Manaless Mage

Chapter 147 Susan’s Furstration

Susan’s eyes widened slightly as she watched Ria fall to the ground after taking a punch from Harry.

Her eyes were wide open in shock and hands were trembling slightly at the sides.

‘I knew he was strong… but to think he was that strong…’ She thought, and suddenly let out a low tsk as her face morphed into a deep frown.

No matter how she tried to view the situation, realizing that Harry never actually used his full strength against her made her very annoyed.

He had never even used his speed-boost spell—[Lightning dash], when sparring against her, only using weaker spells like “lightning ball” and “wind blade”.

However, what frustrated her the most was that… she was the one supposed to bring Ria down, not Harry.

She was the leader of the team, yet in this flag-hunting event, she had been nothing but a spectator.

She had decided to stay behind to protect their team’s flag, but Harry had just ran ahead and knocked down practically the major members of Ria’s team.

Her role as the leader was rendered useless since Harry more or less did all the work the team was suppose to do together. And since he eliminated Ria who she wanted to eliminate before, her choice to defend instead of attacking head-on became pointless also.

Just then, her eyes drifted to Harry again, who was simply standing in one place and staring off to space.

Her brows twitched in frustration when she saw how nonchalant he was acting. It wasn’t just him though, but basically everyone on the stage.

The rest of her team simply stood in one place, staring at Harry with their eyes widened in surprise, without making any attempts to go for the flag.

“Light arrow.” Susan said, as she stretched her hand towards the last standing members of Ria’s team.

And almost immediately, to small arrows made of bright white light appeared in front of her hands before shooting towards them at an astonishing speed.

Before they could even react to the attack, the arrows had already pierced their knees, causing them to fall to the ground as blood bled out of their legs.

Susan appeared from behind Lin and Jon, her eyes twitching slightly, with her usual indifferent expression broken.

‘I shouldn’t think too much about this…’ Susan mumbled inwardly, before taking in a deep breath to calm her mind. .𝙘𝙤𝙢

“Shouldn’t you be more worried… about taking the opponent’s flag, rather than just standing in one place?” She said coldly, breaking Lin and the rest of her teammates out of their daze.

Their faces turned red and they stared at themselves, embarrassed at their action.

Susan simply scoffed at their actions. She wasn’t even angry at them, she understood why they were in a daze. After all, they had just witnessed something that was perceived to be impossible.

“Light boots.” She muttered, and almost immediately, two boots made of white light appeared on her feet.

Using the increased speed from the boots, she dashed towards the opponents team’s domain, grabbing their flag and then pulling it out of the ground.

None of the Elementalists on team four was able to stop her as they were all unconscious, while the only conscious two were writhing in pain from their knee injury.

All they could do was grit their teeth as they watched the enemy stand freely in their domain—not like they could even do anything even without the injuries since they were too weak to stand against her anyway.

After taking out the flag, she didn’t immediately move back to her domain and stared at Harry, who had already stopped staring into space and was staring back at her.

“What are you doing, why didn’t you just go after the flag?” She said, a slight frown appearing on her beautiful face, however, it was only for a moment, and her expression returned back to normal almost immediately.

“Huh?” Harry muttered, a little confused about her question. The reason he didn’t rush after the flag immediately was because the competition wasn’t timed, and it wasn’t as if those last two Elementalist were any threat to him that he should be wary off.

“You know what… never mind.” Susan mumbled, before walking away with the flag in her hands.

Harry stared at her weirdly for a few seconds, finding her behavior quite… weird, but he didn’t comment on it.

However, unbeknownst to Harry, Susan’s brows squinted slightly and she gritted her teeth when she turned away from him.

‘What’s wrong with me…?’ She mumbled inwardly, using the enhanced speed from the spell she cast earlier to sprint towards her domain and plant the flag deeply in the ground.

The whole hall was still filled with silence, as everyone still struggling to process what they had just witnessed.

In the end, they could only come to the assumption that Ria was distracted by Harry’s speed and physical power, and Harry used that opportunity to quickly knock her out by landing a heavy punch on her stomach.

Just then, the commentators voice boomed around the speakers in the hall, finally declaring Susan’s team as the winner of the competition.

[And through a surprising turn of events! We now have our winner! Team 16!]

Immediately, the hall exploded into cheers, and even though Susan—the rank one Elementalist of the academy—was the leader of team 16, the audience were chanting Harry’s name instead.

Just seeing a ‘normal’ Elementalist win against an elite student inspired them greatly, and that alone was enough for them to see Harry in a new light.

[For the first…]

The instructor went on, talking about how Ria—an elite student fell disgracefully to the hands of a stage one Elementalist.

Meanwhile, the same water Elementalist from the last matches, came unto the stage again to heal the injured students.

“Healing bubbles.” She muttered, stretching her hands forwards and casting a healing spell.

Almost immediately, small water bubbles appeared around her palms, before floating to the injured Elementalists, treating their wounds and restoring their stamina.


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