I'll Surpass The MC

Chapter 753: Blola Shrieks

Chapter 753: Blola Shrieks

“Wow, that’s a lot of resources!” Brangara commented as Yarsha Zahara extracted the captured Vhalla’s organs-that were biomes-and gave them to him.

As he chucked them into his mouth, he commented casually, “As expected of the First Empyrean Tusk. You’re a lot stronger than Rhanalla.”

Vhalla glared at Brangara as a Mystic Eater extracted her Spirit Container, causing her to lose all her strength as she was stuffed in the Celestial Boar horn, alongside Wrunnala. For an instant, she stared at the captive Wrunnala and understood why only the two of them had been captured.

‘I shouldn’t have remained alive.’ She thought as her eyes, nose, ears, and mouth were covered up, preventing her from knowing what was happening anymore. From time to time, there was a mild prickling sensation in her throat, following which a warm substance flowed into her stomach.

Through Subtle Terrain Domination, Brangara was supplying food to them, ensuring they were alive. Whenever necessary, he also poured in some medicines to keep their bodies healthy. After all, he wanted them to birth Fragment Disease Mammoth Clansman and eventually spawn Empyrean Tusks.

For that, they should remain healthy.

When Yarsha Zahara entered the Sandy-Grey Void to approach Maroppa, Brangara was hiding in her body as a Major Treasure. Moreover, upon reaching the Body Stage and solidifying her influence, Yarsha Zahara gradually reverted the body’s physique to resemble the original Orakha.

That was why even the Mystic Eaters in Maroppa’s possession were fooled, since the presence, appearance, and even the Tertiary Nature was the same.

Currently, Brangara was at the 3-Life Stage. The moment his body at the Varahan Empire reached the peak of the Body Stage, he began to hurriedly digest the Empyrean Tusk corpses to enter the 2-Life Stage and rapidly mature.

In such a fashion, he took a bit over two years to enter the 3-Life Stage. The weakest body was observing the captives-Vhalla and Wrunnala.

The second body stood next to Yarsha Zahara, protecting her while she worked on using Mystic Eaters to modify Maroppa’s Human Avatar. While this was happening, the last body of Brangara was chasing after Vhalla.

When the body split, the second body of Vhalla managed to retain most of her biomes, excluding only the biome that had been infiltrated by the Tangible Natures of Petrified Geese. As she ran away, she found Brangara chasing after her in human form.

“Dammit!” Raaha appeared outside and grunted, activating his three Natures in full strength as he used Empyrean 100 to transform into a Brully and attacked Brangara.

Fierce gales were generated as a result of the impact, rumbling the earth. But the one tanking the attack was the Celestial Boar. There was a large dent on its arms thanks to the attack. The bone had fractured, but two seconds later, it had healed.

“Too bad, you’re not at the 10-Life Stage anymore.” The Celestial Boar chuckled as it stared down the 6-Life Stage Raaha who had transformed into a Brully. “It would have been troublesome otherwise.”

Astral World-Prana Shock x10!

Astral World-Shredded Lunge x8!

Astral World-Eddy Blade x4!

Fierce shockwaves slammed into Raaha as a series of wind blades and Prana blades attacked him, damaging him fiercely. An entire minute later, he died the first time, immediately experiencing a drop in strength.

Forty seconds later, he dropped to the 4-Life Stage. And by the end of the next thirty seconds, he was dropped all the way to the Body Stage, gasping as he glared at the large craters covering the Celestial Boar’s body.

None of the damage was life-threatening as the Celestial Boar healed them in a matter of seconds, ‘The strongest ability of the Celestial Boar isn’t its ridiculously tough body, but its insane regeneration speed.’

‘Even with two Natures of Internal Inertial Gravity combined, I cannot injure him to a serious level.’ Raaha thought as he sighed, ‘Only Mystic Grade Natures are strong enough to work on this monster!’

“The arrogant Mammoth Clan Chief has now been reduced to nothing!” The Celestial Boar grabbed Raaha like a delicate straw and stared with a hint of ridicule, “Any last words?”

“You’ll die a dog’s death, Brangara.” Raaha coughed out blood as his ribs shattered under the pressure exerted by the Celestial Boar’s fingers. His expression became deranged as he bellowed, in utter insanity, “Resha will kill you!”

“Pfft!” The Celestial Boar broke into laughter, “Resha? Of everyone you could have mentioned, you pick Resha?”

“He’s strong, yes. But,” The Celestial Boar raised the strength in its hold and popped Raaha’s body, casually chucking the corpse into his mouth before wiping its drool, “He’s the one I’m least worried about.”

“Even his wife fared better against me that him…wait a second…!” The Celestial Boar assumed human form and clutched his head, frowning as he experienced a mild headache, “Her name was…Yahira, right?”

“Wait! WAIT! Fucking wait!” He plucked his hair out in frustration, muttering in a daze, “She was living in Wrunnala’s biome…”

He patted his stomach next, “And I’ve already digested it…Fuck!”

