Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 317 Leaving The Cavern

A week later, Mira’s eyes slowly started to open before she immediately shot up and looked around her only to see that she was sitting in a large bed of fur.

Feeling a strong link with this pile of fur, Mira knew exactly who she was sitting on: Rhydian.

However, she was quite shocked at how big and strong Rhydian had become!

While she did expect a serious boost in power, Mira didn’t think it’d be by so much that she didn’t stand a chance against her because that’s how Mira felt about the current Rhydian. For the first time in a long time, Mira felt powerless.

Not only by the sheer power Rhydian has but also by Rhydian’s raw talent. She felt a bitter feeling rise in her chest seeing how Rhydian barely has to put in any effort to become strong. She only needs to kill a few beasts, eat a few treasures, and sleep! Everything else will come naturally.

Of course, Mira wasn’t feeling jealous of Rhydian’s talent, but more like she understood that hard work simply isn’t enough to reach the heights she wants to reach. It’s this realization that gave Mira a bitter feeling because she always believed that hard work would always trump talent as long as one worked hard enough, but seeing Rhydian, Mira knew that her thoughts were too naive.

In the cultivation world, talent is the foundation of one’s limits. Humans each have their own limits, along with beasts and every other race. Although this is only speculation right now, Mira also believes that even gods have limits.

It’s only right now that Mira felt truly lucky to have come across the Firmament of Limitless Death and Infinite Life because with it she can form a Core that will increase her natural cultivation talent to heights that were unimaginable to the previous her.

Of course, those heights are still a mystery to the current Mira, but she knew that as long as she survives, she’ll be able to learn more about the truly strong people, like the Guardian, in this Universe.

Mira felt like her mind was lifted of some kind of burden that she didn’t know was there after she reached that conclusion. It felt like she just got closer to the truth of cultivation, but Mira could tell that although she had gotten closer, she was nowhere near close to the truth.

A few seconds after Mira sorted out her thoughts, she finally noticed that Robin was sleeping peacefully right next to her.

She had sustained many injuries and overworked her body to the max, so Mira wasn’t surprised to see that Robin was still injured even after recuperating for a week.

Seeing how Robin was still injured, Mira began thoroughly checking her body and it didn’t take her long to figure out that she was basically in perfect condition.

It seems because of her bloodline, tempered body, and the dense amount of Qi, Mira didn’t have to worry about her injuries taking too long to heal.

Mira then hopped off Rhydian to get a good look at her and the surroundings, but she was quite confused by what she saw.

Right in front of her were large piles of trees, herbs, bushes, fruits, saplings, and even grass. It didn’t take long for her to understand that this must be Rhydian’s doing. Knowing that made Mira even happier as it seems her teachings haven’t gone to waste!


Mira turned around and saw Rhydian looking at her while wagging her tail and knew exactly what she wanted.

Sighing, Mira walked up to her and started rubbing the top of her head. Rhydian closed her eyes in bliss and had what seemed to be a smile on her face as Mira rubbed her head.

“Good job, Rhydian. Now I don’t have to spend the next few days looting this place.”


After a few minutes of head pats, Mira then began throwing everything in her Infinity Garden. She didn’t bother trying to find out the names of each plant because doing so would take too long and she probably won’t even use most of them other than to sell.

After Mira was done storing all of the plants, she figured it was probably about time to wake up Robin as she really doesn’t want to stay in this place longer than she needs to, especially after plundering this entire cavern.

She walked up to Robin and after a few slaps to the face, the girl woke up in a fluster.

“Wha-what’s happening?!” Her words were a bit slurred as she just woke up, but then immediately regained her wits and jumped back while taking out her daggers.

It was only after realizing that she wasn’t surrounded by enemies did she calm down and begin assessing her situation.

Her body was still a bit stiff and a number of her injuries have yet to heal, but her condition is much better than she thought it would be.

Mira walked over to her and tossed her a few fruits before pulling out a few for herself.

“Let’s have a bite to eat.”

Robin nodded as she was feeling famished even though her body no longer needs food in order to sustain itself.

The two of them ate in silence as Robin focused on eating and healing her body.

After eating, Mira decided to discuss their future plans.

“After doing a bit of searching and also based on what Rhydian found during the week that we’re unconscious, it’s impossible for us to leave this cavern through the way we came in. Although I don’t know where we are in the chasm or how close we are to the other groups, that doesn’t matter right now. We really only have two options. Stay here and wait until somebody finds us or continue heading deeper into the chasm or whatever this place is. However, I will say that I have a really bad feeling about going much further. I can sense something much more dangerous than that serpent that almost killed us a while back. We might very well lose our lives without even knowing how should we continue.”

Robin thought seriously about Mira’s words and although her trust in Mira has fallen a bit due to the incident of being thrown down into the abyss and being forced to make a vow to the heavens, she knows that Mira doesn’t say useless things.

After giving it some thought, Robin realized that she really didn’t want to continue any further into this chasm.

She’s had enough fighting and would very much like to just meet up with the Branch Head and the others and then get out of this place safely.

However, she also knew that waiting for the Branch Head and the others to come and rescue her is nothing but a pipe dream. She’s only a low-level member of the Mercenary Association and knows that the Branch Head doesn’t give two shits about her other than her being slightly useful against the onslaught of beasts.

She couldn’t help but sigh at this conjecture, but she wasn’t mad or anything. She understood that these were the consequences of being an untalented low-level member of the organization.

Hell, she’d probably get better treatment as a Silver Rank Mercenary, but she knew that such a thing was impossible for her. While she is adept at reconnaissance and assassination, she isn’t on the level as a Silver Rank mercenary should be.

So, that only leaves one choice and she’s sure that Mira is having the same thoughts as her.

“Let’s continue. Who knows, maybe we’ll be able to find a way out or maybe we’ll somehow be able to regroup with the Branch Head.” Robin said with determination in her eyes.

“Yeah, well, it’s not like we have a choice. We can’t return and I’m not waiting in this place on the off chance someone finds us. We might as well test our luck by descending further down the chasm.” Mira said while grabbing her arm and hopping on Rhydian.

“Alright, lead us further into this chasm, Rhydian!”



Meanwhile, far away from Mira and Robin’s current position, the Branch Head was bulldozing down the cavern walls as he charged in the direction that he felt the Qi getting denser.

All of the mercenaries he brought along with him have all died by now so he didn’t need to waste his time searching through these little caves in hopes of finding the right direction.

He’s been doing this for a few weeks now and he felt like he’s about to reach the source of what’s causing this insanely dense Qi and couldn’t help but grow excited.

He knew the rewards for finding what’s on the other side of this cavern were immense, so immense that as long as he had enough talent, he could probably rise to the peak of the mortal world without much issue.

Just the thought of being that strong made his blood boil and caused him to start breaking down cave walls at an even faster pace!

Not long after, he broke through another wall and finally reached the source of all this dense Qi.

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