I'll Surpass The MC

Chapter 754: Please Help Orakha

Chapter 754: Please Help Orakha

Brimgan Empire!

“Stop! Stop him!”

“Don’t allow his entry!”

“Catch him!” Soldiers posted guard at the Brimgan Empire’s entrance shouted in alarm as a figure rapidly skipped past all their defensive units.

More than thirty Spirit Weapons emanating varied powers flew towards a young man when they were intercepted by a layer of stalks that jutted out of the ground suddenly. The stalks sprouted vines that coiled around the Spirit Weapons and kept them in confinement.

In the meantime, the man’s legs transformed into roots that coiled into a spring before releasing him high up into the sky. One of his arms transformed into a stalk, with its front end sporting a carnivorous mouth.

The carnivorous mouth grabbed onto the peak of a tall building and craned strength through the stalk, spinning the man around the building similar to how a planet revolved around the sun. a few rotations later, once the maximum possible angular momentum for the applied muscular strength had been achieved, the carnivorous mouth let go of its hold, launching the man tangentially.

The stalk hand and root legs retracted into their human counterpart, immediately reducing his mass and air friction, which concentrated much of the launched momentum and sent him reeling farther away.

“Stop!” A powerful bellow resounded as a golden flash glinted in the sky. The man barely detected the glint before a spindle-shaped Spirit Weapon was at his face, intending to puncture his head.

However, in response to it, his head bloomed into a series of carnivorous mouths. The Spirit Weapon pierced one of them, following which the remaining carnivorous mouths rejoined into an intact human head.

“My patience has its limits,” Blola stated in a hurry as roots jutted out of his legs and burrowed into the ground, immediately causing a forest to bloom in response. Every single tree in the forest was connected, a single entity.

Growing out of the singular root system was a series of stalks behaving as tree trunks, and sprouting from the ends of each was a carnivorous mouth. In a matter of seconds, an area of forty-thousand square metres was transformed into a carnivorous forest.

“Surround it! Don’t let him escape it!” The Brimgan Royal posted guard at the Empire’s entrance bellowed and hurried the soldiers under him. They surrounded the carnivorous forest, intending to attack it when suddenly, the forest began to wither.

And immediately in response, at a location twenty-four kilometres away, a carnivorous forest bloomed.

‘How did one appear there?’ The Brimgan Royal was stunned before he condensed an unicycle with an impeccable suspension system and landed on its seat, actuating it through psychokinesis to blaze through the streets, rapidly approaching the carnivorous forest.

Mystic Kinesis Art-Spirit Weapon Switch!

Golden platforms appeared in the air behind him, on which his soldiers latched, rapidly being transported to the newly formed carnivorous forest.


“Save us!” People screamed as carnivorous mouths targeted them. No one died, as the carnivorous mouths weren’t aiming to kill them. However, to garner attention towards it, they purposefully destroyed a few buildings as loudly as possible and raised a dust cloud.

As most of the soldiers were rerouted to the second carnivorous forest, a figure sneaked out from underneath a wilting stalk from the first carnivorous forest. He hurriedly hid behind a wall and took cover, heaving a sigh of relief as he stared at the baggage in his possession.

It was wrapped up into a bundle by a series of vines. His left hand had transformed into vines to wrap around and carry the individual within. After looking around a little, Blola quickly made his way towards the Northern Lakes.

“He’s here!” One of the soldiers posted sentry spotted him and shouted, alerting the army to assemble and chase after him once again.

‘The other body of mine has bought enough time.’ He thought as such and snapped his finger, releasing a fruity scent that quickly pervaded the surroundings.

A minute later, the second carnivorous forest wilted as the body of Blola maintaining it committed suicide. As Blola jumped into the Northern Lakes, roots jutted out of his legs and expanded like a mangrove, paddling him forth.

They also absorbed nutrients from the water, allowing him to build the body that he had sacrificed just now. Boats rushed after him at terrifying speeds as Blola continued to run. Whenever the soldiers closed in on him, he threw a body in their direction.

The body assumed Transcendent Eater form and formed a carnivorous forest, buying enough time, following which it committed suicide. Once that happened, Blola would absorb nutrients to begin rebuilding the body once again.

He was currently at the 3-Life Stage, with the fourth body sent to the Dralh Sea for the same purpose he had barged into the Brimgan Empire.

‘There!’ He noticed a railway plying along the shore and quickly rushed towards it. Many Spirit Weapons flew his way from the soldiers in the railway’s engine room. However, they were all either blocked or tanked by a series of roots and stalks.

With a slam into the water, Blola leapt into the engine room as his right hand expanded into hundreds of vines and covered the engine room’s interior, wrapping around the cultivators there instantly.

Their Spirit weapons flashed around, cutting through some of the vines when dozens more took their place, drowning out the resistance until the cultivators couldn’t do anything.

“Travel at the maximum speed.” Blola’s voice resounded coldly as he emanated his presence, overwhelming the drivers, “If you dare slow down, I’ll kill every single passenger in a second. Don’t test my patience!”

“Y-Yes!” The drivers were unable to resist as they could only funnel their psychokinesis into the gear mechanism of the railway engine and maintain its speed.

Blola eyed outside, watching boats race parallel to the railway as the soldiers within intended

to board the railway and target him. He stared at the boat as a Parute Tree sprouted next to them, transforming into Blola who assumed Transcendent Eater form and wreaked havoc.

