Monster Integration

Chapter 4071: Demonic Tree II

Chapter 4071: Demonic Tree II


I defended with my sword, but five more came, with one from the front and four from the two


I moved to the dodge the ones on my left, while moving my sword to defend against the branch from the front and moved my shield to the right to branches from the right.


A ripping sound rang out as one branch of the left cut through my armor from my shoulder.

One of its thorns touched my arm and made a cut.

It was small, but that was all it needed to send pure crystal purple energy into my body.

It was so powerful, that I felt scared and doubted whether my measures would work or not. They felt too powerful and ready to crystalize me as they did to everything.

The measure I had prepared activated immediately.

The sphere made of wholly ancient rune formation lip up and swallowed the energy of the thorn released it. Including sealing the part of my body through which energy entered.

My body would be able to handle that much, but I don't want to take the risk.

I have seen what this energy could do and have no wish to let it happen. Especially now, that I have seen what the slightest touch from it could do.

It had effortlessly broken through my armor.

This might not be a string of armor, but it is damn powerful, but against its branches, there was no resistance. If it reached my chest or some critical parts, I could forget about surviving



My shield defended against it before the branches came at me again.

My sword clashed against one branch while barely dodging the two branches that came at me the same moment.

I looked at the spot where my sword had clashed.

There was a deep gash, which had started filling immediately, and a fraction of a second later, when it came to me, there was nothing.

I looked at the branch coming at me again, and I swung my sword again, but the attack was different.

It is moving at the same speed and power since I am using my everything, but this time, the enchantments are active.


A ripping sound rang out as the branch was cut in two. It was smooth and fast; there was resistance from the branch my sword cut through it.

Seeing that, a smile appeared on my face, but a moment later, the smile froze.

The part, I had cut regrow back and to my shock. The branch I had cut turned into the energy and merged back with the tree.

It is like nothing has happened. I had expected it, but I thought it would happen slowly and I would be able to shorten it more.

It was part of my plan to reach the tree, but not only the part of the branch had grown back, but the cut part had merged with the tree again.

I didn't have time to process the shock as the branches came at me like nothing happened. CLANNNNG Rip CLANNNNG!

I defended and dodged, but did not successfully, and two thorns of the branches were able to touch my shoulder.

They attacked me with massive energies.

Like the last time. The sphere had formed and absorbed the energies while I moved to defend against the branches again.

I dodged and defended, but without the enchantments.

It would have been fine if the branch had regrown. I had expected it due to it being a tree and my plan was to keep it cutting till its branches couldn't regrow anymore.

That now isn't possible due to it absorbing the cut branch into it.

I am sure it would cut the energy doing that, but so would I, and my loss would be greater.

So, I have to depend on my earlier plan, but for that, I would need to keep fighting it for a few minutes, which are like days to me, seeing how powerful this tree is.

The snake would have been no match for it.

Because of its huge body, it would have been able to wrap its branches around it. If it had gotten close to it, its frost burst would have been useless against it.

I could see the vitality of the tree; the frost burst wouldn't have been enough.

I didn't even mention the monsters. Hundreds are very close to the limit, and they would attack it without a doubt.

I am safe, because of the small balls, that had sealed the area around the tree.

It is trying to send the signal to them, but it is sealed, but not for long. It is not easy to keep the energy sealed, while there are also agitating monsters.

Yes, the monsters are agitating as they find their connection to the tree has been blocked.

This is not just affecting them mentally, but also physically. The purple energies inside them which were peaceful are agitating as well.

Once the tree is dead. The monsters won't and everything here won't be able to live for long.

It's why, I had sent a few more messaging crystals out of the dome and warned them to move as far as possible.

They shouldn't be close to the tree.

If I am able to kill, a lot of things will happen. I don't know whether I will survive it.

This is not a monster that, I could simply kill.

This semi-hive tree had created a quasi-spatial realm that would collapse with its death and getting out that time would be a challenge.

Before that, I need to kill it which itself is a complex task.

It was supposed to be easy, but additional details had appeared, which made the whole task


I really wish I could have just backed off and let the Prime handle it.

To them, it wouldn't have been much complicated. They would have simply blasted it apart

and everything would have been fine.

I don't have such power.

So, I will have to do it with long and dangerous way. Since the escape isn't an option anymore.

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