I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

939 Testing The Big Weapon

[Hahahaha, just chill out and wait for my arrival]

[And when will this happen?]

[I have… That zombie quest next and the golden quest. After that I’ll be free]

[This… The zombie quest? It will take roughly a month to get done!]

[Oh, someone asked about the apocalypse and its quests, that’s cool]

First time I spoke with him, he gave me the impression that he didn’t recall a single thing about the apocalypse and quests.

And here he was! He did his homework it seemed.

[I got just curious, how come the apocalypse produce little monsters like yourself]

[Don’t lie, you just felt ashamed from your lack of knowledge, hahaha!]

[Damn! I’ll kill you!]

[You need me, hahaha!]

[Fine! I’m going to kill you after you help me]

[That’s funny! Keep dreaming then. Dreams are good for long night sleep, hahaha!]

[Screw you! I’m not joking!]

[Send what we agreed upon when I tell you] we agreed on tons of races, gears, and warriors. So having them right now wouldn’t help.

He didn’t get the right place to send them at, only Silverlining had it.

[I’ll deliver these to your middle man. I’m tired from dealing with such a jerk like yourself]

[Thanks for the compliment]


For a second there, I felt what that damn jerk, the jumper, must have felt all that time while teasing me. To be honest, it felt quite refreshing, hahahaha!

[By the way, you didn’t mention going to Hescos!]

[I’m, by the start of the fifth quest]

[Hmm… Are you ready for it?]

[To be honest? Fighting against an enemy I never saw before isn’t a nice thing]

[I got your meaning. Anyway your little boy is running around, creating a scene for your sake]

[What do you mean?]

[You… Will get it when he tells you. I won’t spoil the surprise, hahaha]

[Ok, I’ll get to know sooner or later, right?]

[Anyway, I want to give you one single piece of advice…]

[Tell old man…]

[Old man my ass! Screw you, won’t say a word!]

[Come on! You’ll die at such a young age if you don’t say, hahahaha!]

[F*ck! But wait… You said young age? That’s right, I’m young, young and handsome, hahahaha]

Well, letting him live in his illusions was the best thing I’d do for him.

[I want to tell you this… Hescos are strong! Don’t underestimate them]

[I’m not, but I lack in all areas to be honest. Besides, like I just said, I don’t know how they look like, how they do fight, and what are their weaknesses]

[Aside from this, you have to prepare lots of explosives]


[Yes, grenades, bombs, anything that would explode. You don’t know explosives?]

[I do, but are they useful?]

[They are the best counter against them]

Oh! At this moment, the importance of my task with the MIT team just skyrocketed in terms of importance.

[Thanks for the advice, it’s really helpful]

[Good luck then, and try to behave yourself better when we meet. I’m warning you ahead, I don’t tolerate any foul tongues and naughty kids around me]

[Kids? Who are you calling a kid?]

[To me you’re just a poor kid, kiddo!]

[Thanks old man!]

[Screw you!]

I closed the chat before it would turn into a fight once more.

“So… I need those big guns to get running before going there,” I knew I could always buy lots of explosives from the market, either the system or through Silverlining.

But that didn’t mean my personal project wasn’t needed. After all, humans were best experienced at dealing with our big cannons and weapons before the time of the apocalypse.

As this task grew more important, I focused on crossing the remaining distance.

I didn’t know if it was thanks to my focus or what, but I got to cross what I thought would take a week in just half the period needed!

“That’s a nice place indeed,” and just as I crossed over the trait and ended up at the new continent, all I saw was long towering trees filling the entire place.

This continent was slightly raised off the level of the ocean. It had no shores, only towering rocky walls that extended all over it.

I didn’t know if this wall would continue to encircle the continent around, or would show gaps in between, allowing shores to exist.

But this place looked secluded enough for my team to live and work.

[I need you to prepare a group of people, workers, and a few who have enough experience to supervise them] As I reached there, I sent this to Angelica.

[You do know that I’m busy at the grand mine, right?]

[I need them, and you got people to order. Make it happen]

[Sigh! When do you need them? Don’t tell me now!]

[No, in a day or so at most]

[That’s not like you! Alright, I’ll make them ready in a few hours. Will send them at the bomb site]

[Bomb site? There are lots of big portals there, why not call it the portal site?]

[I and Lily agreed to name it like this]

[Fine] when ladies agree on something, men have to bow their heads and agree without a single argument.

As I got to this place, it was time for me to test that rocket launcher thing.

I took it out and once I did, I got to see how big this thing was.

Were humans this insane about size? Or did they try to kill each other in such a mad way?

I couldn’t tell. Such a grand weapon was something enough to destroy towns and devastate cities.

I looked at it, checked the back box again before turning it using a few Bulltors around.

I didn’t know how to drive! And that if this truck was still working!

“Get back,” I recalled my Bulltors inside my inventory, calling my chariot to stand by my side.

I didn’t know how this would end up. My best guess was for the entire thing to blow into pieces.


And as I was a man of old times before the apocalypse, I pressed the red button while shouting in such a way.

Then I started to run towards my chariot.

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