Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 316 Rank 6 Rhydian

Now standing before Mira’s unconscious body stood an imposing 2.5 meters tall and nearly 5-meter-long golden wolf. This wolf also had wings that spanned over 4 meters long. However, what truly stood out was the small crown on top of its head that gave off an imposing air.

This aura radiating around this wolf was immense, much more than any Low-Stage Rank 6 Beast should be able to exude. In fact, its aura was so strong that it even eclipsed those at the Peak of Rank 6!

This beast looked at Mira with a complicated expression before wrapping her tail around her and lifting up her unconscious body onto her back.

Obviously, Rhydian knew that Mira almost died because of her carelessness and felt bad, but she also thought of this as a little form of revenge.

Mira’s always bullying her into getting stronger, making her go through constant battles, and mostly using physical means to correct her, but at the same time, Mira’s not doing any of it out of hate.

No, Mira genuinely likes Rhydian and the latter can feel it through the connection that they share. Mira wants nothing but the best for her. It’s just that she doesn’t know any other way to discipline someone other than being physical.

In the end, Rhydian felt bad that she almost made Mira die because she wanted to break through.

Now done dealing with the unconscious Mira, Rhydian looked around at the onslaught of beasts menacingly before taking in a deep breath and…


She released a breath of fire, similar to Dragon’s Breath, out of her mouth and began incinerating the nearby beasts and plants.

Then, she flapped her wings and quickly turned their roasted bodies into ice statues. The mindless beasts didn’t even get a chance to retaliate as most of them couldn’t even move due to the bloodline suppression.

The stronger ones could still move, but they weren’t in the right state of mind to properly defend against Rhydian’s attack and ended up taking the brunt of the damage.

After dealing with the immediate threats, Rhydian turned around and did the same thing to the beasts and plants chasing after Robin.

In just a few seconds, Rhydian dealt with the majority of the beasts that were left!

Robin watched all of this happening and felt like she was going crazy! The beasts that were giving her and Mira so much trouble were being dealt with like flies by Mira’s giant wolf companion!

However, after being momentarily surprised, Robin soon felt an overwhelming amount of relief before she too fell unconscious.

Rhydian gave her a glance then swept her up with her tail and tossed Robin on her back along with Mira.

Now that she doesn’t have to worry about protecting Mira and Robin, Rhydian can start finishing off the rest of the beasts.

She began building up another flame in her throat, except this time she was going to do something a little different.

Once the flame in her throat reached a high enough temperature, Rhydian began spitting balls of golden flames at the leftover groups of enemies.


These fireballs not only caused massive explosions but just being near the blast radius of one of them is enough to sear one’s skin.

Her plan worked like a charm as the beasts devolved further into chaos.

Satisfied with the results, Rhydian coated her tail in ice, essentially turning it into a sword, and recklessly charged at the remaining beasts.

Truthfully, Rhydian didn’t actually need to attack the remaining beasts head-on and could continue launching various fireballs, ice spikes, and flame breath, while slashing anything that comes near her into meat paste with her paws, but she saw no fun in that.

Just because Mira’s injured and unconscious doesn’t mean Rhydian can’t have a bit of fun while protecting her!!

Anyways, Rhydian made quick work of the remaining beasts in just a few minutes, but she wasn’t satisfied with that! She just woke up several times stronger than before and full of energy, how could she be satisfied with so few enemies?!

So, Rhydian began sweeping the entire cavern and killed anything that moved! Plants, golems, beasts, insects, you name it she killed it!

Of course, Rhydian was a bit confused at first why not all of the beasts in the cavern tried to kill Mira and Robin, but it wasn’t until half a day later that she understood…

The cavern that they dropped into is huge!!

It’s literally like its own separate world, so it’s no wonder not all of the beasts went after Mira and Robin.

Of course, that didn’t stop Rhydian from hunting them all down to extinction. Instead, hunting in this new environment was even more fun since this cavern wasn’t anything like the upper levels of this chasm or any of the other chasms around Quake City.

There weren’t thousands of worms randomly popping out of the ground and walls trying to kill you nor were there any dangerous surprises lurking in the various caves that could catch them unprepared.

It’s just a normal place filled with an overabundant amount of beasts. The perfect place for Rhydian to hunt and test out her strength.

However, she was still left unsatisfied even after killing everything in this cavern. She was just too strong and too fast that none of the beasts here could serve as a challenge to her.

p That’s a given though because most of the beasts in this place only have a common bloodline, meaning they are just normal beasts that got lucky because of how dense the Qi in this place is.

In fact, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the beasts in this cavern are by far the weakest in their respective cultivation levels. Most of them have basically been forcibly pushed to their cultivation without actually raising their talents via their bloodline.

This is very rare, but it can happen if a weak, common bloodline beast stays in an area of extremely rich and dense Qi for an extended period of time. However, this would rarely happen as places like these are already the territory of stronger beings and most stronger beings, especially beasts, don’t like their territory being encroached on.

Lucky for these beasts, this chasm used to be a massive spirit stone mine or perhaps was even multiple Spirit Stone Mines combined into one and even an extremely strong beast can’t reign over such a large territory.

Unfortunately for these beasts, they met Rhydian, who didn’t care about their circumstances and just wanted to fight a strong beast with her newfound strength.

Well, since there were no strong beasts that could give her a challenge, Rhydian was left disappointed.

In her disappointment and boredom, she was just going to find a nice spot to relax while she waits for Mira and Robin to wake up, but then she thought of something that might be able to cure her boredom.

She might even get a few pats from Mira!

Before Rhydian ate that Myriad Beast Fruit, she felt Mira’s desire to plunder this cavern of all its plant life. She also knows how much Mira hates to waste time. Those two things combined with her boredom gave her the perfect opportunity to plunder this cavern for Mira and put everything all into one area so she can easily store everything without wasting any time.

Rhydian knew this was going to be a big project, but that only made it more exciting! Especially at the thought of receiving pats from Mira!

Lost in her thoughts, Rhydian created 6 large ice hands around her and dozens of smaller ice hands around them and began her deforestation!

Rhydian used the large ice hands to uproot trees and large plants, while the smaller ice hands were used to gather herbs, fruits, saplings, and basically anything that wasn’t a tree.

If one were to look at this scene from afar, they’d see a rather peculiar sight. A large golden winged wolf surrounded by tons of ice hands kept disappearing and reappearing all over the cavern while lugging around all kinds of plants before piling them up all in one spot.

Naturally, Rhydian wasn’t actually teleporting, but it’s just that she was so fast that she could travel several kilometers in mere seconds making it look like she was teleporting.

Funnily enough, Elenei was actually watching this scene from Mira’s Soul Sea and didn’t know what to think. She never would’ve guessed that a Golden Empyrean Winged-Wolf was actually reduced to a mere porter. Not only that, but the wolf did it of her own volition!

Elenei truly didn’t know whether to laugh or cry watching this scene and just decided to curse at Mira for corrupting the last descendent of such a mighty race!

This went on for almost an entire week before she finished and surprisingly enough, that’s when Mira woke up from her slumber.

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