Manaless Mage

Chapter 122 Training with the team

Chapter 122 Training with the team

While a twenty percent progression increase might not seem like much, he still felt very happy about it.

For the past two months, he had only been able to increase the progress of the fire element comprehension by six precent.

And now it went up twenty percent all in one go, that was a massive amount of progress. 𝐞𝗼𝐯𝐞𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺

Apart from that, he was no longer as clueless on how to comprehend the fire element as he was a few weeks ago.

From today, he would definitely start progressing quite fast in the element comprehension.

Today’s progress could have been higher, but because he made the mistake of being impatient, it was a lower that what it could have been.

He definitely wouldn’t repeat the same mistake twice.

While he was still relishing in the happiness he felt for finally making a huge progress, a system notification suddenly flashed across his eyes.

[Energy control level up!]

[Skill “Energy control” now level 4!]

Harry’s eyes shone the moment he saw this notification and he felt like jumping up in joy, but he couldn’t as he was too tired for that.

It wasn’t too surprising that the skill levelled up, with what he did today, it would be more surprising if it didn’t.

Harry yawned while slowly standing up. His whole body still felt very exhausted from the energy exhaustion.

[Took you long enough to understand something so simple]

The other voice resounded in his head, but despite the somewhat mocking comment, Harry could tell that it was… proud of him.

“Yeah… yeah… some great teacher you are…” He muttered sarcastically while yawning again.

What he wanted more than anything now was to lay down on his bed and drift into the sweet hands of sleep.

His energy was already recovering, but it still wasn’t enough to deal with the amount of mental exhausted he felt.

The walk to his room was the longest in his life. Each of his steps dragged slowly on the ground, and he kept yawning tiredly.

After a few minutes, he got to his room and slumped on the bed, feeling a comfortable wave of relaxation wash over him as he sunk into the soft foam.

Just before he dozed off, his mind briefly wandered around the things he still had to do tomorrow.

He was supposed to go to the restaurant for his usual part-time job, but he felt too tired and doubted he could even make it there today.

He would simply give an excuse about being sick, which wasn’t exactly wrong since he wasn’t in the best of conditions.

There was also the training with sarah—the top one academy Elementalist and his teammate—and his other teammates coming up in a few days time for the ranking competition.

Well, he wasn’t yet sure of who his teammates were going to be, he was sure he would meet them soon, since according to sarah, there were already three in the team before him, including her.


Three days later

A group of five people could be seen standing in what looked like a training room.

The room was very large, almost like a living room on its own and it had different advanced training equipments, ranging from weights to targets and many other things.

In front of them stood a beautiful girl with long blonde hair and bright grey eyes, her skin was smooth and her body was smooth with curves in the right places.

She was putting on the elite students uniform, however, the colour of this one was a bit different from the one she wore when she met Harry.

It was a black uniform with golden collars and two thick golden lines running down the sides—a complete opposite to the regular golden one with black collars.

Her eyes seemed rather bored and nonchalant as she stared at the four people in front of her.

Most of them were staring around while muttering in awe at the grandeur of the training room.

“Wow… so this is the training room of an elite student.” A short girl with pink hair tied into a bun, her face was quite pretty and her short appearance made her appear quite cute.

“Yes~ the mana in the air is so dense… I wish I could stay here forever~” Another boy with short blonde hair and thin lips muttered while staring around in awe.

His eyes were basically shining as he kept looking around the training room, wanting to take in everything that existed in the room.

Sarah shook her head slightly as she watched their expressions, a slight smile appeared on her face but it was only for a moment before it vanished almost immediately.

She was quite amused by their actions, but it wasn’t too surprising.

Just then, her eyes wandered around for a bit before stopping on the brown haired boy with deep black eyes that stood calmly at the side.

His actions were quite composed compared to the other two, but he still couldn’t hide the light flicker of amusement and surprise that flashed through his eyes as looked around the training room.

She noticed that the the tall black haired boy standing beside Harry seemed to be rather dissatisfied with his presence, but she ignored him.

It wasn’t her business, and if he did something stupid that seemed like it would affect the team, she wouldn’t hesitate to kick him out.

A complicated expression flashed through her eyes before she turned her head away. ‘He is different from the last time I met him… I can’t put my hand on it but something about him has changed.’ She thought.

Harry was quite taken aback at the difference between the training room of the elite students compared to the ones in the training hall.

As one would have guessed, they were currently in Sarah’s personal training room provided to her by the academy.

It wasn’t actually located in her dorm room as one would expect, so they didn’t have to enter her room or anything of the sort.

If was located right beside it, only separated by the wall that divided them.

The mana in the air was quite dense and even if an untalented Elementalist was placed in the room for a few months, they were sure to break through to the next stage or at least come close to it.

‘No wonder the top twenty five position is coveted so much in the academy, they really do get the best training materials.’ Harry thought.

He was sure that the quality of the elite training rooms differed depending on the rank and position of the elite student themselves.

‘Even if I don’t try too hard in this competition, I should still be able to get myself a spot in the top twenty five position.’

It wasn’t that he was being proud or overconfident, he was just that confident in his strength.

However, one thing that caught his attention the most was the dense amount of mana he could sense from a particular area of the room.

It was from a small blue door that was at the corner of the training room, Harry wasn’t sure but he was certain that the large amount of mana he was sensing was from there.

But he didn’t think much of it, neither did he try to investigate it, unwilling to put himself on Sarah’s bad records on the first training day.

‘It is probably a mana chamber… as expected, the academy does invest a lot into elite students.’ Harry thought with a slight smile.

Mana chamber, just like the name implied, was a chamber containing insanely dense amount of mana.

A Mana chamber didn’t have to be a very large room, and could even be a small room.

Runes that absorbed the mana from the surroundings into the chamber were inscribed on the walls.

The density and amount of mana in the chamber depended on the quality of runes and materials used in making the chamber.

Since the mana in it was already so dense, by training and meditating in it, an elementalist would definitely be able to absorb a lot more mana than he/she normally would while being outside the chamber.

But for Harry, it would be useless since he didn’t have a mana core and couldn’t draw or absorb mana.

From the side, he could feel a piercing gaze of hostility drilling into his back, but he ignored it and acted like he felt nothing.

It was from a tall black haired student, with a nose so thin that it seemed almost non-existent.

The student was actually quite powerful, having already broke through to the early second mana core stage.

Harry noticed that he had been staring at him since he came here but he didn’t bother acknowledging it, feeling that he should focus more on the upcoming training.

“Fine! That’s enough sightseeing!” Sarah suddenly said, jolting the two students who were still looking around from their thoughts.

The pink haired girl and blonde haired boy coughed awkwardly, embarrassed at their actions.

“So, let us star—” Just as she was about to speak, a loud voice suddenly interrupted her.

“I feel like there are some unworthy students who shouldn’t be here!” The tall black haired boy suddenly said.

Sarah’s eyebrows twitched uncontrollably for a few minutes and it seemed like she was trying really hard to hold in her anger.

While she might be known as the most easy going among the elite students, she still had her pride and the fact that a mere student made her cut her words midway made her annoyed.

Her eyes slowly moved to the student who just spoke and immediately she released her mana pressure, focusing it on the rude student.

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