Is this destiny?

Chapter 792 - Wedding Party (J&J) (5)

"Jules Heenan passed first security check of the resort.", Eve's voice sounded in Sarah's and Aiden's earpieces. Two of them exchanged glances.

"I'm going to handle this.", Sarah was half up from her seat when Aiden pulled her back down.

"By yourself?"

"There is no need for more than one to take care of an actor who is crashing the wedding. I will be back before you know I left." Sarah gave him a quick kiss and dashed out before he had a chance to hold her back again.

Aiden agreed with her. There is no need for more than one of them to handle an actor… actor?!! Aiden frowned when he remembered Sarah addressing cast of that TV series as hunky heartthrobs… There is NO WAY he is letting her handle this by herself! Aiden was already on his feet and rushing after Sarah.

"What is the meaning of this? I have an invitation!", Jules protested when security refused to let him inside event hall.

"Please, Mister… don't cause a scene. We got an order to hold you until our boss comes.", security guard explained calmly.

"Your boss?", Jules perked up thinking that it's JoAnna.


Jules turned toward the female voice and frowned when he realized that it's not JoAnna.

"Why are you here? Where is JoAnna?", Jules' displeasure was obvious.

Sarah looked at the man who looks wronged and smiled. "I will ask you the same thing, why are you here?"

"I have an invitation. You are not the boss here!"

Sarah's smile widened. "I am the boss here, today."

She flipped the invitation that one security guard handed her. "This invitation is not yours. How did you get it?"

"It's an invitation for a member of the TV drama I'm staring at. So, I have the right to be here!", Jules lifted his chin defiantly.

"That does not explain why you are here. Why did you take someone else's invitation? What do you want with JoAnna?"

"I am her friend."

Sarah shook her head, smile not leaving her face. "I don't think so. And JoAnna does not think so either, otherwise she would give you an invitation."

Jules does not like Sarah's attitude, but he observed that the security listens to her. That means… he needs to find a way around her, and then everything will work out. Somehow, in his mind a thought appeared that Sarah must be his fan because… who isn't? And she might be this hostile because he is not doing any fan service.

Jules flashed his most charming smile. "Hmm… I see. You are my fan, right? What do should I do in order for you to let me through? An autograph? A photo with me? Everyone wants a photo with my handsome face. Come… let's get over with that."

Jules reached out for Sarah's hand and before he could touch her, his face contorted due to sudden pain. His mouth was open, but no sound came out.

"Don't you dare touch her." Aiden growled while holding onto Jules's forearm.

Sarah hooked her arm around Aiden's waist and looked at Jules innocently. "Mr. Heenan, look at my super handsome fiancé. Why would I ever want a photo with you when I have a man like him by my side?"

At that time, Jules let out an ear-piercing high-pitched shriek.

Sarah cringed and placed her hand over Aiden's indicating that he should let go of the Jules' arm. 

"You are crazy! I want to see a doctor!", Jules raged while rubbing his aching forearm.

"A doctor? Aren't you one?", Sarah snickered. She turned to the security guards. "Escort Mr. Heenan out of the resort property. If you see him again tonight, detain him in the basement until the morning. No need to call us."

"You can't do this!" Jules protested, but he still took two steps back gesturing to the approaching security guards that he will not resist.

"I can." Sarah smirked while watching Jules being escorted away by four security guards.

When Jules was out of the earshot, Sarah looked at Aiden. "Why did you come? I told you I can handle him."

"If your super handsome fiancé didn't show up, you might be tempted to take a photo with that bozo.", Aiden responded with a straight face.

Sarah laughed. "Let's go back inside."

The event progressed smoothly.

Sarah and Aiden were feeding each other various bite-sized food samples while talking in whispers. Two of them didn't notice anyone around them… nor people who were watching them from further away.

Jeff was standing next to the table with pastries and talking about business with two other older gentlemen. The topic was about security devices, so he got Felix to join in the conversation.

JoAnna was talking with few young ladies who approached her to introduce themselves, and Sophia spotted Isabella and Leah. Isabella was talking with one middle-aged man, something business related, and Leah looked a bit bored. Sophia got Leah's attention and waved her to join her outside.

Sophia and Leah found a free bench in the garden area, toward the stables.

"How are things?", Sophia asked Leah.

Leah understood that Sophia is asking about the status on leasing office space in Los Angeles, so she gave her status: "We finalized terms of lease for office space in Los Angeles and everything is ready for signing. It will be in your inbox first thing Monday morning. But I would advise you that you talk to Edward and Stella before we make that step. Once we sign it, it will be official. Do you want them to find out that the company is expanding to Los Angeles from a memo like other employees?"

Sophia smiled. "Thank you, Leah. You are doing an amazing job, as usually. But my question was about your personal life. You and Isabella. How are things?"

"It's OK… when we are together, everything is great."

Sophia observed that Leah lowered her gaze while responding. Something is definitely bothering her.

"Why do I have a feeling that there is a 'but' coming up?"

Leah nodded. "But… whenever there is something related to her father, I am just a friend. I'm not sure that she will ever tell him that she is… with me."

"That is a possibility. Her father is very conservative and I'm not sure if he will ever accept that his daughter is not interested in men. Also, no matter how open the society is toward same sex relationships… look around you. Most of the power and money, especially in business, is still with people who are fifty years old or more. Those are older generation, not willing to accept that sometimes, people are different. She is already facing discrimination because she is a female in a men's world. And she is young, so she has a lot to prove to all those old geezers in order to be accepted. If she openly announces that she is gay… she will have a whole new set of challenges in front of her…Your relationship will be tested on almost every step. I hope you are ready for it. I'm not trying to discourage you. I just want you to be prepared for the tough road ahead of you. But if your feelings are true, it will be worth it."

Sophia saw that Leah is lost in her thoughts and she waited until Leah returned her attention to her.

"I want to ask you one thing, and on account of our many years of friendship, I expect an honest answer… Are you considering quitting as my assistant?"

Leah decided to give an honest answer. "It's not that I'm thinking about quitting… but I wish to be closer to Isabella, and I don't see how that can work if I am your assistant. My work is not something I can do remotely."

"Think about all what I said. If you go to be close to her, how will that work out? Talk to her openly and make sure that you two have an understanding before making any decisions. At the end, if you decide to leave, I will support you. And if it does not work out, there will always be a job for you waiting by my side. OK?"

Sophia's words comforted Leah. She was happy to have Sophia as her friend. "Thank you."


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