‘I could have used her to blackmail Resha! It would have been a worthwhile revenge for my daughters…’ He stopped, his expression dark, taking more than two seconds to recall the names of his dead daughters, “What is happening?”

“Why am I so forgetful?” He stared at his hands that had broken out in cold sweat, “Something’s amiss!” S~aʀᴄh the N0ᴠFre.nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

Four days later, he had arrived at a halt, having captured the fleeing body of Vhalla. He glared

at her, seeing that Vhalla had assumed Empyrean Tusk form and activated her Secondary Nature moments before she had been captured.

Now, Brangara would have to drag her all the way back, spending ridiculous amounts of time and effort to do so, since Vhalla was basically a mountain and weighed as much as a mountain range. Even for the Celestial Boar, that required back-breaking effort.

The only other option was to kill her and consume her, which he didn’t wish to do, for she had more use as a birth tool for Empyrean Tusks than his meal. “Fine, you asked for it.”

He touched her body and transformed into a Major Treasure, fusing into her body, following which he generated large amounts of his influence, affecting Vhalla’s biomes, ‘It will take a while, but through the biomes, I’ll influence your Prana and prompt you to assume human form.’

In the meantime, Yarsha Zahara was busy with research, swapping between the bodies of Orakha and Maroppa as she pleased, having subjected both to her influence. ‘Due to the influence I’ve exerted on them, I can’t even extract any information out of them. Their minds have been fully corrupted and their mind spaces are pretty much recked.’

‘However, that doesn’t mean I cannot infer any details.’ She inspected Maroppa’s Spirit Container and muttered, “Somehow, her Secondary Nature has been derived from a Free Human’s Human Avatar.”

She then checked Vhalla’s Spirit Container and explained to Brangara, “It’s the same for all the Empyrean Tusks too.”

“Everything makes sense now.” She nodded and stared at Brangara, “Don’t you remember the time at the Brimgan Empire when they accused us of killing over a hundred Brimgan Royals?”

“Did something like that happen? I’m…not sure.” Brangara thought for a few minutes before shrugging, “Too many things happened back then. I’ll probably have to consume a medicine that can jolt my memory.”

He had consumed it at the Dralh Sea’s Cooter Clan before. Though he didn’t have its recipe, he could try to create something with similar effect.

“It’s fine, don’t bother wasting time and effort on it.” Yarsha Zahara shook her head right as

Brangara was about to research upon the recipe. She then continued to speak, “From what I’m observing, the Natures of the Brimgan Royals have somehow been extracted and fused into the Empyrean Tusks to form their Secondary Nature of Kinesis Lantern Deity.”

“Maroppa’s Grey Kinesis Deity has been created in the same manner.” She said in excitement

and stared at Brangara, “Do you know what this means?”

“No, care to explain?” Brangara scratched his head.

“As long as I figure out the method, I can use it to get Mystic Eaters as my Tertiary Nature.” Yarsha Zahara shrilled in excitement, “And it shouldn’t take me too long!”

“Maroppa practices Mystic Sumatra Art, unlike Orakha who uses Mystic Bone Art!” She

chuckled, “So, even if it takes time, I can gradually extract information from her without any


“Even if the information is polluted, I can fill in the blanks as long as I get the general gist.”

She expressed happily.

“How long do you need?” Brangara asked, sighing a little in response, “We’re running out of

time. if you’re not ready before the Third Major Disaster starts, you’ll lose the opportunity.”

“Third Major Disaster?” Yarsha Zahara laughed as she patted Maroppa’s body, “Just use Bloody Affection on her while I’m using Mystic Sumatra Art.”

“We’ll be done within two years.”

Two years later, at a node situated under the forest home to the race of Enrinos, the Transcendent Eater constantly sucking up nutrients from the ground froze up in response. A few seconds later, Blola’s terrified voice shrieked out, “What the fuck?”

He noticed that he could revive Orakha now, implying that the latter had died. However, the

revival time was only a minute, terrifying him. The revival time depended on the strength of the revival target in response to Blola’s strength.

The current him, at the 4-Life Stage could revive Yennda in a matter of hours. A Mystic Grade

Orakha at the 2-Life Stage ought to have taken him anywhere from two to three months to revive. Based on the memories he gained while improving his strength, now on the verge of

entering the 5-Life Stage, Blola had a list of the revival time necessary for each of the Mystic


However, the data he gained for Orakha was in sharp contrast to the current situation, one where he could revive him in a minute. Blola didn’t waste any time and revived the latter, despairing to see that Orakha had no Nature.

Forget having a Nature. When revived, he appeared at the Spirit Stage, having one unit of Prana. His expression was blank and a second after he was revived, due to whatever he had been subjected to, his Spirit Container was placed in excess stress, causing it to shatter.

Orakha had been reduced to a mortal.

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