Manaless Mage

Chapter 88 Weird Duo

His eyes shone for a few minutes as he watched Noel pour the meat into a pot. A part of him itched to stay back and watch him cook the meat, however, he knew he couldn’t.

He simply smiled wryly before leaving the kitchen.

A few minutes later, a figure with straight brown hair donned in a white top, red jacket and black pants that fitted him perfectly stood at a corner in the restaurant.

The eyes of the figure who was Harry wandered around the restaurant, taking in every detail.

Unlike his demeanour at the academy which was quite indifferent, his eyes were more welcoming this time.

Due to the nature of his job, he couldn’t just keep a stiff appearance and had to be more welcoming.

At first, he found it hard to do this but with time, he slowly got used to it and got better at keeping a smile. His high charm also helped with this as it made even the littlest move of his seem more attractive.

The restaurant gradually filled as more people strolled in, and the number of people in the building increased from what it was a few minutes ago.

Harry kept a smile on his face as he moved from one place to another, receiving a smile here and there while also doing his job.

Just as he finished delivering an order to the female customer on one of the tables who gave him a slight giggle in return, the door suddenly opened as two people stepped into the restaurant.

One of them was a girl with long silver hair while the other was a tall man with a bald head in a dark black suit.

He had black piercing eyes that gave off an odd sharpness and a skin that seemed quite pale.

His whole body was bulging with muscles that seemed too much for the thick black suit to contain, coupled with his very tall figure that reached up to 200cm, his whole demeanour gave off an intimidating vibe.

Compared to him, the girl by his side wasn’t too tall but rather average, and neither was she intimidating. From her appearance, it wasn’t hard to guess that she was quite young and was probably around Harry’s age.

She had a nice figure with curves in all the right places, clear skin and light brown eyes that added even more to her already beautiful and delicate features.

Her long silver hair draped down to her waist, with her figure drawing attention from some of the men around.

Her eyes shone as her gaze wandered around the whole place in joy.

Even though Harry wasn’t in the least bit affected by her beauty, he surely knew a pretty girl when he saw one.

Whether it was due to the man’s huge and intimidating figure or the girl’s beauty, the eyes of everyone were immediately drawn to them.

The eyes of some of the men around stared at the woman with lustful desires swirling in their eyes while the rest simply stared at the duo with curiosity and a mix of surprise.

Compared to the others in the restaurant, the clothes they were putting on looked quite expensive and most of them wondered why they came to a restaurant in a small city like this.

The duo who were the main cause of the distraction didn’t seem to care about the attention they were receiving as they walked nonchalantly to the table nearest to them and made themselves comfortable.

Just like the rest of those in the restaurant, Harry’s eyes were also on the weird duo, except he was staring at them for an entirely different reason.

Unlike others who were only stage one Elementalists at most and couldn’t properly sense mana, Harry could sense the mana present in their bodies it was abundant.

Especially the bald man; even he couldn’t get a proper read of his strength.

For some reason, he felt slight tingles at the back of his head as he stared at the man in black suit.

It wasn’t that he was scared or affected by the man’s pressure, it was simply his ‘instinct’ telling him how strong this person was.

Even the academy instructors never made him feel this way, though he knew they were a lot more powerful than he was, he had never felt this way whenever he was around them.

Harry couldn’t hold back his curiosity anymore as he activated [Probe] and tried to check his stats.

[ERROR! Skill level too low!]

‘As expected…’ Harry thought in disappointment. Though he had already expected that [Probe] would be too low to ‘scan’ the man, he still felt disappointed.

It only reminded him of how weak he was when compared to a lot of people in the world.

The brows of the bald man suddenly twitched, he didn’t know why but he felt a slight prickling sensation in his body.

He stared at the girl in front of him to check for any changes in her expression, but he found none which meant he was the only one who felt it.

His head snapped to the side and his deep, piercing black eyes met with that of Harry. .

Meanwhile, Harry was surprised when the eyes of the bald man suddenly fell on him, however, he didn’t flinch and kept a simple smile on his face.

It wasn’t that he was trying to disrespect the man or anything but his pride simply wouldn’t let him flinch or avert his gaze.

That was when he noticed that none of the waiters had approached the man’s table, since he had been more focused on checking the man’s stats and getting a read on his strength, he didn’t notice it earlier.

There were five waiters in the restaurant and Harry’s position was quite far from their table so he wasn’t the one that was supposed to approach them.

He didn’t know whether it was because of the man’s intimidating appearance that all of his colleagues seemed to avoid that table—it probably was, however, he couldn’t do the same and ignore the two customers.

That wouldn’t be right on his part as it would be bad customer service and might get him into trouble with the manager.

Harry stepped forwards and then started approaching the bulky man and young lady.

A slight smile appeared on the man’s face as he stared at the approaching figure of the waiter.

His gaze went back to the girl sitting in front of him as he mumbled, “interesting…”

Usually, most people would avert their gaze from him and try not to make eye contact so he was quite surprised that Harry didn’t seem fazed.

From the amount of mana he sensed from Harry, he could guess that he was only in the first mana core stage, which made things even more interesting. After all, he knew how intimidating he could be.

“Huh? What did you say?” The girl in front of him asked, she noticed his lips move so she naturally thought he was addressing her.

“Nothing.” He replied calmly finding no need to explain his thoughts to the young girl.

The brows of the silver-haired girl twitched slightly for a few seconds when she heard his reply, she was sure he said something but she didn’t think too much of it.

“Why are they taking so long to attend to us?” She mumbled in annoyance. While for others this might be a simple restaurant visit, for her, it was a rare opportunity, so she was quite annoyed that no one had attended to them.

Since she was backing Harry, she hadn’t noticed him approaching their table.

Just then, Harry appeared at her side with the menu in his hand.

She flinched slightly as she was quite surprised since Harry’s appearance was quite sudden to her.

“I’m sorry about that,” Harry said politely when he noticed he had unknowingly scared her.

She didn’t reply and simply collected the menu.

Though her actions might be considered quite rude, Harry didn’t blame her but his colleagues as it was their fault for not quickly attending to her.

He glanced at the bald man seated beside her, expecting him to react, however, his expression was calm.

The silver-haired girl’s eyes shone as she went through all the food on the menu list, her hand kept ticking and ticking and it seemed like she would never stop.

Harry barely held back a chuckle as he stared at her, her actions reminded him of himself when he first came here to eat.

After an eternity, the girl finally stopped ticking and passed the menu over to the burly man.

Unlike his partner, the man only selected a rather simple dish before passing it back to Harry.

A wry smile appeared on Harry’s face as he stared at the long list of food ordered by the silver-haired girl. He felt a slight pang in his heart as he thought of how stressful it would be to arrange all that alone.

‘Is this how the waiter felt back then when I ordered a ton of food?’ Harry mumbled inwardly.

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