Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1364 Roots

Chapter 1364  Roots

“What storm swept through our home?” Xiang Weimin looked at the scattered cushions on the floor and even saw a few other things lying on the floor. He followed the noise and found Hyson and Xiang Wai going back and forth with their play. “Oh, the storm looks like this,” was his thought at the moment. Now, it all looked very normal. So, he very indifferently walked towards his grandfather and greeted him along with Shui Koshing. He pointed at the two monkeys in the living room asking, “What happened now?”

“Just enjoy the show,” said Grandfather Xiang calmly. “You’d figure out soon enough.”

“I was not even there,” came Hyson’s voice. “But then why were you in my head? You cast a spell!”

“You just need an excuse to free yourself from the guilt of your impulsiveness,” Hyson said to her. “You’re guilty because your mother spent hours helping you plan for your perfect proposal but you ruined it before you got there.”

“Damn it! I hate it when you’re right,” said Xiang Wai as she lost her energy and sat down with her head buried in her hands. She was really feeling guilty for being impulsive. And to be honest, she had never felt this guilt ever before because of her impulsiveness and she had done worse. Way worse. “What am I supposed to tell her?”

“The truth,” said Hyson. “Don’t give me that look. You have no other option available. Truth is always the right choice. First, you are bad at lying. Second, you are even worse at coming up with excuses. Third, that’s your mother and she’ll understand. Trust me, she will.”

“You don’t even know my mother,” was Xiang Wai’s response.

“Yeah, but I am very familiar with her 60-70% replica named Raelle Xiang. So, I think I am very familiar with your mother too.”

“What did you do this time, Wai?” asked Xiang Weimin as he couldn’t stop his curiosity.

“Ge,” called out Hyson. “Your sister is engaged now. Won’t you congratulate her?”

“Huh?” Xiang Weimin was dumbfounded. “When did that happen?” Before anyone could answer him, he held his forehead as he had a realization, “No wonder I have been getting so many messages congratulating me. I was wondering what even happened. Now, I know. They were congratulating me for my sister’s engagement. But how come they knew before me?”

“Because your sister does great things,” said Hyson. “She proposed right in front of the whole battalion. By now, everyone you know or don’t know even knows that your sister is engaged. Only we are the latecomers.”

“There was nothing wrong with what you just said but I really felt like you just insulted me,” said Xiang Wai. “You have a way with words, Fai.”

“Thanks, sister!”

“Call me sister-in-law,” she said.

“Take sister if I’m even willing for this alone,” said Hyson with a smile that clearly didn’t look like one.

“That’s an ugly smile. It doesn’t suit you.”

“Okay, you both please stop,” said Xiang Weimin. “You’re engaged, we got it. Now what?”

“Now what?” repeated Xiang Wai.

“Now what?” Hyson also repeated.

Grandfather Xiang and Shui Koshing shook their heads looking at these headless flies. “Congratulations, Uncle.” Grandfather Xiang looked at Shui Koshing who went on, “Your eldest granddaughter is also getting settled. Your family’s daughters have all finally found their new homes.”

“What am I supposed to do with the sons of this family?” asked Grandfather Xiang. “One grandson skipped the marriage and straight got himself a son. Do you know what that means? There is a high possibility that this grandson would not be finding a partner for himself since he already has a son now. And the other grandson is even unable to understand what he wants in his life. Whether it’s career, or his life partner, he has no idea about anything.”

“At least, Fai is living every single day to the fullest,” said Shui Koshing. “You should also look at the positivity like he does. Since he is willing to live each day like its the last and have the most of it, why are you worried? At the very least, he is happy even if he is just drifting aimlessly.”

“Koshing, humans are not like the wind that should just drift everywhere without a home. Even history tells us that humans are more like trees. We like to take roots in a favorable soil and spread our branches and thrive. We can enjoy swaying with the wild wind but eventually, wind cuts us down. I’m not sure if it’s really good for Fai to be so aimless in life.” Saʀch* Th N0ᴠFre.nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

For a moment, Shui Koshing didn’t have an answer for him. With a sigh, he said, “Uncle, I think you’re overthinking and stressing too much over nothing. Let’s look at Chenyan. Didn’t you always worry about her future and what she’d do? Anyway, she didn’t have any big aims in life for a long while either. But now, she found love and got married. She is even looking forward to her life.”

“With Chenyan, at least I knew that there will always be a person who’d keep worrying about her and stay behind her even if not beside her. But Fai is a different story. A very different story.”

“All of us have our own fates,” said Shui Koshing. “No one believes in this statement more than I do. You can see it from my life experience. I thought Qian Yin could never be my fate, but fate played with me she became mine. Later, when I thought she was fate, the same fate played with me again and took her from me. So, it’s all the game of fate. You and I can worry about it but what’s the point when the final winner will be the fate?”

“You’re right,” said Grandfather Xiang. “Maybe I’m just too old and loves worrying about anything and everything. These youngsters know what they want in their life and how they are living. Whether they are happy and satisfied or not, only they would know. After all, only person drinking the water would know if it’s warm or cold.”

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