Manaless Mage

Chapter 153 The Playboy Elite

Chapter 153: The playboy elite

The female instructor who was responsible for healing the injured ones came unto the stage once more, and casted a healing spell to treat their injuries.

‘They might still be need for them to visit the infirmary.’ The instructor thought to herself, with a slight frown on her face.

A few seconds later, all the injured Elementalists were completely healed, and it didn’t even look like they had been in a fight, with the only tell being their roughened uniforms.

Meanwhile, in the midst of the audience, Harry’s brows squinted slightly as he stared at Wes, who was busy walking out of the stage with a smug smile on his face.

‘He is quite powerful, I have to admit.’ Harry thought to himself. While Wes’s character was very annoying, one couldn’t deny his power and talent, especially for someone of his age.

However, he was still curious about how strong the rest of the elite students were, he doubted that he would have any problems dealing with them if he used his full power.

From what he had observed, the Elementalists in Rank 10 above were the students with the most power and talent, and even though the one below rank 15 weren’t weak in anyway, they weren’t that powerful either.

The whole hall was still in a state of chaos after Wes’s fight, most of the students felt like he had gone too far just to ease his ego, while some felt like he had done just the right thing.

The one who were thinking that they perhaps had a chance against the top ten students were shrinking back in horror, feeling embarrassed at their naivety and stupidity.

While the audience were still murmuring and debating about Wes’s actions during the competition, the huge holographic board suddenly appeared once again, displaying another set of names.

This was enough to bring silence to the hall once more, as the eyes of almost every one in the room focused on the names displayed on the board.

Team 13

Corey Lance

Lia Noel

Dar Rick

Cetus Bane

Duke White

Team 46

Nathan Lane

Stanley Bennett

Hugh Blanc

Grace Silva

Amanda Benson

Harry’s eyes scrolled through the names, his expectations low about this next team competition, however, his eyes couldn’t help but widen in surprise when he saw a familiar name on the list.

Harry wasn’t the only one though, even Susan, who had been acting quite nonchalant during the other team matches, had a weird expression on her face as she stared at Nathan’s name.

She didn’t say anything, and the look in her dull gray eyes were quite hard to read, but it still obvious that this was one match she didn’t want to miss.

Most of the audience also had their eyes fixed on Nathan’s name, despite him being a rather new student in Vane academy, just the sight of his name caused another uproar in the hall.

Even though only transferred to Vane academy a few months ago, his reputation from being an elite student in Zenith academy preceded him, and his duel with Farhen a few weeks ago, through which he became an elite student made him all the more popular.

Almost everyone knew of his strength, however, that wasn’t the only reason the audience were excited about his match.

The Elementalist he would be going up against, the leader of Team 13, was also an elite student, who went by the name of Corey Lance.

Corey was also quite popular in the academy, not just for his elite rank, but his infamy as a womanizer.

He was a guy who was always seen around women, and there were even rumors of him having over ten girlfriends in the academy.

Like most elite students, he was also in his fifth academy year, and was set to graduate this year.

His rank could have been a lot higher, as he was one of those with the highest talents in the academy, with high grade fire affinity and high grade water affinity.

However, despite his insane talent, he wasn’t as invested in his training compared to the other top twenty five students, and only trained just enough to ‘stay in the ranks’, making him have a rank of twenty-two among the elite students.

Even though he didn’t train as hard as most, due to his high talent and dual affinity, he was still able to develop his mana core up to the second stage, making him a late stage two Elementalist.

While his rank might be considered quite high, given the fact that there were practically hundreds of Elementalists in the academy, it was still quite underwhelming when taking into account of his talent and potential.

He was very rude and annoying, but still, the students couldn’t just act rashly to him, especially with his background. 𝗻𝐨𝐯𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺

His family was the owner of a huge textile company, that was popular in Vernil, and they were also very influential.

Harry of course had also heard about Corey—it was impossible not to as a student of Vane academy—but the one he was most eager to watch fight was still Nathan.

‘Nathan Lane… I’m quite curious to see how this would play out,’ Harry mumbled inwardly, his brows squinting slightly.

A few minutes later, the participating team members had already positioned themselves on the stage.

Nathan and his team members stood in the green domain, while Corey and his team members positioned themselves in the red domain.

In Nathan’s right hand, was the same thin-bladed bastard sword with black handle he used during his last duel.

However, there was a difference between his appearance from the last duel and this competition, and that difference was the black and gold uniform that he was putting on; which signified his status as a rank 12 student in the academy.

Standing by Nathan’s side was a girl with short, black hair and pitch black eyes. Her face was quite beautiful, however, she had a cold look on her face that made her seem unfriendly.

She had a slender and curvy physique, but yet her body was still toned and filled with hard muscles that were the obvious results of tedious training.

She was a late stage one combat mage, and in her left hand was a long bladed spear, that she swung around effortlessly.

Three out of Team 46 members were combat mages—including Nathan, with the other two being stage one Elementalists.

One of the combat mages in his team was Grace, who was standing by his side, with an Elementalist whose name was Hugh standing at the other.

The last combat mage in his team was Stanley Bennett, an orange haired boy who was standing at the far back of the team, with a green bow held tightly in his hands and a bag filled with black arrows hung on his back.

Corey, an average height Elementalist with messy brown hair, and an handsome face, was standing on the other side of the stage, had a smug smile on his face as he stared at the members of Nathan’s team.

With his mana sense, he had already scanned their mana core stages, and he could tell that apart from Nathan, the rest should be quite easy to deal with.

Majority of them were combat mages, and as long as he kept them at a distance and bombarded them with spells, they wouldn’t be able to do much.

While the rest, were only stage one Elementalists, so their spells don’t pose much trouble to him also.

However, as he stared at the combat mage who stood at the back of the team, a frown couldn’t help but appear on his face.

‘He could be a problem… with those arrows.’ He thought, but the worry soon vanished from his mind. It didn’t matter, he would just take care of him.

Apart from him, there was one other stage two Elementalist in his team, and that was Lia Noel, the black haired girl who was standing by his side.

With the both of them, he doubted any of the other combat mages except Nathan would be a problem.

However, as he stared at the girl with short black hair standing beside Nathan, he couldn’t help but wonder in his mind: ‘She’s quite pretty, maybe I should speak to her.’

“Hey lady!” He suddenly shouted, waving both his hands awkwardly at Grace.

The black girl looked at him with a deep frown on her face, clearly not happy with how he was calling her.

Corey, not reading the situation, only continued. “Can we meet each other?! Maybe… after this competition?!” He shouted.

The frown on the girl’s face deepened, and without needing to think about the offer, she immediately replied: “no,” with a cold look in her eyes.

She hated guys like him the most.

Just then, the commentator’s voice reverberated through the speakers.

[Looking at the look of things, it seems like we have a very interesting match in our hands.]

[Who you think would emerge…]

He continued his speech, talking about the two team leader and who had the most chance of winning the competition.

[And now that the two teams are ready, let the competition begin!]

The instructor finally announced, and following his words, the hall exploded into a loud series of cheers.

The moment the announcement was made, Nathan and the two members his team standing by his side immediately rushed forward, heading towards Corey.


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