My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker!

Chapter 1187 - The Egg Is Heartbroken

Chapter 1187: The Egg Is Heartbroken

Indeed, Qiao Mu herself had also discovered that she had completely forgotten everything she had gone through during these fifteen days since getting stuck with the rapid cultivation curse. This was probably the side effect of the curse.

But she just wasn’t going to tell them that she had forgotten things!

Not even in death would she admit that she had wandered about the forest like an idiot for so many days, not to mention doltishly forgetting everything that had happened during that period of time…

She really was going to die of embarrassment!

“Cough.” Qiao Mu delved inside her inner world for a look, and sure enough, she bizarrely found a large, dazzling golden-red egg lying inside her inner world.

She took out the egg and tossed it at Situ Yi and the other two. “How is this a phoenix egg! It’s just a large-sized chicken egg!”

“Pfft!” Situ Yi spewed out the tea in his mouth.

Duan Yue, who was sitting across from him, nimbly flicked open the folding fan in his hand, successfully blocking the tea from spraying onto him.

His handsome face darkened at once as he chided, “Situ Yi, you punk, what are you spewing for! Disgusting.”

Miss Qiao also waved her small hand at him in distaste.

At this moment, she heard that egg shouting in indignation, “You’re a large-sized chicken egg, your whole family is chicken eggs!”

“What did you say?” Qiao Mu’s small face sank as she stared at the egg domineeringly. She then summoned Qingluan out as well.

However, as Qingluan had long been dying to come out, he cried out ecstatically when he finally did. “Master, Master, you’ve finally come to!”

Miss Qiao warned him with her stare. “I have always been clear-headed.”

Ha ha, his prideful little master was puffing herself up at her own cost. It looked like she didn’t want to admit that she had gotten screwed over by the rapid cultivation curse she had drawn herself!

Qingluan readily took the hint and quickly smiled like a flower, concurring, “Yes, yes, yes, Little Master, you have always been especially clear-headed. It was just that you were particularly diligent in cultivating during this period of time. You just didn’t bother to pay them any attention.”

That was correct! Qiao Mu nodded before pointing to that egg and asking with a light cough, “What is going on with this egg.”

Qingluan twitched his mouth before then vividly describing that day’s events.

When he got to the part where Qiao Mu had just been walking inside the forest but nearly got walloped by a phoenix egg, the three men present all looked at her with weird gazes.

“This must be the good fortune accumulated from ten lifetimes,” Situ Yi mumbled.

Who could just be walking inside the forest and get walloped by a descending phoenix egg for no reason? There was only this oddball child.

“And then Master kicked the egg flying. The egg particularly wanted to follow Master, so it just came running after…” Qingluan concisely summarized the incident, with emphasis on two points.

Firstly, Master did not want this egg.

Secondly, the egg hounded them on its own.

The three men: …

Ha ha!

“What egg, you’re the egg, your whole family is eggs! This one said already, this one is the great bloodfire deity! How dare you mortals all scorn this one like this. Wait until this one recovers his true phoenix form. Just you watch out!”

Qiao Mu stuck her leg out to kick it, yet who would’ve expected that the egg would roll behind Mo Lian and yell in a huff, “You’re kicking me again, you’re kicking me again!”

The egg was so heartbroken. Why did he choose such an unreliable masta.

“Oh, that’s right, Little Master, Chirpy woke up,” Qingluan added quickly.

This left Qiao Mu a bit stupefied, and she muttered nonstop on the inside: How much did this disaster-courting curse make her miss!

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