Manaless Mage

Chapter 151 No More Holding Back!

“Earth spike!” Wes shouted, channeling his mana and quickly casting another spell.

Almost immediately, a thin, long and dark brown spike made purely of rocks rapidly formed in front of him. Its edges were pointed, proof of its sharpness and with a simple mental command, the long spike shot towards the purple haired girl, slicing through the air and rapidly closing in on her.

Leah’s eyes widened in shocked as she watched the brown spike close in on her rapidly.

‘I have to dodge this!’ She shouted, and immediately tried to cast a spell.

“Wa—” But before she could even complete the incantation, the spike closed in on her, lodging itself deeply in the side of her stomach.

“Arrrg!” She groaned in pain, her hand instinctively moving clutch the part of her belly where the spike pierced.

The sudden pain broke her balance, and her feet staggered before she eventually came crashing on the ground.

The earth spike was originally supposed to pierce her right through her stomach, and not the side, but she was lucky enough to move to the side, just before the attack connected, causing it to pierce the side instead.

The spike that was lodged in her abdomen rapidly evaporated into tiny, brown particles, before vanishing completely, however, despite the spike disappearing, the injury still remained, and it wasn’t a small one either.

The two other Elementalists who ran at opposites directions to confuse their opponents were startled after hearing their leader’s shout, they instinctively paused their charge, before turning around to see what went wrong.

Their eyes widened when they saw the purple haired girl, laying on the ground and clutching the side of her abdomen where blood was bleeding profusely with a painful expression on her face.

This sight alone discouraged them, and their body immediately froze. Their breath trembled under their noses, and they subconsciously shivered at the thought of being in her place.

However, that was one mistake they made, as they ended up taking their eyes away from Wes, who was the main reason they came up with the plan in the first place.

Wes lips curled into a slight smile, enjoying the way things were playing out.

Without wasting anytime, he immediately stretched his hands towards the two Elementalists and casted another spell.

“Earth hold!” He shouted, suddenly clenching his fists, as if to grab a hold on something.

The two Elementalists who were standing at the side, immediately came back to their senses when they heard Wes’s shout.

They then tried to move, in order to run towards Wes’s teammates and continue the plan, however, their eyes widened in shock when they realized something… their legs were stuck!

Their eyes subconsciously drifted to their ground beneath them, and their eyes widened in horror when they found two thick lumps of brown mud covering their feet up to the bottom of their knees, keeping them trapped to the ground.

The smile on Wes’s face further widened and he enjoyed the expression of horror on their faces, finding it amusing. 𝒃𝒆𝙣𝒐𝒗𝙚𝒍.𝒄𝒐𝒎

‘Don’t worry… there’s more where that came from!’ He exclaimed inwardly, before hurriedly channeling his mana again, in preparation for another spell.

He stretched his hands towards the two Elementalists again, making a few hand signs while also rapidly chanting an incantation.

“Rock Darts!” He shouted, and almost immediately, four darts made of thick, brown rock materialized on each side of his outstretched arms.


However, just as he was about to launch the darts towards the Elementalists, the sound of a loud explosion suddenly reached his ears, causing his to turn his head.

His eyes widened in shock as the next thing that came into his sight was the image of a medium-sized blazing fire ball flying towards him at rapid speed.

Without thinking twice, he immediately canceled the spell he had cast earlier, causing the rock darts to vanish into tiny brown particles.

Fortunately, he had already completed the spell casting and incantations, and all that was left was to launch it, if not the consequences would have been more dire, because Elementalists couldn’t stop their spells half-way.

The fireball was hurtling towards him at an astonishing speed, and he knew that he couldn’t let himself get hit by the attack, or the consequences could be severe.

“Earth Wall!” He shouted, hurriedly stretching his hand towards the incoming fire ball.

Immediately, a thick brown wall rose up from the ground in front of him, the wall wasn’t too tall, only being a little taller than him, and it wasn’t that wide also, making it look more like a door.


