My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker!

Chapter 1186 - Gift

Chapter 1186: Gift

Seeing Queen Zhao also looking toward her, Qiao Mu pondered for a bit before removing Wei Nanshu’s shortsword that was inlaid with gemstones from her waist. She then tossed it to Queen Zhao and said, “For your self-defense.”

It had to be known that Wei Nanshu had very resentful feelings toward this spiritual weapon shortsword because it was indeed a superb item.

When Queen Zhao examined the shortsword at first, she felt that it was quite beautiful. It wasn’t until afterwards that she realized that this was actually a spiritual weapon shortsword, and she looked at Qiao Mu with a complicated gaze.

“I can also use this spiritual weapon?” Queen Zhao couldn’t resist inquiring.

“You can, Royal Mother. After recognizing a master, this spiritual weapon will automatically suppress itself to your suitable cultivation level.” Mo Lian explained with a nod, “Although it will not be able to exhibit the full power of a spiritual weapon after suppression, at least more than 60 percent of its power will be retained.”

“Then isn’t that just wasteful,” muttered Queen Zhao quietly.

It was quite depressing. Her cultivation had stopped at level five for so many years. It wasn’t that she wasn’t hard-working enough but that her root constitution had decided whether she would progress further in the future.

As her talent as a mystic cultivator was mediocre, becoming a level-five mystic cultivator was already her limit.

The queen dowager said with a smile, “Little fellow, what do you have left after giving the good stuff to your Royal Father and Royal Mother?”

Qiao Mu thus took out that mystic weapon and strummed it. “I am good with just this.”

Ha ha, she still had a large pile of odds and ends that the giant ape had proffered to her; these items were just things that she just tossed inside her inner world without looking closely at any of them…

“That secret realm is truly too dangerous by collapsing just like that. Luckily, nothing happened to you.” The queen dowager grasped her small hand and asked, “Right, just now you? Advanced to become a great mystic cultivator’s level-14 entry rank, correct.”

Qiao Mu nodded, upon which the king and Queen Zhao simultaneously dropped their jaws, looking at Qiao Mu as if she were an alien.

Their daughter-in-law was fifteen but her cultivation had already reached level 14. How were people like them with mediocre talent supposed to cope with that.

After sending away the queen dowager, the king, and the queen, many royal concubines started sending gifts over one after another under the pretense of congratulating the crown prince consort for her cultivation advancement.

Qiao Mu was disinclined to greet them, so she only told the servants to accept the gifts but send them back away to their palaces.

At this time, the four people relocated to the small courtyard, finally able to chat in leisure.

Duan Yue asked curiously, “Qiaoqiao, you really don’t remember what happened these couple of days inside the Mystic Beast Forest?”

“To my knowledge, you had all been transferred out before half a month had passed. In other words, you had wandered outside for more than ten days… Could it be that you were cultivating day after day inside the Mystic Beast Forest?” Our dear Duan Yue had really hit the nail on the head.

Even so, Qiao Mu tensed her expression and pretended to declare in disdain, “How is that possible! You’re speaking nonsense. I was just fighting beasts and collecting cores and whatnot inside the forest. Nothing else happened.”

Situ Yi stole a glance at her before suddenly asking, “Then how about that phoenix egg you picked up. Take it out for us to see.”

“What phoenix egg?” When did she pick up some phoenix egg.

“See, see, see.” Situ Yi challenged as he pointed at Qiao Mu, “Did you or did you not? That was all it took for you to slip up. You had forgotten! You don’t even remember such a significant incident as picking up a phoenix egg, Little Junior Sister!”

Qiao Mu’s pretense nearly cracked as her mouth twitched imperceptibly. Nevertheless, her small face remained taut.

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