He didn’t kill anyone and simply destroyed the boats. Once he had neutralised the pursuers, he committed suicide.

A root extended out of Blola’s leg and pierced into the ground next to the railway track, expanding in length as the train sped forth. It absorbed nutrients from the ground, and once it had expanded to its limit, it contracted.

Another root pierced the ground closer to the engine, expanding in a similar fashion. Though it was many times slower than when he planted himself in the ground, Blola was still able to steadily recover his third body.

And the moment another group chased after him, he sent the third body sprouting as a Parute Tree next to the group, assumed Transcendent Eater form, and neutralised them, repeating the process as many times as necessary.

Information spread faster as many soldiers remained ready at the stations in order to board it and target Blola. However, he was prepared for all responses, ensuring the railway didn’t


One time, they changed the tracks to one that ended soon. Upon seeing it, a bunch of roots expanded underneath the railway, lifted it and planted it on the right tracks that made way to the Capital City-Boul!

“I should be reaching the Capital in a couple of hours…” Blola muttered as the train passed by a familiar City’s station. He had just said so when his skin prickled, causing him to turn around and stare in shock at the golden figure that had condensed a couple metres away.

‘There’s at least a hundred kilometres to the Capital City!’ Blola was stunned, unable to comprehend how this was possible, ‘Maybe he was in range nearby.’

“Do all the Mystic Paths love wreaking chaos in my Empire every time you make an appearance?” The golden figure was none other than the Brimgan Empire’s Emperor, Boul Brimgan. His eyebrows were creased in irritation as he folded his hands.

It would only take him an instant to cut off all the vines binding his people. However, he intended to figure out Blola’s intentions first, aware that killing the Transcendent Eater was impossible in the blessed land of resources-the Brimgan Empire.

The infinite resources being produced here allowed Blola to fight perpetually, if necessary. So, Boul Brimgan intended to figure out the motives for Blola’s hurried rush into his Empire.

“Let’s talk at the palace,” Blola said and eyed the drivers, implying that he didn’t wish to discuss in the open. He then relaxed his hold over them, retracting his vines to prove that his

motive wasn’t to fight or cause chaos, “I apologise for taking such a forced approach. I had no


“However, I ensured that none were harmed by my actions.” Blola said, “I did destroy many buildings, but I will compensate for that through Parute Fruits.”

“That’s a fair offer.” Boul Brimgan didn’t care much since he did confirm that there were zero

casualties from Blola’s forced entry. That was why he didn’t try to fight and simply condensed

a Spirit Weapon in the shape of his body in an effort to converse.

If he wanted to kill, he would have sent in a Kinesis Feline.

Two hours later, at the Brimgan Palace, the golden humanoid accompanied Blola into the

throne room.

The doors opened with grandeur as Blola walked in, noticing that the seats of the Ministers

were empty. At the far end of the palace, donning a dress that shone enough to make the

entire throne room feel as if it had been plunged into the afternoon sun was Boul Brimgan.

Seated on the Grand Minister’s seat next to his throne was his mother, Harla Brimgan, her expression a forced calm. She was uneasy for some reason.

Once Blola walked in, the golden humanoid accompanying him vanished. The prickles on his skin were going crazy, ‘They haven’t stopped the moment he revealed himself.’

Blola stared at Boul Brimgan, solemn in his observation, ‘It seems his Spirit Weapon range exceeds a radius of 100 kilometres. That’s fucking insane!’

“So, what prompted you to barge into my Empire?” Boul Brimgan asked as his attention fell

on the bundle carried by Blola with care all along. Saʀᴄh th N0vlFire(.)nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

“It’s this…” Blola expressed his worry as the bundle unfurled itself, revealing the figure of

Orakha who had a blank stare, with drool dripping down the side of his mouth, “I can’t understand what had happened to him. He’s…gone senile.”

“That’s Orakha?” Harla Brimgan got up with a start as she stared at Boul Brimgan, her expression of unease worsening. “Boul…”

“I know, Mother.” Boul Brimgan let out a breath in worry as he ruffled his hair, “It’s just as I


“Something terrible has happened unbeknownst to all of us.”

“Can you revive him another time?” Boul Brimgan stared at Blola to ask, “Won’t he recover

once you do that?”

“The data in me is constantly updated to the Mystic Path’s state prior to death.” Blola shook

his head, “I have revived him thrice now. Every time, he’s revived at the Spirit Stage with only

one unit of Prana. And whatever he has suffered has destroyed his mind. So, the moment he’s revived, the stress placed on his Spirit Container shatters it, turning him into a mortal.”

“Even when I pour Prana into him in an effort to reinforce his Spirit Container and allow it to

heal him, nothing happens.” Blola said, requesting support, “Nothing I try seems to be working on him!”


The double doors to the throne room burst open as Ruvva rushed in, “I felt Uncle Blola’s


“Uncle…Orakha?” Her words paused, in shock, as she laid sight on the drooling face of Orakha,

one lacking any semblance of intelligence or sentience, turned into a sack of flesh that was barely alive, “Is that…”

“What is happening?” She stared at Blola, “Didn’t he leave Sumatra with the Mammoth


“I’m not sure what happened,” Blola expressed his worry, “I was suddenly able to revive him yesterday. And when I revived him, he was in this state.”

“That’s why I rushed him here in a hurry, in hopes that the Brimgan Empire can figure out the

cause.” He stared at Ruvva, “Aren’t Mystic Humans immune to change? Please help Orakha,”


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