Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 2543 - That Old Man

Chapter 2543 That Old Man

“Only a very small number of people know about the primal chaos blue lotus in my body, and I also believe that those people won’t tell outsiders about this. Besides, those people are obviously not from this upper continent, but yet they know about the primal chaosblue lotus in my body, that means…”

A thought came to her mind, but she was reluctant to believe her guess was correct.

Xuanyuan Mo Ze glanced at her, then he said in a low voice seriously: “If it wasn’t the few people who know who revealed this, then it’s very likely that someone fell into the hands of those people, from which, they learnt about the whereabouts of the primal chaos blue lotus.”

His voice paused, then he asked: “Apart from me, who else knows about the primal chaos blue lotus in your body?”.

“Old man Hun Yuan, and Zhuo Junyue.” Her voice paused, her eyes flashed slightly: “There’s one more person, the mysterious sweeper old man who gave me the blue lotus those years ago.” “Sage Hun Yuan is willing to protect you with his life, and right now he is recuperating in the Nebula Immortal Sect, so naturally it can’t be him. As for Zhuo Junyue… “His voice paused slightly and he looked at her.

“Zhuo Junyue has been in the Feng Manor the whole time, and I also believe that he won’t betray me.” Feng Jiu said in a slow voice. She lowered her head slightly and slid her fingers across the wound that had been slashed across her dantian.

“Those people are trying to dig the blue lotus out of my body.” When she said this, the corners of her lips curled slightly, and there was an icy cold light in her eyes.

“Since the old man gave me the blue lotus back then, he wouldn’t tell those people that the blue lotus is on me, even if he were to die, he wouldn’t say anything.”

Her eyes were distant and her expression cold: “However, since those people can find me and know that the blue lotus is on me, they must have learnt the news. My guess is that the old man who swept the floor back then must have died in their hands.”

“Soul Searching Technique.” Xuanyuan Mo Ze said slowly. He looked at her and said, “They must have found out using the Soul Searching Technique.” Although the two of them were only guessing, they didn’t know that the matter was more or less as they had deduced. The mysterious old man who swept the floor back then at Peach Blossom Ridge had fallen into the hands of those people. Those people had used the Soul Searching Technique on him and found out the whereabouts of the primal chaos blue lotus, hence, they found Feng Jiu.”

“This injury is very strange, the power of the blue lotus can’t repair it.” Feng Jiu’s eyes fell on the wounds on her body, her brows frowned slightly: “It seems they came prepared.”

“I’ll tell the people at Hell’s Palace to investigate and find out the origins of those people.” Xuanyuan Mo Ze said, then he turned around and went inside and brought out another dress for her from the clothes trunk.

“Put on your clothes first.”

“Alright.” She responded and put on the clothes with his help. However, when the wounds on her body were tugged slightly, there was a little bit of pain.

“Go to the bed and lie down!” Xuanyuan Mo Ze didn’t let her go out again, but helped her to lie down on the bed inside instead.

“Tell them not to worry so much.”

Xuanyuan Mo Ze nodded, then he walked out and opened the door.

When the people who were waiting in the courtyard saw the door being opened, they hurried forward: “How is she? Are her injuries serious?”

Xuanyuan Mo Ze turned slightly to let them in: “Her wounds have been bandaged and she’s resting on the bed now. It shouldn’t be a big problem, don’t worry.”

Upon hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and asked: “Do you know who attacked


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