain however that made the people who were aware of the tomes existence cautious, I had at least five different kekkai genkai. It didn’t even matter if I showed my power or not as that fact alone immediately set me on a similar level to the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara.-

The looks of horror on the council members faces when my sensei explained my full plan to them was a sight to see according to her. Not that I could blame them given the sheer implications behind my plan. Forget kekkai genkai, I was going for kekkai tota and whatever lied beyond that. If I succeeded I would likely earn the title god of Shinobi that had only been held by two people so far, the first Hokage and the Third.-

This wasn’t just an honor based title but had a deep meaning. Specifically that the owner of it had pushed ninjutsu to a whole new level whether by sheer power like the first or sheer breadth like the third. In my case I’d be a bit of both with a heavy leaning towards the latter. Anyways I ignored all that and moved on to my next volume, Lightning. To start off strong I went with Storm release which was a mix of lightning and water chakras. Thankfully this one still had users alive today so there was plenty of records to go off of to get a rough guess at the ratio.-

In this case it most mostly lightning with a chunk of water added to give it that special something all kekkai genkai had. It took me two days to find the eighty two lightning eighteen water ratio that made it work. This kekkai genkai unlike most however wasn’t about power but rather control as it looked much like normal lightning release but behaved more like water release which made it quite dangerous if you weren’t careful.

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