Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 2542 - So It’s This

Chapter 2542 So It’s This

Leng Hua listened to Mo Chen’s words while she applied Cloud Devouring’s wounds with medicine. He paused for a moment, then asked: “Since they’re not from the upper continent, then who could they be? Could they be from overseas? But Master has never been to those places, how could she provoke those people to the point that they want to kill her?”

Guan Xilin pondered, his eyes couldn’t help but fall on Little Hao’er in the cradle beside him. He said hesitantly: “Little Jiu said that Little Hao’er’s mysterious origin isn’t that simple. Could it be that those people came for Little Hao’er?”

As soon as those words had been spoken, everyone was silent. Also, ever since Feng Jiu had arrived in the upper continent, she had been building her forces here and didn’t have any grudges with people from other regions. How could they send a dozen Immortal Sacred cultivators and an Immortal Emperor cultivator to take her life? Could it really be that this disaster was really caused by the child she had adopted? Mo Chen didn’t speak, he only set his eyes on the child in the cradle. Whether it was as they had guessed, they didn’t know yet. However, they felt that even if they didn’t know, Feng Jiu should know.

In the room, after Leng Shuang had brought in the water, she left the room under Xuanyuan Mo Ze’s indication.

“I’ll help you take off your clothes first.” Xuanyuan Mo Ze said. He looked at the dark red colour on her red clothes and his brows twitched slightly, while his hands were carefully helping her take her clothes off and trying not to tug on her wounds.

Feng Jiu responded and helped him take off her clothes leaving only the innermost garment that covered her private areas of her body. It’s just that even if her private areas were on show at this moment, Xuanyuan Mo Ze had no intention of appreciating it. His eyes fell on the wounds on her body, some of the wounds seemed quite deep, the flesh revealed from the cuts of the skin. A cold cold chill flashed across his deep black pupils.

The person he cherished was wounded like this right under his nose, those people couldn’t repay this even if they had died a hundred times!

“Isn’t the blue lotus in your body able to heal your wounds? Try to use the power of the blue lotus first to cultivate the injuries on your body.” He suppressed the killing intent in his heart and spoke to her in a slow voice.

Feng Jiu was thinking about something when she heard his words and replied: “Alright.”

She closed her eyes and raised her hands slightly to the dantian in front of her, then she mobilised the blue lotus in her body and used the blue lotus’s recovery power to repair the wounds on her body.

However, as time passed, sweat oozed from her forehead and her face became paler and paler. The wounds on her body remained the same as before and there were no signs of repair.

Xuanyuan Mo Ze’s heart sank, he was watching from the side and noticed something faintly.

At this time, Feng Jiu opened her eyes and dissipated the breath of the blue lotus. After taking a breath, she raised her head and looked at him, her quiet eyes met his deep black eyes: “It can’t repair my wounds. The breath of the blue lotus repels every wound on my body like opposite ends of magnets, it can’t be repaired.”

Having said this, her heart relaxed, her original guess was confirmed at this time. “Those people are here for the primal chaos blue lotus in your body.”

Xuanyuan Mo Ze said in a calm voice while he took some medicine out and cleaned her wounds. Then, he sprinkled some special knife wound medicine and took out some cloth strips and carefully bandaged each wound that had been sprinkled with medicine.

Feng Jiu’s eyes darkened slightly, her quiet eyes appeared to be thinking about something…

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