The fireball slammed into the earth wall with full force, causing a loud mini-explosion that spread thick smoke into the surroundings.

Wes gritted his teeth against each one another as he felt the impact of the attack despite not being hit by it.

After a few seconds, the smoke dispersed and in the distance, he could make out the figure of a tall boy with one of his hands stretched out, towards him.

His brows furrowed and the expression on his face morphed to that of anger, while the short wall he erected before sunk back into the ground, without leaving a trace of its former existence.

As for that one who launched the attack, it was clearly one of the members of the purple haired girl’s team who was standing in their domain.

In the spur of the moment, Wes had already forgotten that his opponents’ team still had two more members standing in their domain, and was focusing on the only three who charged at him earlier.

No, it wasn’t that he didn’t notice, it was that he didn’t even consider them opponents in the first place.

However, one thing he hadn’t expected was that one of the Elementalists defending their domain would actually be a stage two Elementalist!

Compared to the other elements, fire was a lot more destructive, and the amount of elemental mana required to cast a fire ball spell could only be summoned by a stage two Elementalist.

Because of how powerful the spell was, it required a lot more mana to be cast, and was classified as a tier two spell.

Before the ranking event, he had never bothered to learn more about other Elementalists except the top 10 elite students, who he felt could pose a threat to him.

And ever since this competition began, he had never bothered to use his mana sense to gauge his opponents mana core stage.

In competitions like this, the leader of the team was usually the most powerful member, so when he saw that Leah, Team 32’s leader was only a late stage two Elementalist, he immediately assumed that the others would also be at the same stage; another careless decision on his part.

“Yeeearrrh!” The two Elementalists who he had trapped earlier immediately started rushing towards his team’s domain when they saw that he was already distracted with the last attack.

The felt like this was their chance, their opportunity to grab their opponents’ team flag and make a difference in the competition.

Due to Wes pouring all his focus in blocking the fire ball, the trap spell he casted on them before had already come undone, and they were now free.

Wes’s eyes squinted and his face squeezed into a deep frown as he stared at the one who had launched the fire attack on him.

‘This is so embarrassing… too embarrassing.’ He kept repeating in his head, momentarily ignoring the two Elementalists who were running towards his domain.

His teammates, who had been practically useless since the beginning of the competition, panicked when they noticed their opponents suddenly charging at them.

They had relied on Wes for everything, and it seemed like that decision was about to bounce back on them.

Leah, the leader of Team 32, slowly stood up, still clutching the side of her stomach.

Blood was still bleeding from it, however, it wasn’t as much as before, and the wound as closed up a little, remaining only a small hole.

During the few seconds she was laying on the ground, she had been stylishly healing her injury. Even though she wasn’t able to heal it completely, mainly due to there being too little time, she was still able to close up the wound a little and lessen the pain she was feeling.

“Water Ball!”

“Rock Fists!”

The two Elementalists who had almost closed in on Wes’s teammates shouted, each casting their own spell.

However, just as they were about to complete it, a huge amount of pressure suddenly descended on their shoulders, and their steps froze immediately.

“That’s it! No more holding back!” Wes suddenly shouted, and a huge amount of mana exploded from his body.

The sheer pressure pushing back not only his opponents, but also his teammates by a few steps, and causing Leah’s eyes to widen in shock.

Wes eyes locked on every member of Team 32, before his lips curved into an evil smirk.

“This is bad…” She mumbled, subconsciously stepping backwards, the sheer pressure of the mana around Wes intimidating her.

“Rising Pillars!” Wes shouted, violently raising his hands up, as if to forcibly lift something.




Almost immediately, huge earth pillars suddenly shot up from beneath every member of Team 32, forcibly pushing them up, and causing them to lose their footing.



Different shouts and screams of shock rang out from the mouths of the unfortunate Elementalists, as they suddenly found themselves flying in the air.

Wes’s teammates who were standing behind him gasped in shock and horror, as she sheer height of those pillars caused chills to run down their spine.


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