Is this destiny?

Chapter 791 - Wedding Party (J&J) (4)

"What's next?", Sarah asked JoAnna when she put her black pumps on.

JoAnna gave a side-look to Sarah while going over the schedule. "We are heading to the event hall. There will be food and drinks, but nothing too formal… Dinner is at seven, followed by the cake. And after that I have a presentation prepared which will take few minutes of your time… at eleven in the evening are fireworks. So, there is not much set as a must-have… but please, when we go down now, spend some time in the event hall before going to dance."

Sarah smiled and shook her head. She wanted to say that it's not about dancing… but she would be lying. During the first round of dancing, Aiden and she didn't want to attract attention… after all, it's JoAnna's wedding, she should be shining. But now that the 'official' dancing part is over, the gloves are off and she can't wait to hit the dancefloor with Aiden.

"Any signs of trouble?", JoAnna asked Sarah. "I'm not getting any notifications from Eve for some time, so I'm assuming you have something to do with it?"

Sarah didn't hide it. "True. You enjoy your special day. Let your baby sister handle the troublemakers."

JoAnna sighed. "Thank you. Be careful, OK?"

"Considering the crowd, as long as you don't wonder somewhere by yourself, no one will dare to make a move.", Sophia advised Sarah.

Sarah paused for a second before turning to Sophia slowly. "You are saying… if I want the snakes to come out of hiding, I need to provide them with an opportunity to strike?"

Sarah's words made Sophia panic.

"No, no, no! I wanted to say that you should stay with Aiden or with anyone else all the time so that snakes don't come at you!"

Sarah smiled. "I will keep your words in mind."

Sophia sighed while thinking how Sarah is too enthusiastic about all this. For some reason, she had an eerie feeling that she just gave an idea to Sarah.

Jeff, Felix and Aiden waited for the girls at the entrance of the event hall. All three of them changed into their 'evening' outfits, matching: black formal suit with white shirt and a black bowtie.

Guys' smiles showed that they approve updated looks of their ladies.

The Hill sisters are breathtaking, and their men match them with their handsomeness.

"Nothing makes a man sexier than a well-fitting suit.", Sophia almost purred while tugging edges of Felix's bowtie. Felix's smile revealed his dimples while Sophia ran her palms slowly down satin lapels of his suit jacket.

JoAnna nudged Sophia, making her break eye contact with Felix.

"You either stop that or go to your room!", JoAnna explained herself. "And from now on, you have no right to scold Sarah when she acts like an enamored teenager!"

Sarah laughed and asked JoAnna: "Who made you the grownup in the room?"

JoAnna ignored Sarah's question. "We should join the wedding party."

The event hall is decorated even more luxurious than outside. Flowers are everywhere, balloons on the ceiling mixed in with light which hits crystal chandeliers causing light-bursts in every direction. Tables with elegant centerpieces have name tags in front of each chair and everything looks amazing.

On the sides of the hall are tables with food and beverages, and two bar areas are staffed with three bartenders each. Each wall has a white screen on which selected photos from the photo shoot are being projected, and screens will show live video when something is happening.

Jeff and JoAnna are seated at the middle of one large table, facing the event hall. On JoAnna's side are Sophia and Felix, followed by Ellie and bridesmaids, including their dates, if they brought any. And on Jeff's side are Sarah and Aiden followed by Jasper and the groomsmen, including their dates (if any). Bridgette was on the groomsmen side with Steve, and Thomas took Bridgette's seat next to Jill. Tom was with Ellie and Brian with Emma. But it didn't take long for everyone to scramble their seating; no one cared about it anyway, as long as people don't complain that their seat is taken.

There is a dance area in front of this large table, but it's smaller compared to the one outside, so people use it to stand and chat.

Family members are seated at two round tables, close to the newlyweds, and other tables are arranged further away, based on prearranged seating which Julie and Heather determined together with Elanor and Stella.

Madison was upset that her seat is all the way in the back, but she still had a good view of Aiden as long as everyone was seated, even though he appeared tiny because of the distance.

"Excuse me…", Harriet stood up and addressed her parents. "I saw few friends out in the garden, and I'm going to spend some time with them. I will be back later."

"Don't be invisible…", Mrs. Morgan reminded her daughter.

"We already greeted newlyweds in the garden." Harriet reminded her mother. "If I push too much it might look too obvious. I will make my appearance in front of him later, OK?"

"Good, good. You don't want to appear too desperate.", Mr. Morgan approved.

Harriet showed her sweetest smile and walked out of the event hall. She headed to the main building of the resort where a cab was waiting for her.

Liam, Noah, Thomas, Paul, Henry, and Aaron are seated through the event hall, with their families. That is how they received invitations, because their parents have business or other (shadier) connections with the White family. They are not happy that they are not together, but they already talked about their plan… they will wait until the evening progresses first, and until then, six of them are just guests who are enjoying at the wedding... and they will meet outside in a bit.

Aaron's eyes flashed with mix of emotions when he saw Patrick walk into the hall with Jessica who was holding onto his arm. Two of them were smiling at each other, and Aaron's mind didn't run out of wild scenarios what two of them did and why they are showing up just now. 'That slut! Once a slut, always a slut!' Aaron reminded himself to keep his cool, but he could not stop himself from fuming: 'Out of hundreds of eager girls from his contacts, Patrick had to bring Jessica?' Aaron can only see this as a personal attack on him. He will talk to Patrick about this… later. All of them came to this wedding without dates with a goal to teach Aiden a lesson. Why did Patrick bring a date?


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